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Featured India plans to attempt surgical strikes against Pakistan: FM Qureshi in UAE

we showed same type of kindness on your 93000 army for one year full , may allah guide you people .

lol :sarcastic:
it looks you do not know the inside story told by ayaz sadiq.

Ayaz Sadiq is just another opportunistic politician wanting to score brownie points at the cost of national interest. As for the outcome of that encounter, the proof is in the pudding. Two aircrafts lost on that day, both Indian. Infact one was shot down by your own forces. Talk about panic and taangein Kaampna lol
Question - If Pakistan knows India will do something dangerous, then why wait for it to happen? Why not preempt this and attack indian Air Force and Ground forces and destroy the bastar.ds? Why wait for the attack and get killed??
Question - If Pakistan knows India will do something dangerous, then why wait for it to happen? Why not preempt this and attack indian Air Force and Ground forces and destroy the bastar.ds? Why wait for the attack and get killed??
I don't think we can.
If we do it first, trump would be calling Imran, the whole world will call it Pakistani aggression.
But if we let the Indians strike first and then respond, we get the upper hand in the narrative and perception. Whatever the case is, militarily Pakistan will win, but there's a political risk with Pakistan attacking first.
Question - If Pakistan knows India will do something dangerous, then why wait for it to happen? Why not preempt this and attack indian Air Force and Ground forces and destroy the bastar.ds? Why wait for the attack and get killed??

All our narrative building would go to waste and we would be painted as aggressors. It's also not in our economic interest to start a conflict.
we showed same type of kindness on your 93000 army for one year full , may allah guide you people .

lol :sarcastic:
it looks you do not know the inside story told by ayaz sadiq.
And when we ruled you for a 1000 years be grateful we didn't exterminate you. Then we only took Pakistan and Bangladesh from you...

Notice you still want Pakistan and Bangladesh back...cry me a river and enjoy a cup of the warm cow golden juice
And when we ruled you for a 1000 years be grateful we didn't exterminate you. Then we only took Pakistan and Bangladesh from you...

Notice you still want Pakistan and Bangladesh back...cry me a river and enjoy a cup of the warm cow golden juice
turk afghani ruled you not hindus .
pakistanis like punjabis were subdued hindu masses who could not resist Muslim invaders and surrendered their religion .hindus of india kept fighting and expelled muslims .we never were ruled by muslims we fought muslims and uprooted them from india .
it was the best thing in history that majority of Muslims got out from our country in 1947 . nobody in india wants muslims to join india again .
Ayaz Sadiq is just another opportunistic politician wanting to score brownie points at the cost of national interest. As for the outcome of that encounter, the proof is in the pudding. Two aircrafts lost on that day, both Indian. Infact one was shot down by your own forces. Talk about panic and taangein Kaampna lol

no doubt we lost two aircrafts .
but what ayaz sadiq told was the reality , india was ready to go to war if our pilot was not released that day .
To cut the cost of living in an perpetual defensive manoeuvre. Pakistans growth need stability not a stable threat.

India claims Chinese interests in Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir as violation of its sovereign claim over the disputed territories. However India strictly refuses to call the dispute as trilateral but insists on its bilateral nature with Pakistan.

You as a chum of Nawaz "the indicted criminal" are ok with it!!
Nawaz traitor has caused untold damage to Pakistan and its interests. He is a "Ghaddar" and should be treated as one.

Maryam is a step further from him. if she is not stopped now, the consequences would be horrendous for Pakistan, mark my words.
no doubt we lost two aircrafts .
but what ayaz sadiq told was the reality , india was ready to go to war if our pilot was not released that day .
Do you really believe India would have gone to war over one person.....the humiliation of IAF pilot being shot down, slapped around and getting captured was complete....he had disclosed all to his investigators....there was no further use of him.
And once again remember, India is no Israel and Pakistan certainly no Palestine.
Question - If Pakistan knows India will do something dangerous, then why wait for it to happen? Why not preempt this and attack indian Air Force and Ground forces and destroy the bastar.ds? Why wait for the attack and get killed??

there is no such danger of attack from india .we are already under problem .
Common sense says... by no means India can consider attacking Pakistan.
Clown SMQ is turning Pakistan into a laughter stock.
With his boring but deliberate statements, he is ruining the respect, which Pakistan airforce earned on 27th February.
Do you really believe India would have gone to war over one person.....the humiliation of IAF pilot being shot down, slapped around and getting captured was complete....he had disclosed all to his investigators....there was no further use of him.
And once again remember, India is no Israel and Pakistan certainly no Palestine.

yes modi can do it.
you know how serious was shah Mahmood quraishi when he said
" khuda ke liye ise jane do otherwise india is going to attack us at 9 o clock "
The Bangladesh factor in a future Pakistan India conflict.
Can Bangladeshi "neutrality" be taken for granted? Is it far fetched to assume Bangladesh is not neutral and does pose a very minuscule but still possible threat to Pakistan?
Let's look at the facts:
Bangladesh has supported Indian "surgical strikes" against Pakistan.
Particularly in 2019 and also before, there have threats made by the Bangladesh against Pakistan and Bangladesh has consistently and unequivocally supported Indian aggression against Pakistan.
Bangladesh supported both "surgical strikes " against Pakistan, Indian airstrikes, and Indian Airforce action ( Example: Downing of a PN Atlantic aircraft in a training mission inside Pakistani air space in 1999)

Bangladesh is in a formal military and economic alliance with India. So far Bangladeshi forces and military officials have only maintained an observer status during Indian operations against Pakistan ( Operation Brasstacks in 1987).

With a new aggressively Hindutva fascist governments in both India and Bangladesh, the possibility of Bangladeshi military participation in
war with Pakistan is very real.
Bangladesh's military contribution to India's war effort will be modest, and the aim of India involving Bangladesh would be for propaganda purposes showing an anti-Pakistan coalition just as the USA brought Mongolian troops to fight in Iraq as part of the "coalition". The presence of the Mongols ( all 100 of them) was to demoralize the Iraqis recalling the sack of Baghdad by Hulaku Khan in 1258 C.E.
Similarly the presence of Bangladeshi troops on the Lahore front would in India's eyes be demoralizing to Pakistan evoking memories of the 1971 Civil War.

Realistically what would be Bangladesh's contribution to India's military actions on Pakistan's eastern borders.

A few BAF Su 30s would probably be flying operations in support of the IAF and the Bangladesh Navy would probably be assisting Indian Navy operations in the Palk Straits trying to intercept Pakistani maritime traffic en-route to Chjna , but the ground participation of the Bangladeshi troops would be modest. Bangladesh would probably like to avoid casualties hoping for a grand re-enactment of 1971 with the heavy lifting done by India.

We have already war gamed the India Pakistan ultimate showdown scenario and how the war would escalate.
The question is how would Pakistan treat Bangladesh in the nuclear escalation. Pakistani submarines would doubtless target Bangladeshi commercial maritime traffic through the Arabian sea.
We could war game a huge number of scenarios elsewhere but to conclude with the question:

In an ultimate Apocalypse Pakistan would be targeting Kolkata. Would Pakistan strike Dhaka and the rest of Bangladesh as well, knowing that the vast majority of the civilian deaths would be of our so called "brethren in faith" ?
Ayaz Sadiq is just another opportunistic politician wanting to score brownie points at the cost of national interest. As for the outcome of that encounter, the proof is in the pudding. Two aircrafts lost on that day, both Indian. Infact one was shot down by your own forces. Talk about panic and taangein Kaampna lol

Do you believe he was lying? or you are trying to discredit him by calling him opportunist on the occasion!
Imagine the difficulty of the people, who are not biased... we have to listen to every one without any prejudice.
I swear, i have read on this forum by the elite... that India is preparing an all out attack this is why Abhinandan was released.
You as a chum of Nawaz "the indicted criminal" are ok with it!!
Nawaz traitor has caused untold damage to Pakistan and its interests. He is a "Ghaddar" and should be treated as one.

Maryam is a step further from him. if she is not stopped now, the consequences would be horrendous for Pakistan, mark my words.

What has this to do with what I said?
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