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Featured India plans to attempt surgical strikes against Pakistan: FM Qureshi in UAE

Like many economies around the world. The UAE has felt the effects of the covid-19 but things look hopeful for a full recovery. Broke ? come on yar ....

regarding this news. I hope the very best for both countries. i.e. no war breaking out .....

I have many Pakistani and Indian friends , they are great people. I hate politics ....
Broke in economic terms , not like people are broke. Real estate is market mover in Dubai. Real estate is sluggish and public find new venues for investment. May be Dubai should start Crypto currency. Wordwide economic and investment dynamics are changing at very fast pace.
You loose credibility when nothing happens. Credibility is gold in international relations.
You hit only few trees and dead crow nothing else, world satellites expert says you hit nothing within your claims of hitting 300 so called Terrorist, and all these satellite pics were shown in world news media, world buys our narratives on 2/26/2019,2/27/2019 not yours

and you didn't answer my question, DOES INDIA ALLOW TO INDUDE/VIOLATE ITS AIRSPACE????
"Pakistan has been putting out such warnings since last year when India revoked article 370..."

Correct. A lot has changed since your boy Nawaz got ousted and aman ki asha died an ignominious death. India and Pakistan are in a periodically interrupted state of permanent ceasefire, no less. PTI will announce this reality regularly too, lest we forget what you hindutva filth are doing behind our backs. Presumably you were hoping we would hold your hand and invite you to our children's weddings.

No more free passes for Delhi. Every bit of hindutva aggression - passive, clandestine and active alike - will be flagged. You can't smiley smiley head bobble to our faces but bughul mein churi behind our backs any more. Pakistan has learned a lot in the last five years.

You people seemingly always harboured a disease-like obsession to undo even your own history where it didn't suit your saffron agenda. Pakistan has always been an echo of that unpalatable history for your ignorant kind. Even I wasn't aware of this until recently. Hindustan and its representatives have lost any hope of exerting soft influence on Pakistanis, hence hard power is your only chance against us.

Many of us - myself included - once felt Pakistan and India had a viable future as partners. That's all changed. Indians have shown their true saffron mindset, and we have paid full attention during this grand reveal. Where Pakistanis and Indians could once have been partners, we will now have nothing to do with each other. Your biggest problem isn't the dozen or so howling bearded lunatics who want to kill all Hindus, your problem is the sixth of a billion enlightened and peace loving folk who will enable and witness the termination of the Hindustani project within their lifetimes without a shred of regret or nostalgia.

Hence, we are permanently en garde and steadfastly resolved. Pakistan is here to stay, and as long as we keep the pmln and ppp shills out, it will always be a Pakistan of our choosing, not the Pakistan you would like to see.
According to pdf the last "surgical strike" just killed a bunch of trees. If so then why have your foreign minister and PM spent the last 2 years warning the world of another Indian "surgical strike". Are trees really that important to Pakistanis??
Any attack symbolic or otherwise can have repercussions. The so called terrorist camp which India attacked is actually a madrassa for Quran learning with 300+ students. Imagine if the bomb had impacted the building and killed students? Pakistan would have declared an all out war something which can turn ugly very soon. It is not exactly the kind of attack but the idea that India has attacked which will open a way for an all out war.
Tensions are high since past month and india been planning.

"Pakistan has been putting out such warnings since last year when India revoked article 370..."


Crying wolf... :lol:

Considering only a week ago sitting Lok Shaba member, Minister of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises as well as Shiv Sena member Arvind Sawant himself blamed the ongoing farmers protests on Pakistan and China and demanded surgical strikes on our nations you think Qureshi is wrong?
‘Immediately conduct surgical strike on China, Pakistan’: Sanjay Raut on minister’s remark on farmers' protest

Why is India planning this now ? I mean what excuse this time ...modi obsession with Pakistan is never ending it seems

Just as Qureshi stated, they want to distract the public and worlds attention from the plight of the peoples suffering under the tyranny of India like the ongoing farmers protests.

India's Arvind Sawant himself demanded surgical strikes in Pakistan and China who he blamed for the ongoing protests.

Obama said it best:

" Violence, both public and private, remained an all-too-pervasive part of Indian life. Expressing hostility towards Pakistan was still the quickest route to national unity"

So are they accepting the first one?

Don't they teach meaning of 'attempt' in RSS Gaoshala? Idiot

The word "attempt" doesn't imply that the first one was successful.

However, the Balakot strikes were... at destroying our trees. However, you still made it across the border at least some of you did.

If a lesson was delivered in 2019, Indians would have not forgotten it by now.

9 shots out of 9 locks this time insha'Allah....

I agree, should have dealt maximum casualties and damage to ensure these terrorists don't repeat the same mistake ever again.

We simply need to support our men in uniform and our government in these challenging times.

Many of us - myself included - once felt Pakistan and India had a viable future as partners. That's all changed.

Like the Arabs who supprot those despots that think they have a viable future with Zionists:

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bad move by our FM, in UAE,
no one bought his potatos,
the result of wasted trip -will emerge in comming weeks,
adios--------pir jee
There's a reason he has the post of FM and not the likes of you and me.
Keep in mind who visited the likes of UAE and KSA just a few days earlier.
Any attack symbolic or otherwise can have repercussions. The so called terrorist camp which India attacked is actually a madrassa for Quran learning with 300+ students. Imagine if the bomb had impacted the building and killed students? Pakistan would have declared an all out war something which can turn ugly very soon. It is not exactly the kind of attack but the idea that India has attacked which will open a way for an all out war.

If the FM and PM of Pakistan were confident then a single statement would be enough of a warning, Hit us and we'll hit you back. Simple.

Why all these warnings about India? Say something once and let it happen. Instead of saying something repeatedly and it never comes to fruition.

It just shows weakness.
If the FM and PM of Pakistan were confident then a single statement would be enough of a warning, Hit us and we'll hit you back. Simple.

Why all these warnings about India? Say something once and let it happen. Instead of saying something repeatedly and it never comes to fruition.

It just shows weakness.
We are not aggressor country like you're in recent past
You hit only few trees and dead crow nothing else, world satellites expert says you hit nothing within your claims of hitting 300 so called Terrorist, and all these satellite pics were shown in world news media, world buys our narratives on 2/26/2019,2/27/2019 not yours

and you didn't answer my question, DOES INDIA ALLOW TO INDUDE/VIOLATE ITS AIRSPACE????

No. But contrast how the Indian FM is dealing with China vs your FM dealing with India. To avoid war, our FM talks to China even though they killed our soldiers. Your FM is on a world tour to get other countries to talk to India. ...That is insecurity.
We are not aggressor country like you're in recent past

You want territory that under Indian control. Who is the aggressor?
If the FM and PM of Pakistan were confident then a single statement would be enough of a warning, Hit us and we'll hit you back. Simple.

Why all these warnings about India? Say something once and let it happen. Instead of saying something repeatedly and it never comes to fruition.

It just shows weakness.
Your clay footed Netas don't miss the opportunity to blame the ISI for even a miscarriage in India, every shot and bang is blamed due to cross border infiltration....not to mention a volume of terminologies created by the Delhi Drama Queens....cold start, surgical strikes, cross border raid, Leopard's urine, Cloud cover to name a few.....I guess in Indian mentality that is a sign of being a micro power.
Pakistan should have bombed the indian army barracks in occupied kashmir after balokot instead of bombing empty ground and if paf had the indian jets in their raders they shouldhave shot them down
The responce should have a made them never to think it about surgical strikes for a century.pakistan needs to arm and infilitrate more freedom fighters aswell as train them in ied explosives to target indian convoys...usa with fatf can take a jump as long china vetos blacklist nothing can be done
No. But contrast how the Indian FM is dealing with China vs your FM dealing with India. To avoid war, our FM talks to China even though they killed our soldiers. Your FM is on a world tour to get other countries to talk to India. ...That is insecurity.

You want territory that under Indian control. Who is the aggressor?
Your FM went to Russia for mediation and the feeble Sino-Indian "agreement" came from Moscow.
India didn't even summon the Chinese Ambassador or issue a demand for return of 30+ prisoners.
No expulsion of envoys, no closure of airspace, no lobbying with John Bolton that India has the "right to defense".
That treatment is reserved for Pakistan.
A bully is always a coward.
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