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Featured India plans to attempt surgical strikes against Pakistan: FM Qureshi in UAE


As I remember during the last surgical strike no one supported to Pakistan including chinese media was telling that india attacked on the Militant launch paid.
LOL FM, FM, FM... Haven't you figured it out yet? Holding sermons in the UAE? Really? Why wouldn't the FM bring up the case of looted money from Pakistan in the UAE? Billions of dollars illegally channeled to the UAE and invested in luxurious properties and businesses by phone expats. No taxes paid. Our sacred brother UAE welcoming the illegal investment with open arms.

I really hope that India conducts a surgical strike. This is the only thing that pushes these pathetic leaders to action. Put them under severe pressure. These pathetic leaders have lost touch with reality. Sitting among those that pressure to accept Israel LOL These people are so moronic that words cannot describe it. It is deja vu all over again.
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If the FM and PM of Pakistan were confident then a single statement would be enough of a warning, Hit us and we'll hit you back. Simple.

Why all these warnings about India? Say something once and let it happen. Instead of saying something repeatedly and it never comes to fruition.

It just shows weakness.

You aren't very intelligent.. are you?

We have just warned the world against your actions, given proofs, dossiers etc, We have built the narrative and the world can clearly see what is what, so just in case you do attack.. we have a LEGITIMATE reason to blast you off the face of the planet.

Go play Civilization 6, you might learn something about waging war in the modern century.

P.S. Last year we gave you a clear warning - and lived up to it 12 hours later.

As I remember during the last surgical strike no one supported to Pakistan including chinese media was telling that india attacked on the Militant launch paid.

Here's what I remember:

1. SU-30MKI shot down
2. Mig-21 Bison shot down
3. Mig pilot captured.
4. Mig pilot fed tea - the cost of the tea was a Mig-21
5. India threatening PAK with Brahmos (Meaning India was not confident in its conventional capability)
6. India backing down after PAK's missile response threat.
7. Your monkey politicians calling for war on 25th Feb / Asking for peace on 27th.
8. Indian anchors doing their best to prove F-16 was shot down -unable to do so.
9. Christine Fair confirmed that NO F-16 was SHOT DOWN.
10. Oh - almost forgot, PAF intruded your airspace, successfully delivered all packages and returned unchallenged.
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Pakistan should have bombed the indian army barracks in occupied kashmir after balokot instead of bombing empty ground and if paf had the indian jets in their raders they shouldhave shot them down
The responce should have a made them never to think it about surgical strikes for a century.pakistan needs to arm and infilitrate more freedom fighters aswell as train them in ied explosives to target indian convoys...usa with fatf can take a jump as long china vetos blacklist nothing can be done

Well, that should have been done, automatically.
But Pakistanis had been given chill pills for far too long. Indians are thinking about "Sir G Kal Strike" again , because they get away with it with bare minimum damage last time.
I had been saying it from that moment. It showed weakness from PAF/PA.
If reports are true, Pakistan should retaliated as if there will be no next time. If we don’t, next time, next time and again next time and Pakistan will cease to exist.

because this is a tactic used to destroy empires in past centuries.

I know I’m not in Pakistan and I can’t call for something which could lead to full war, but we as Pakistanis should be aware of events of past centuries and not let history repeat itself.
May protect my Pakistan and all my brothers and sisters wherever they are.
And you also want our part GB/AJK, and yes we want peaceful solution of Kashmir issue

That is peace on your terms. We are happy with the current status quo.
You aren't very intelligent.. are you?

We have just warned the world against your actions, given proofs, dossiers etc, We have built the narrative and the world can clearly see what is what, so just in case you do attack.. we have a LEGITIMATE reason to blast you off the face of the planet.

Go play Civilization 6, you might learn something about waging war in the modern century.

P.S. Last year we gave you a clear warning - and lived up to it 12 hours later.

Here's what I remember:

1. SU-30MKI shot down
2. Mig-21 Bison shot down
3. Mig pilot captured.
4. Mig pilot fed tea - the cost of the tea was a Mig-21
5. India threatening PAK with Brahmos (Meaning India was not confident in its conventional capability)
6. India backing down after PAK's missile response threat.
7. Your monkey politicians calling for war on 25th Feb / Asking for peace on 27th.
8. Indian anchors doing their best to prove F-16 was shot down -unable to do so.
9. Christine Fair confirmed that NO F-16 was SHOT DOWN.
10. Oh - almost forgot, PAF intruded your airspace, successfully delivered all packages and returned unchallenged.

Then we should be the scarred ones looking for help and warning the world.
That is peace on your terms. We are happy with the current status quo.
Fcuk, don't lie, your govt/ media doing 24/7 propaganda that GB/AJK is your part and objecting CPEC projects in these areas before that you have no issue, i know its your fault but your govt/media brainwashed the common people of India, and you religion/culture/govt/military/country believes in deceptions and lies


Why doesn't Pakistan go for a deterrent strike to counter the surgical strike?

What is the next logical step otherwise this could have been a TV report as well, why give an already rich Qureshi, government stipends?
yes but international media also reported that you miss the target :enjoy: ;)

there should be a better way to make the news than this.

also don't the armed forces now have exclusive powers? or do these powers become active after India breaches sovereignty of the Vaterland.
Why doesn't Pakistan go for a deterrent strike to counter the surgical strike?

What is the next logical step otherwise this could have been a TV report as well, why give an already rich Qureshi, government stipends?
You want war in subcontinent sir if Pakistan will do so called deterrent strike and India will remain calm after you stupid idea, it might be turn out full fledged conventional war or may be will turn into nuclear

really stupid idea sir
This had become trend now for every week to announce it here and there. Nothing significance, Mid west and west is allied behind India, I would have expected FM to work on real issue of Immigrant visa, rather he deflected to useless usual weekly song of Indian attack. and outcome of real issue ( immigrant) is zero. Pakistani visa are still suspended for god knows how long in future, it is threat of $20B+ yearly.
This had become trend now for every week to announce it here and there. Nothing significance, Mid west and west is allied behind India, I would have expected FM to work on real issue of Immigrant visa, rather he deflected to useless usual weekly song of Indian attack. and outcome of real issue ( immigrant) is zero. Pakistani visa are still suspended for god knows how long in future, it is threat of $20B+ yearly.
Yaar there is other important than immigrant visa issue like fix the economy, building infrastructure, fix corruptions, fix energy problems etc etc
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