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India-Pakistan Standoff September 2016 - Member opinions


Aug 24, 2016
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PM Nawaz should clearly mention In UN speech Uri Attack was False Flag Operation carried out by Indian Agency to deflect attention of the world form Indian atrocities in IOK. As we know Pakistan will be first on the speech, so before Indian say any thing about Uri Attack, our PM should brush aside these allegations and warn the world of Indian foul play. If PM mention it first then no one will pay any attention to Indian side and also they will question them instead of us. We need to be on offensive mode in diplomatic channels instead of Defensive. And this is the only way forward.
Also there should be a protest organized by Kashmiri people living abroad out side UN office. Specially when Indian speaker is going to speak. High light Indian atrocities in IOK as much as we can.
He should mention the Uri attack, but not as a false flag operation, that would be stupid. Just like India has presented zero evidence that it was carried out from Pakistan, Pakistan has zero evidence that India faked this entire encounter.
Well I think people really have to know Kashmir has no connection to India , it is like you have a helicopter and you take it a car mechanic for repair.

If a state is "Independent" state from British Raj, and after partician the logical thing to do is - ask the population their free will , where do you want to live like every one else ?

It is not rocket science. The whole problem escalated due to uncompromising attitude of Indian politicians since the issue began since 1947.

a) Indian Military went in against the will of people, no logic what so ever 1947 started the mess
b) It was ignored that culturally Kashmir has no connection to India
c) No Indian rivers originate from there that fuel India
d) On top of that constant use of Military to beat up people , you took a free group made them slaves and now you
won't let them go.

Three areas India droped in military
  • Hydrabad state voted against Joining India , they wanted a new country (Their region was attacked)
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyderabad_State (Operation POLO)
  • Similarly , Kashmir was also military occupied which forced a conflict in Kashmir in 1947 (Local population demanded election did not agree )
  • 1962 , India attacked and removed Portugal from India

Instigated war with China 63
Instigated war with Pakistan 65,71

Abuses under Operation POLO Hyderabad (Independent state)
Communal violence during and after the operation
There were reports of looting, mass murder and rape of Muslims in reprisals by Hyderabadi Hindus and Indian Army soldiers. Jawaharlal Nehru appointed a mixed-faith committee led by Pandit Sunderlal to investigate the situation. The findings of the report (Pandit Sunderlal Committee Report) were not disclosed until 2013 when they were made available at the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library in New Delhi.

The Committee concluded that while Muslims villagers were disarmed by the Indian Army, Hindus were often left with their weapons. The violence was carried out by Hindu residents, with the army sometimes indifferent, and sometimes participating in the atrocities.:11 The Committee stated that large-scale violence against Muslims occurred in Marathwada and Telangana areas. It also concluded: "At a number of places members of the armed forces brought out Muslim adult males from villages and towns and massacred them in cold blood." The Committee generally credited the military officers with good conduct but stated that soldiers acted out of bigotry.:11 The official "very conservative estimate" was that 27,000 to 40,000 died "during and after the police action." Other scholars have put the figure at 200,000, or even higher.

Patel reacted angrily to the report and disowned its conclusions. He stated that the terms of reference were flawed because they only covered the part during and after the operation. He also cast aspersions on the motives and standing of the committee. These objections are regarded by Noorani as disingenuous because the commission was an official one, and it was critical of the Razakars as well.

According to Mohammed Hyder, the tragic consequences of the Indian operation were largely preventable. He faulted that the Indian army in neither restoring local administration, nor setting up their own military administration. As a result, the anarchy led to several thousand "thugs", from the camps set up across the border, filling the vacuum. He stated "Thousands of families were broken up, children separated from their parents and wives, from their husbands. Women and girls were hunted down and raped."

Indian politicians , from 1947 had one mind set "CONTROL" maximum Territory - they ignored the idealogy of letting certain regions become independent (i.e they failed to respect these group) by means of military operations they continued their aggression.

This is why we have a problem today - had they simply had the "PASSIVE" mindset of respecting wish of people by mean of political vote in 1947 we would not have such issues

People would have been free / independent regions and we would not be chasing shadows
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It is disrespectful to call those scumbags soldiers, beating up civilians women and children

Why did they not tell their officer , hell no it is not my job to kill civilians and beat up people

Every soldier has a head / brain , and to determine if his actions are illegal you can't go about beating civilian population just because some idiot Indian politician can't figure out Kashmir is not India (they want out)

If a soldier cannot differentiate between civilian and armed folks then they are part of problem
and when was the last time Indian politician cared to go to hospital and apologize to the people who lose their eyes or limbs

That is the problem they don't see people they just see , border, line , area , property to control

Since 1947 !!!! While solution was simple

Hey people of Kashmir , please vote , if you like to join or not if not , fine we part ways but we will wish you good will moving on

For Indian politician it is this "massive" political question , which they can't come to term with
hoping we will beat down group of people ? !!!! completely against any principle of origional independence

  • Pakistan will not tolerate any abuse of Civilians in Kashmir ! No more

I would like that Indian politicians and defence minister to get hit with a Metal rod or batton 5-7 times and then he can tell me if it is abuse or not, they don't understand their own Abuse is becasue they have no empathy , they are dead in their hearts
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There is comedian in India call Raju Shrivastava. More people will listen to him than your PM. Trust me he is nobody in world forum. Does not matter what he says.

And who listens to MODI :rofl:. He was conversing to the arsehole of obama for two years and when he asked for support for Baluchistan independence obama farted on his face :rofl:. No one give a $hit in about what happens in our corner of the world.
I would ignore the other posters however you are a think tank...so a question ....
He should mention the Uri attack, but not as a false flag operation, that would be stupid. Just like India has presented zero evidence that it was carried out from Pakistan, Pakistan has zero evidence that India faked this entire encounter.

Why do think this year UN meeting was so special that we would kill our own soldiers to deflect some attention..is this is the first time large scale protests happened in the valley or people dying due to police actions??...hasn't Pakistan gone to all corners for the same already?? ....I mean how idiotic it would sound if i have to say that Pakistan faked terror attacks so as to show the world that she is a victim of terrorism to so that she can deflect attention from her wrong doings....?? Even with all the bitterness it is very hard for me to claim something like that...how come you think that it was a false flag....in fact are there such instances where country's kill their own soldiers to malign a particular country in a forum which don't even give two hoots about the whole issue for that matter.....
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