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India-Pakistan war games, and Cold Start

In 2001 Bush had declared India as an ally and China as a competitor, thus all informal weapons embargo on India had been lifted while arms and technological embargoes on China had been not only maintained but tightened. India as it could purchase any Hitech weapons and Weapons of Mass destruction from the US and Israel is becoming more aggressive towards Pakistan and China. In the 80's and 90's border claims had remained taboo, now India could voice out all its border claim and talk of the US war strategy of Cold Start given that the West will support India in terms of supplies of weapons, logistics and communication in a war against Pak and China. India is thus investing massively in purchasing WMD from the US, Sionist and EU instead of investing in infrastructure, sanitation, health care etc in view of competing against China in economic terms.
In 2005 Western economist predicted that India will surpass China in 2010. What we see in 2010? India is only the 10th economic power while China will be the 2nd major economic power in 2010. :victory:According to Forbes China has surpassed India in number of Billionares despite that fact that income is more equitably distributed in China compare to India. Westerners are dreaming that India will surpass CHina in etc etc. But what we see in 2010. India is still 20 years lagging behind China in infrastructure, sanitation, basic health care etc. Indians are still poorer, dirtier, darker and Mumbai and NDelhi the dirtiest citiies in the World compare to modern and extravaganza cities of Shanghai, Guangzhou etc.
Westerners are praying India to surpass China and using India in a proxy war against China. India is becoming a muppet nation used to offset Chinese growing economic power.
In 2009 Soros and western investors predicted that China would burst out and fall apart due to real estate speculation and highly inflated economic growth. But what have we seen? It is Europe and the EUro which are falling apart due to heavy debt crisis in Greece, Spain, Portugal Uk etc:victory:
In 2009 China is declared the biggest polluting foe in the World. But what we see in 2010? British Petroleum making massive oil spilling off the coast of the US killing the unique fauna there.
Again in 2008 Westerners predicted that China would not be able to organize the Beijing Olympic and due to pollution many events would need to be cancelled. In contrast China had staged the biggest show in the World with record breaking sporting events in swimming and athletics despite Sichuan earthquake caused by US magnetic bomb and CIA funded Tibetan and Ouighour riots. India could organize the Olympic and World expo only in a Bollywood film. The Shanghai world expo is the biggest such event organized.
In fact India will never surpass China given that Indians are lagging in infrastructure, basic education, while there are investments diversion in weapons purchase but also because Indians are more lazy compare to a standard Chinese worker, they lack working dsicipline and bureaucracy is hindering investment and working acumen.:bounce:
Moreover India is being promoted by the West as an emerging power simply to offset Chinese growing power. Indians feel that they are rich and white because Bollywood films are protraying all Indians as rich and all Indians women have pale skin. In reality India is a poor country where all Indians are even darker than black Africans. :rofl:
Face the reality poor slumdogs and stop of living in the virtual world of Bollywood.:rofl::rofl::china::pakistan:
I see, so the trick for India (coming from an arm chair soldier) will be to:

A. Seize initiative. Else losses are higher since if you dont plunder the enemy in time he can return the favour. The conventional threshold will have to be very low. Something like start of another 26/11. As soon as fundus call their handlers in Pakistan for directions. We can get busy with fixing blame later (for foreign Govt.'s consumption).
B. Make sure there is continuous tracking of all mobile military assets with the enemy and train conventional missiles in a state of readiness at fixed targets, which may be altered as required. This can be done via Indian military satellites and R&AW assets on the ground.
C. All of Pakistan has to be brought under conventional missile range.
D. IBGs have to be small enough & sufficiently dispersed to avoid providing lucrative targets to enemy missiles. Wherever there is a significant massing of men and machine will be under threat of cruise missile attack. This means India has to connect all its assets from soldier & tanks & helis etc. in the field to each other within an IBG and back to HQ for a realtime war to be effectively fought.

It is extremely crucial to disrupt coherence in the enemy, to lower threat to advancing columns. I suppose it will be better to attack in a smaller group first and neutralise enemy assets (something like sacrificial goats, but if more lives can be saved then why not), before sending in a larger formation to hold enemy territory. IMHO the initial wave of attacks can be carried out by elements that are high destructive power per soldier. Much later in the future this brunt can be borne by a robotic army. There will also be multiple advances to deceive & confuse the enemy.

All in all once the defensive cover of the enemy is broken even at one axis then that particular IBG can rapidly advance into heartland followed by more assets in the rear formations and cause mayhem or just hold onto a patch of enemy territory to prevent escalation to nuclear level. Big question here would be how much is not too much to invite a nuclear response.

India will have to have a very strong back end to the war which can process, analyse and make decisions based on realtime information streaming from the war.

I kind of like this doctrine because victory for the first attacker is a basic underlying assumption with rolling out this doctrine. The sticking point for me would be it assumes complete detachment from civilian heads of state and is more or less just a military doctrine, what happens when countries (US, China, middle east) pressurise India diplomatically and not unthinkable militarily. Will political leaders still have the stomach to carry on? Another factor to consider is how many body bags can the attacker withstand before his resolve to fight turns shaky. I am also assuming this will be a realtime war, realtime like twitter, not email. Kargil was speed post, 26/11 was email and this is the next gen of war.

Also what happens if all advancing elements are neutralised. Once star elements are eliminate will India task its defensive formations to carry on the struggle offensively?

For Pakistan the greatest defence will be to sign a well publicized defensive war treaty with China, which essentially states if India attacks either then both will attack in turn.

India should start full fledged war with pakistan,,,in the end pakisatn will whole demolished and india will be 80% demolished...
Its good to see that pakistan can help their neighbours like bangladesh, china, Nepal. Bhutan, Srilanka to go war with india cause these countries that i mention above will rule the subcontinent after pakistan greatest Kurbani India after 80% destruction will not be able to lick its dick....I think India should start cold start cause it will become dead end for them,,,we are ready for war and death.
Then this subcontinent will ruled by people left among them,,,,Bangladeshis chinese e.t.c
Happy independence to them....:welcome:
India should start full fledged war with pakistan,,,in the end pakisatn will whole demolished and india will be 80% demolished...
Its good to see that pakistan can help their neighbours like bangladesh, china, Nepal. Bhutan, Srilanka to go war with india cause these countries that i mention above will rule the subcontinent after pakistan greatest Kurbani India after 80% destruction will not be able to lick its dick....I think India should start cold start cause it will become dead end for them,,,we are ready for war and death.
Then this subcontinent will ruled by people left among them,,,,Bangladeshis chinese e.t.c
Happy independence to them....:welcome:

NO even after the victory we have 80percent of power. .:toast_sign:

India should start full fledged war with pakistan,,,in the end pakisatn will whole demolished and india will be 80% demolished...
Its good to see that pakistan can help their neighbours like bangladesh, china, Nepal. Bhutan, Srilanka to go war with india cause these countries that i mention above will rule the subcontinent after pakistan greatest Kurbani India after 80% destruction will not be able to lick its dick....I think India should start cold start cause it will become dead end for them,,,we are ready for war and death.
Then this subcontinent will ruled by people left among them,,,,Bangladeshis chinese e.t.c
Happy independence to them....:welcome:

Diaries of a suicide bomber
A post written by Ramu in memory of Mikkix

The author clearly admits that no loss of life on Indian side happened when this adventure was being planned.


Indian publishers
Price : 10 seconds

P.S: Indian publishers warn users from following this style of posting as this is subject to Indian copyright act.
NO even after the victory we have 80percent of power. .:toast_sign:


you cant even win against Bangladesh,,, so forget pakistan...
I think pakistan should help bangladesh and srilanka in nuclear technology.......
Diaries of a suicide bomber
A post written by Ramu in memory of Mikkix

The author clearly admits that no loss of life on Indian side happened when this adventure was being planned.


Indian publishers
Price : 10 seconds

P.S: Indian publishers warn users from following this style of posting as this is subject to Indian copyright act.

do agree with the writer,,,,
I think cockraoches, mosquitos, ants and Flies will definitely survives that,,,these are precious lives....:D
you cant even win against Bangladesh,,, so forget pakistan...
I think pakistan should help bangladesh and srilanka in nuclear technology.......

No we make ally with BD once again to hang you and we make SL a tamil homeland . . :bunny:
No we make ally with BD once again to hang you and we make SL a tamil homeland . . :bunny:

We can help you to provide them some nukes, fighter planes, tanks and other weapons...
India will be ruled by us soon as we did in past...
Bagladesh and Sri Lanka know the henious nature of the Indian treachary so they would not fall for it. May be you are dreaming wake up. SL becoming a Tamil homeland and Tamil Nadu breaking away from India as the new Tamil Country sounds like a solution Sri Lankans will not like. Though Pakistan-Sri Lanka Friendship and Military Alliance finally finished the Indian backed terrorism in Sri Lanka. Pakistan artillery, MLRS, Mortars and tank spare parts actually helped Sri Lanka finish the LTTE for good.

Sri Lankans are smart and they know that India sold them radars that did not pickup low flying objects but did work on high altitude objects. On the other hands they rained LTTE to fly low flying objects to do suicide flying missions. Well know the back stabbing nature of India. I was roomates with 5 different Bangladeshis and they know India more than the Indians, you will be surprised.
Bagladesh and Sri Lanka know the henious nature of the Indian treachary so they would not fall for it. May be you are dreaming wake up. SL becoming a Tamil homeland and Tamil Nadu breaking away from India as the new Tamil Country sounds like a solution Sri Lankans will not like. Though Pakistan-Sri Lanka Friendship and Military Alliance finally finished the Indian backed terrorism in Sri Lanka. Pakistan artillery, MLRS, Mortars and tank spare parts actually helped Sri Lanka finish the LTTE for good.

OMG...hw many times i ve to explain to these Pakistanis the ground reality...:hitwall::hitwall:

Sri Lankans are smart and they know that India sold them radars that did not pickup low flying objects but did work on high altitude objects. On the other hands they rained LTTE to fly low flying objects to do suicide flying missions.Well know the back stabbing nature of India. I was roomates with 5 different Bangladeshis and they know India more than the Indians, you will be surprised.

hahaha...then they most certainly must have been illegal Bangladeshi migrants into India.:lol:
OMG...hw many times i ve to explain to these Pakistanis the ground reality...:hitwall::hitwall:

hahaha...then they most certainly must have been illegal Bangladeshi migrants into India.:lol:

Keep living in garbage...
We dont need to remind you....:smokin:
The real cold start is to engage in tactical debate with a college student. That will certainly leave any General really cold . This only happens in defence forums where one can easily write vague words and cheap rhetoric.
Keep living in garbage...
We dont need to remind you....:smokin:

I dont mind living in garbage..but wat surprises me is that illegal migrants from BD take huge risks to cross the border and come to live in the garbage..

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