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India ran to uncle sam to force Pakistan to retreat!

funny pajeet is talking about dreamland and all that despite being the most ignorant in the world

India Has Surpassed Mexico To Become The Most Ignorant Nation In The World: Survey
Have you read this article ,its study conducted by group of people through quiz , what again a mere quiz, LOL:omghaha:
Your ironbrother china is second on the list , didn't it backfliped at you, LOL:sarcastic::omghaha:
and more amazes me is that pakistan wasn't even considered important to make it to the contestant nations list.:omghaha::nana:

funny pajeet is talking about dreamland and all that despite being the most ignorant in the world
Its more important for you to face the reality rather than me talking about dreamland.:rap:
Have you read this article ,its study conducted by group of people through quiz , what again a mere quiz, LOL:omghaha:
Your ironbrother china is second on the list , didn't it backfliped at you, LOL:sarcastic::omghaha:
and more amazes me is that pakistan wasn't even considered important to make it to the contestant nations list.:omghaha::nana:

Its more important for you to face the reality rather than me talking about dreamland.:rap:

OK pajeet

Doesn't matter. I am happy that we shot it down without showing any mercy

Like how all the true terrorist statements are being displayed for all. Keep it up.
And I notice that you keep using 'pajeet' in each post . You learned a new word ? :-)
And aren't your own grandparents and parents immigrants from India ? So you are basically part of the pajeet family too? Nice :-) !

Now let's talk serious : You spent over 24 hours Googling feverishly the names of your 16 or 17 dead Airmen , why can't you share their names here? Are you still devoted to India genetically that you only pay homage to the IAF men killed in Feb. but you can't care less for the Atlantique dead ? Shame, shame.

Only response needed are the Pakistani names. You are stuck to this forum, I actually have a paying job ! :usflag:

And you are behaving like a true gang rape product who can't differentiate between a father, uncle, stranger or some other relatives..

I am quoting the part of you post that truly defines you and your upbringing. Pathetic.

The rest of your post , as usual, makes little sense and mostly reinforces your terroristic morality.

I wonder if the terrorist support of shooting down women, children and innocent civilian airliners and accusing others of gang rape is the direction that this forum is actively encouraging....
Well, @WebMaster ? Is this encouraged ? Pl. guide the rest of the members so they can learn and adjust their language to brothel levels ( as displayed by this creepy , paying member) accordingly. Surely a few bucks can't be that critical to the survival of this forum ?
Point 5353..

india got back 4 posts out of 5. 1 is still with pakistan....


None of the 5 were captured back by India

Like how all the true terrorist statements are being displayed for all. Keep it up.
And I notice that you keep using 'pajeet' in each post . You learned a new word ? :-)
And aren't your own grandparents and parents immigrants from India ? So you are basically part of the pajeet family too? Nice :-) !

Not everyone from India is a pajeet. Those who left the shithole showing middle finger to it are not. It is basically a mindset.

You are a pajeet because you are one. You know that too.

Now let's talk serious

With a fool like you who believes in the lie that his incompetent airforce shot down a paf F-16 on 27 February 2019??

Ok. Let's give it a try

Only response needed are the Pakistani names.

I have a better challenge

Show me the Blackbox of the Mi-17 that you shot down yourself and was stolen by kashmiri villagers and get a plate of daal which would be far better than the pani wali daal that you give to your soldiers

It wouldn't be much difficult. Would it? After all it was in your controlled territory and nearly a year has passed. :lol:
Like how all the true terrorist statements are being displayed for all. Keep it up.
And I notice that you keep using 'pajeet' in each post . You learned a new word ? :-)
And aren't your own grandparents and parents immigrants from India ? So you are basically part of the pajeet family too? Nice :-) !

Now let's talk serious : You spent over 24 hours Googling feverishly the names of your 16 or 17 dead Airmen , why can't you share their names here? Are you still devoted to India genetically that you only pay homage to the IAF men killed in Feb. but you can't care less for the Atlantique dead ? Shame, shame.

Only response needed are the Pakistani names. You are stuck to this forum, I actually have a paying job ! :usflag:

I am quoting the part of you post that truly defines you and your upbringing. Pathetic.

The rest of your post , as usual, makes little sense and mostly reinforces your terroristic morality.

I wonder if the terrorist support of shooting down women, children and innocent civilian airliners and accusing others of gang rape is the direction that this forum is actively encouraging....
Well, @WebMaster ? Is this encouraged ? Pl. guide the rest of the members so they can learn and adjust their language to brothel levels ( as displayed by this creepy , paying member) accordingly. Surely a few bucks can't be that critical to the survival of this forum ?

This is the worse kind of rambling I've ever come across, self-induced superiority complex embedded in each and every sentence.

This constant reference to India and the heritage you keep mentioning. India is as old as Pakistan, just 70+ years, the claim to ancient heritage is more complicated than merely associating it with India. So, please get real and little humility always shows class. Just so we are clear, the history of Pakistan is as old as the Indus Valley Civilisation.

This was off-topic, but your claims deserved a reply.
I am quoting the part of you post that truly defines you and your upbringing. Pathetic.

The rest of your post , as usual, makes little sense and mostly reinforces your terroristic morality.

I wonder if the terrorist support of shooting down women, children and innocent civilian airliners and accusing others of gang rape is the direction that this forum is actively encouraging....
Well, @WebMaster ? Is this encouraged ? Pl. guide the rest of the members so they can learn and adjust their language to brothel levels ( as displayed by this creepy , paying member) accordingly. Surely a few bucks can't be that critical to the survival of this forum ?
Mighty tall words from a loser who hides behind a fake ID and flags and spends all-day sniffing around my threads and posts.:lol:
I guess when you are the product of a certain culture, there's nothing left for you other than creating a bubble around you and swim in your polluted pond. And who better than you to know what is a brothel level....in earnest that's where you belong regardless what ID you adopt.
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