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India & Pakistan : Can we have a dream ?

I say, you are a minority. Young Pakistanis think differently
I'm young and i'm not a minority, its funny you would come to such a silly conclusion when you haven't even set foot on the soil of this country and have the opportunity to know what the common people here think.

The people in the video don't look like common Pakistanis, more like middle or upper class kids, and they too don't represent the majority of the upper/middle class. The common Pakistanis have conservative, patriotic, and right wing mentality (not extremist), you have witnessed it yourself recently this year that conservative rallies have gained millions of supporters for the Kashmir cause.
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I'm young and i'm not a minority, its funny you would come to such a silly conclusion when you haven't even set foot on the soil of this country and have the opportunity to know what the common people here think.

The people in the video don't look like common Pakistanis, more like middle or upper class kids, and they too don't represent the majority of the upper/middle class. The common Pakistanis have conservative, patriotic, and right wing mentality (not extremist), you have witnessed it yourself recently this year that conservative rallies have gained millions of supporters for the Kashmir cause.

I live in London, and met many Pakistanis here in due course. At least that is my opinion.

If you feel you are a majority, then good luck.
Most of India wants nothing but a destroyed Pakistan, a neighbouring wasteland. The remaining have wet dreams about Akhand bharat.
Honestly, I appreciate your ideals, but they're 'ideals' at the end of the day. You and I both know it the seeds of hatred were sown when Nehru showed his greediness and set eyes on Kashmir.

out of a hundred sane voices...one nut-case would sound louder than the rest and his PoV would always make for a much more interesting analysis wouldn't it?
there are sections talking about akhand bharat and punishing the muslims and punishing the north indians and what not...there are sections that talk so much about peace and brotherhood that after a point they start defying common sense and logic in the pursuit of camaraderie...
my opinion is based on pure logic...i have never been to pakistan...talking to your lot at this forum is my only experience of knowing pakistanis...and i am sure that massice poverty...corruption...lack of oppurtunities to grow...hunger,etc are much much bigger than the pursuit of the kashmiri cause on both sides of the border...
please be advised that alot that you and I know and believe in stems from state propaganda....there are as many peace loving people in pakistan as there are in india...or there is something seriously wrong with this day and age...
Tough , very very tough, definitely desirable though.But lets be pragmatic and start small like China and India relation.If we take our hopes too high their is much greater chance of crashing down hard.Past incedents show this,there would many from both sides to sabotage any positive outcome.So we should start small.
I say, you are a minority. Young Pakistanis think differently

Sorry you also are a minority, Sir.

Though i respect peace lovers indians but at the same time i feel pity on them cuz they are little minority in their own country with no power. All Pakistanis knows what majority of common indian & india's army think of Pakistan. Even professors in ur universities & institutes teach you how to destroy Pakistan economically & pose the image of Pakistan as a threat to world. What india want is economically weak Pakistan depandant on india(point is that economically weak Pakistan can't b able to support it's almost 1 million armed force) Somewhat india wants a Pakistan on the lines of Bdsh, Nepal or Bhutan.
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out of a hundred sane voices...one nut-case would sound louder than the rest and his PoV would always make for a much more interesting analysis wouldn't it?

Lemme give you a easy hint, just watch indians at PDF. They are just ordinary common indians & one can smell hatred against Pakistan, easily from their views. Youtube is one other side too.

So i stand by my point that peace loving indians are minority.
out of a hundred sane voices...one nut-case would sound louder than the rest and his PoV would always make for a much more interesting analysis wouldn't it?
there are sections talking about akhand bharat and punishing the muslims and punishing the north indians and what not...there are sections that talk so much about peace and brotherhood that after a point they start defying common sense and logic in the pursuit of camaraderie...
my opinion is based on pure logic...i have never been to pakistan...talking to your lot at this forum is my only experience of knowing pakistanis...and i am sure that massice poverty...corruption...lack of oppurtunities to grow...hunger,etc are much much bigger than the pursuit of the kashmiri cause on both sides of the border...
please be advised that alot that you and I know and believe in stems from state propaganda....there are as many peace loving people in pakistan as there are in india...or there is something seriously wrong with this day and age...

You're a deluded idiot; simply. These are the only words that I can think of to describe that post of yours.
The pakistan army.Its premier kabza group is the institution that will not allow a resolution to the dispute ,as without the indian bogeyman and call for jihad to keep the common pakistani in place,they would actually start to realize who are holding all the real plots in the country and who wander around in bmws,send their children to study abroad while brainwashing poor people on jihad and sending them to their deaths in attacks.Without india and kashmir where would these people go?They would have no purpose,no large plots,ambassadors for bmws.
So sorry dear paksitanis your army doesn't allow you to have a dream.

Oh please don't spread your Propaganda against Pak Army, we know how good you are at it. It was Pakistani General who supported peace talks recently, also it was former Pakistani General who started peace talks with indian govt. On the contrary it was indian generals who talked about cold war doctrine against Pakistan.
If India-China-Pakistan had a peaceful co-existence. These countries would've been far developed right now instead of spending so much on defences.

Divide and rule is still working. Indian and Pakistan culture is almost same and I know for a fact that majority want peace only few internet warriors have wet dreams about nuclear war, ghazwaehind etc. Its not gonna happen. All countries realize War is not solution but will take the countries behind. Its about time when countries find a solution to outstanding land disputes and peacefully co-exist. Because honestly it is the only way forward.
I'm actually happy where things are headed right now regarding Indo-pak relations.

We have accomplished so much in the past 60+ years regarding our foreign policies are concerned, the rapidization towards modernizing our armed forces, educating the illiterate and backward, uplifting poverty, crushing separatist movements, as well as developing at a slow but steady pace. We have enough problems to solve in our own country, but I thank Zardari's efforts for donating $1 million while his country is in a mess. I wish him the best of success and a long second term.
Divide and rule is still working. Indian and Pakistan culture is almost same and I know for a fact that majority want peace only few internet warriors have wet dreams about nuclear war, ghazwaehind etc

We don't war; but neither do we want peace with you. Why can't you realise we neither like you nor want to be associated to you Bhartis?
If India-China-Pakistan had a peaceful co-existence. These countries would've been far developed right now instead of spending so much on defences.

Divide and rule is still working. Indian and Pakistan culture is almost same and I know for a fact that majority want peace only few internet warriors have wet dreams about nuclear war, ghazwaehind etc. Its not gonna happen. All countries realize War is not solution but will take the countries behind. Its about time when countries find a solution to outstanding land disputes and peacefully co-exist. Because honestly it is the only way forward.

It is always india who spread propaganda against Pakistan(& China too), indian army & indian media tries to pose Pakistan as a threat to the world. indian govt release thankful & congratulatory comments in case of any misfortune, or misunderstandings b/w Pakistan & the US or Pakistan & the West. On the other hand you will find difficult to see same acts coming from Pakistan.
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