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Featured India plans to attempt surgical strikes against Pakistan: FM Qureshi in UAE

Why doesn't Pakistan go for a deterrent strike to counter the surgical strike?

What is the next logical step otherwise this could have been a TV report as well, why give an already rich Qureshi, government stipends?

there should be a better way to make the news than this.

also don't the armed forces now have exclusive powers? or do these powers become active after India breaches sovereignty of the Vaterland.

all propaganda no surgical strike , modi is fooling everyone .
The venue is quite interesting: the UAE!!! Iran has also declared anything goes wrong with her Dubai’s high rise pyramids will be falling down!! Everybody hates the UAE....
world knows pakistan is crying wolf ,nobody is going to believe you . they know all what goes in pakistan deep state .
and they also knows that you crying like Dehati aurat after every big terrorist event in India and blame it on Pakistan WITHOUT ANY SOLID PROOFS

You want war in subcontinent sir if Pakistan will do so called deterrent strike and India will remain calm after you stupid idea, it might be turn out full fledged conventional war or may be will turn into nuclear

really stupid idea sir
i am sorry about the idea. i take it back
According to pdf the last "surgical strike" just killed a bunch of trees. If so then why have your foreign minister and PM spent the last 2 years warning the world of another Indian "surgical strike". Are trees really that important to Pakistanis??

Yes, nobody can dares to come and damage trees in our land. Las time it happened, we humiliated you by shooting down your jets, bombing your military brigade HQ, releasing videos as evidence, and you ended up shooting down your own jet in desperation :lol:

Indian Wing Commander Bloodied and Captured.jpg
Mig-21 Downed.jpg

And oh btw, its not just Pakistanis..... :D

ALL neutral sources confirm no target hit.png

This is how the world media reported to tens of millions of Intl audiences. You were literally owned by Pakistan military as usual

Business Insider on India's Embarrassing Failure.jpg
India lost dogfight to Pak.png
NY Times saying Pak Humiliated India.jpg
If India miscalculate it could lead to full fledged war and Nuclear war. They did miscalculate last time but this time there might be no point of return. India will only risk such miscalculation if it wants a full fledged war otherwise it won't pursue such risky knife edge and dengerous choices. India will not take this path
Why we are repeating this over and over again. Are we in some constant fear that we have to say this again and again. When we knew we can hit them back badly like we did last year then just wait and let them try their luck again.
100% agreed... If you have intel, you will prepare and give surprise during raid and show India in poor light...
If you say surgical stike every day... It becomes stale and no one cares after some time...
Why doesn't Pakistan go for a deterrent strike to counter the surgical strike?
Why would Pakistan do that? What will we gain? Knowing the crazy psychopaths your media houses and irresponsible politcians are, they'd have a field day. I swear, India weeps and cries "ISI, ISI" or "Pakistan ki Na Pak Sajjish" the moment even a Pakistani pigeon farts in Indian airspace. We need you to initiate aggression, then we'd quietly let you celebrate it in a huge fashion, obviously lying about your accomplished mission stats, while in the mean time we show the world we were attacked. Once you have an amazing day in celebration, and we've laid the foundation for our story, we will hit back and we will hit back HARD.

What is the next logical step otherwise this could have been a TV report as well, why give an already rich Qureshi, government stipends?

there should be a better way to make the news than this.

also don't the armed forces now have exclusive powers? or do these powers become active after India breaches sovereignty of the Vaterland.

You should actually be ashmed of yourself. First explain the reason why India is mobilizing to attack Pak? It has to be a legitimate reason, Pakistan is expressing defensive maneavours and you are finding faults? You want us to do nothing? Lie down and let you walk all over us?

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