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India provides money, targets to terrorists in Pak: Terrorist claims on video

The indians are financing the terrorists via the afghan ministry of borders and tribal affairs.
cross posting from another forum :


1) India currently has an extensive diplomatic presence in Afghanistan. It includes the Indian embassy in Kabul and another four consulates in Kandahar, Jalalabad, Mazar-e-Sharif and Herat. These Indian diplomatic missions serve as launching pads for undertaking covert operations against Pakistan, from Afghan soil.

Particularly, the Indian consulates in Kandahar and Jalalabad and their embassy in Kabul are used for clandestine activities inside Pakistan in general and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and Baluchistan in particular.

2) Indian diplomatic and RAW officials have significant ingress in the Afghan ministry of tribal affairs, and are exploiting it to conduct covert activities. Indian agents are instrumental in arranging meetings of tribal elders and Afghans with dual nationalities with Indian consulate officials in Jalalabad, and assisting them in spotting and recruiting suitable tribal elders from Jalalabad and Pakistan's North and South Waziristan Agencies for covert activities.

3) RAW has established its training camps in Afghanistan in collaboration with the Northern Alliance remnants. Approximately 6000 ferraris, or Baluchi tribal dissidents, are getting specialized training to handle explosives, engineer bomb blasts, and use sophisticated weapons in these camps.

4)India is gradually increasing the number of its paramilitary personnel in Afghanistan. It is stationing them there on the pretext of providing security and protection to the Border Roads Organization, which is constructing the Zaranj-Dilaram road, and its consulates. From a few personnel, the strength of Indian troops has reached almost that of a company size force and even includes Black Cat Commandos.

5)The Afghan Police, the Border Security Force and customs officials facilitate the visit of Indian diplomatic staff and intelligence agents to border areas, and help them to hold meetings with dissatisfied pro-Afghan dissidents, anti-state elements, and elders of the area. In this context, meetings of tribal elders are arranged by the Afghan intelligence agency (Riyast-i-Amniyat-i-Milli or RAM) at the behest of those RAW officials who serve in different diplomatic offices of India in Afghanistan. Indian agents are carrying out clandestine activities in the border areas of Khost and in Pakistan's tribal areas of Miranshah with the active support of Afghan Border Security Force officials.

If you remember, after Pakistan took action against the Baluchistan Liberation Army and other elements inside the province, the Indian external affairs ministry was quick to issue an unprecedented statement in December 2005; their strategic writers have started focusing on Baluchistan in their articles.

6) In late February 2006, Musharraf presented Afghan President Hamid Karzai, on his visit here, documents detailing how India was using bases in Afghanistan to foment trouble in Baluchistan and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas. Till date, Afghanistan hasn't rebutted the charges.

Pakistan needs some credential proofs,
whatever is happening, we pakistanis involved to destroy ourselves.
Whos paying money is not so important but who is doing the job is relevant to me or every sane person.
Please provide some source for such claims. Otherwise it is just an unsubstantiated flame.

www.outlookindia.com | 'RAW Is Training 600 Balochis In Afghanistan'

Quote from an Interview of Senator Mushahid Hussain:

Indian diplomatic and RAW officials have significant ingress in the Afghan ministry of tribal affairs, and are exploiting it to conduct covert activities. Indian agents are instrumental in arranging meetings of tribal elders and Afghans with dual nationalities with Indian consulate officials in Jalalabad, and assisting them in spotting and recruiting suitable tribal elders from Jalalabad and Pakistan's North and South Waziristan Agencies for covert activities

Also I've heard from reliable sources that this afghan ministry for borders and tribal affairs is one of the channels through which the indians are channeling money and material for terrorist activities in Pakistan
www.outlookindia.com | 'RAW Is Training 600 Balochis In Afghanistan'

Quote from an Interview of Senator Mushahid Hussain:

Also I've heard from reliable sources that this afghan ministry for borders and tribal affairs is one of the channels through which the indians are channeling money and material for terrorist activities in Pakistan

Can you let us know what makes Mr.Hussain's commentary more credible to be considered as a holy truth and not as a mere here say? .... We have heard numerous such claims-- on numerous occasions -- by numerous Pakistani senators, none attested by other parties.
Can you let us know what makes Mr.Hussain's commentary more credible to be considered as a holy truth and not as a mere here say? .... We have heard numerous such claims-- on numerous occasions -- by numerous Pakistani senators, none attested by other parties.
Coz he is the right hand of muhsy and watever mushy says is like a divine word.
'RAW Is Training 600 Balochis In Afghanistan'

The man widely regarded as Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf's right-hand man claims India is playing the Great Game inside Afghanistan and paints the possibility of it destabilising the region

Above explains everything. Such comments are made by every single Pakistani politician. Usual rants by Pakistani Diplomats. NO proof just claims by same person who is famous for his fictional theories about South block and Indian army's overwhelming role in India's political decision making vis a vis Kashmir and Pakistan.

Mariana Baabar Interviews Mushahid Hussain Sayed

Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed is a man who wears many caps: he is the Pakistan Senate foreign relations committee chairman, the secretary-general of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League, and widely regarded as Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf's right-hand man. A former editor of a major national daily, Hussain knows a thing or two about the unrest in Balochistan. It was a parliamentary committee headed by him that had recommended that the government grant autonomy to the Balochis, and ensure their province wasn't forgotten in the rapid economic development of Pakistan.

Mariana Baabar met Hussain at his residence in Islamabad's upscale E-sector. Though the joke here is that the E is for Extremely Rich, Hussain's own home is modest. His phone keeps ringing as he takes calls from politicians of all ideological hues. Between calls, he talks about the Great Game India's playing inside Afghanistan and its possibility of destabilising the region. Excerpts:

Pakistanis are scared of from their own shadow or may be its their own sins biting back in dreams. What kind of great games Pakistan has played so far in Afghanistan, who she thinks was rival from the very beginning (Duran line, recognition et al) is well know to everyone. Pakistan has tried to destabilized Afghanistan by conducting many experiments on her since day one of its Independence. The last experiment's product was WOT.

Why should Pakistan complain about India having several consulates in Afghanistan? They are two sovereign states.

India currently has an extensive diplomatic presence in Afghanistan. It includes the Indian embassy in Kabul and another four consulates in Kandahar, Jalalabad, Mazar-e-Sharif and Herat. These Indian diplomatic missions serve as launching pads for undertaking covert operations against Pakistan, from Afghan soil. Particularly, the Indian consulates in Kandahar and Jalalabad and their embassy in Kabul are used for clandestine activities inside Pakistan in general and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and Balochistan in particular.

Pakistan has same numbers of consulate in Afghanistan, they are as extensive as Indian ones. Role of India against Pakistan may not have been exposed by any independent source but Indian mission has been targeted by ISI (indicated by American agencies). If ISI has the potential to conduct such deadly attacks on Indian embassy then one can assume what kind of support and logistics they can organize in Afghanistan any given day. Pakistan should stop acting saint here or victim.

Are you alleging that the Indian Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) is involved?
Indian diplomatic and RAW officials have significant ingress in the Afghan ministry of tribal affairs, and are exploiting it to conduct covert activities.
"India has sizeable ingress in the Afghan ministry of tribal affairs, and is using it for covert activities against Pakistan."

Indian agents are instrumental in arranging meetings of tribal elders and Afghans with dual nationalities with Indian consulate officials in Jalalabad, and assisting them in spotting and recruiting suitable tribal elders from Jalalabad and Pakistan's North and South Waziristan Agencies for covert activities.

No proof again. Rather when Taliban was in power an Indian airline plane was hijacked and Pakistan based terrorists were supported, sheltered by the same regime. Furthermore those terrorists entered into Pakistan and now freely roaming around doing rally and recruiting Jihadis against India.

India has all the rights to fasten its diplomatic relationship with Afghan ministers and GoA, this is what Pakistan may be doing. If Afghans do not trust Pakistani mission then its not India's fault.

Are you then saying that RAW has managed a strong presence inside Afghanistan after the ouster of the Taliban?

RAW has established its training camps in Afghanistan in collaboration with the Northern Alliance remnants. Approximately 600 ferraris, or Baloch tribal dissidents, are getting specialised training to handle explosives, engineer bomb blasts, and use sophisticated weapons in these camps.

Another gaseous claim, Northern alliance strong hold are nowhere near Balochistan. Furthermore under such a heavy presence of NATO and many other nation's missions including aid agencies India can not risk its Image for sake of destabilizing Balochistan; which has its own intrinsic triggers and resources to keep separatist movement against GoP afloat. There are 10s of proactive terrorist groups in Pakistan. 100s of them have been banned by Punjab province govt. only. How they are managing to conduct themselves as an out law organization demands answer from Mr. Hussein?

Has India revived its links with the leaders of the erstwhile Northern Alliance who are in power in Afghanistan today?
India has invested heavily in its old connections with the leaders of the erstwhile Northern Alliance. It has sizeable support in Afghan parliament. Before the Afghan elections last year, the Indian ambassador called the Northern Alliance's major leadership at his residence and paid them a handsome amount to run their election campaign.

India has supported and help NA openly from the very start, its not a such big revealing breaking NEWS!

Are allegations of India placing troops in Afghanistan correct?
India is gradually increasing the number of its paramilitary personnel in Afghanistan. It is stationing them there on the pretext of providing security and protection to the Border Roads Organisation, which is constructing the Zaranj-Dilaram road, and its consulates. From a few personnel, the strength of Indian troops has reached almost that of a company size force and even includes Black Cat Commandos.

India updated its security apparatus after attacks on her mission and target killings of its nationals.
India can not operate its mission in such a vulnerable country with the services of its ordinary citizens. If people from military or specific agencies are seen working in Afghanistan then there shouldn't be any surprise to anyone.

Is the Afghan state helping India in these operations?
Yes, the Afghan Police, the Border Security Force and customs officials facilitate the visit of Indian diplomatic staff and intelligence agents to border areas, and help them to hold meetings with dissatisfied pro-Afghan dissidents, anti-state elements, and elders of the area. In this context, meetings of tribal elders are arranged by the Afghan intelligence agency (Riyast-i-Amniyat-i-Milli or RAM) at the behest of those RAW officials who serve in different diplomatic offices of India in Afghanistan. Indian agents are carrying out clandestine activities in the border areas of Khost and in Pakistan's tribal areas of Miranshah with the active support of Afghan Border Security Force officials.

If Indians are operating with the help of Afghanistan then there is something seriously wrong between both twin brothers. Especially when Pakistan is projecting herself as a party to negotiation between NATO, GoA and Taliban.

If you remember, after Pakistan took action against the Baluchistan Liberation Army and other elements inside the province, the Indian external affairs ministry was quick to issue an unprecedented statement (see story below) in December 2005; their strategic writers have started focusing on Baluchistan in their articles. This does not bode well for peace and stability in the region. I have no doubt that this will backfire on India.

India has all the right to raise the voice against HR violations done by anyone in any country. India has condemned Israel many times and just recently after the attack on aid flotilla.
India has all the right to raise the voice against HR violations done by anyone in any country. India has condemned Israel many times and just recently after the attack on aid flotilla. [/B][/COLOR]

How about they raise their voice against their human rights violations in Kashmir :disagree:
The indians are financing the terrorists via the afghan ministry of borders and tribal affairs.

Pakistani intelligence agencies were involved in 2008 Indian embassy bombing in Kabul, Afghanistan. In which 58 innocent people killed and 141 wounded.

Source: New York Times

Then again in 2009 Indian embassy attack in Kabul. In which 17 innocent people killed and 63 wounded. This time also Pakistani intelligence agencies involved.

Source: Al Jazeera

Then again in 2010, Indian guest house was attacked in Kabul. In which 18 innocent people were killed including 9 Indian nationals and 36 wounded. Again Pakistani intelligence were involved.

Source: New York Times
Difference being Kasab a pakistani terrorist caught by Indian forces and him taking out his accompliaces names.

Hafiz Usman Mujahid, a wanted terrorist belonging to banned outfit Lahkar-e-Jhangvi is a terrorist organisation based in pakistan.

Both are belonging to banned outfits, there is no difference among the two.

That even proves that he is lying. When Indians say something they are not doing that means they are lying. Remember India used to deny they do not support Muqti Bani. It is the same Indian Government lies, just different faces.

Pakistan needs to bring this in discussion whenever a foreign leader comes because that is what the shaboos are doing. Indians stop your lies, even CIA knows that RAW is involved.

Now Indians going to come and say you have any proof.
How about they raise their voice against their human rights violations in Kashmir :disagree:

the indian army is is killing the terrorist rats roaming in kashmir valley, its not called as human rights violation its called pest control :cheers:
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