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India & Pakistan : Can we have a dream ?

I take it you'd prefer to be a confused lot for the time being. good luck with it, you're doing a rather splendid job :tup:

I'm talking about status-quo. You either know what I mean and are trying to score brownie points (thanks) or you're one of those deluded pacifists :coffee:
subtitles aren't needed for trolling. feel free to post the usual mix of your bookmarks :coffee:

You guys ask me to do it... and then you complain and cry when I do. :lol:

On a more serious note:

So i stand by my point that peace loving indians are minority.

This has absolutely been my experience as well.
I'm talking about status-quo. You either know what I mean and are trying to score brownie points (thanks) or you're one of those deluded pacifists :coffee:

i see you are quite satisfied with the current indo-pak scenario. i can't complain :tup:
I'm talking about status-quo. You either know what I mean and are trying to score brownie points (thanks) or you're one of those deluded pacifists :coffee:

Your imperialistic greediness is the result of the loss of East pakistan. Your unsuccessful invasion of Kashmir only resulted you to lose your other half of your country. :lol:
The cold start doctrine has never been implemented in reality and btw that was only a reaction to ur parliament attack drama in 2001.

Implemented or not, it is talked by them atleast, Pak Army never talked like this even they have more concerns regarding the territory occupied by india & killing of Gujarati Muslims with full support. Also on supporting BLA & TTP animals.

Your frontier corps slaughters balochis and then blames us.

No they crushed BLA terrorists which were send by RAW from Afghanistan.

Your army did kargil in between peace talks.Every explosion in pak created by your own gen zia is supposedly RAW funded when in fact prime minister gujral had deactivated all active RAW assets outside the country in 1996.

Kargil is part of Kashmir which is disputed territory b/w Pakistan & india, what about your indian army who supported mutki terrorists groups in 1971 in an undisputed area?
Your imperialistic greediness is the result of the loss of East pakistan. Your unsuccessful invasion of Kashmir only resulted you to lose your other half of your country. :lol:

Do you understand English? Do you know what status quo is?
There's no war going on currently, and neither does any side want war.

Also you got us confused with India; it was India which attacked Junagad, Manavadar and Hyderabad to gain land. It was India's Nehru which showed his lust for more land and went for Kashmir. We simply want what was due to us back.

You are siting in UK and referring to speaking for all Pakistanis i.e. "WE"

Yes, and you suppose I don't know what Pakistanis are like? Or are you one of those Bollywood lovers "Pakistan-India bahi bhai" type of people?
You are siting in UK and referring to speaking for all Pakistanis i.e. "WE".

I just want to thank you for your long-distance leadership.

It's not his fault. There are others who wish to see poisoned relations while living in a foreign country. I for one am in favor of Indo - pak relations reaching new heights regarding trade and possibly friendship. Only if pakistan decides to leave the LoC as the IB. Which sadly hasn't happened in 64 years.
I live in London, and met many Pakistanis here in due course. At least that is my opinion.
So you take the words of a few British Pakistanis you met as the views of entire Pakistan??? :lol:

If you feel you are a majority, then good luck.
I know i'm the majority, and neither do i believe in luck.
It's not his fault. There are others who wish to see poisoned relations while living in a foreign country. I for one am in favor of Indo - pak relations reaching new heights regarding trade and possibly friendship. Only if pakistan decides to leave the LoC as the IB. Which sadly hasn't happened in 64 years.

Why should we? Kashmir is ours! You stole Hyderabad through aggression, but you won't take Kashmir. Kashmir will remain disputed until we take it back the rest of it.
I particularly liked the last part when the anchor accused India of loobying to break the term of 'Indo-Pakistan' sub continent, for which Mr. Aiyer said that India is a part of South Asia while for the last 50 years or so Pakistan was looking towards Central Asia & West Asia.....A nice slap in the face for wanna be Arabs:D
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