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India-Pakistan: Can We Ever Be Friends?

you will never get kashmir. we're planning to remove article 370 and after that it would be our permanent state..

fk UN and plebicite

If i wanna stoop to your level i will say fk your 370 $h1t. But i will request @WebMaster @Aeronaut to look into your post.

You better watch your mouth next time i can talk you language too.
India and Pakistan can never be friends. It pains me to say this but it just ain't possible. Matter and anti matter can not exist together.
As for Kashmir - it can be detached only from the lifeless frozen fingers of a dead and destroyed India.
so either agree that you got claim on kashmir and its a hindrance to peace, or say its between you and kashmir and we just support their moral right. The first one will make us enemy (competing for same resource) and second one does not.
I said in the same post that we dont have any claim on balochistan and hence it can never be a reason for enemity between us.

If you see pre-partition & early times then yes Pakistan has claims on Kashmir but also Pakistan has stood for Kashmiris right of self determination. Secondly Kashmir is in no way related to Balochistan, Khalistan, Assam, Nagaland, Tripura, South Tibet, Tamil addu, etc. Dragging these settled parts for trolling will only makes ones own self a troll & clown.

We got nothing to do with palestine, but we supported them since 60s. It does not make israel our enemy.

Again wrong example & in return i will only say Pakistan got nothing to do with Cyprus but it supported Turkeye.
Dreaming of Peace is useless until Kashmir Issue is not solved.

TBH most of the Pakistani people (& some Indians too) wants peace but not on the price of IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir. The problem with india is that they have made Kashmir a matter of nonsense ego & pride & never thought rationally...just think about it if there was no Kashmir issue there would be massive resources for Pakistan & India to pull their people out of poverty. Even today ball is in indian court & they can bring peace to the region by giving Kashmiris right of self determination.

The problem with many Pakistanis is that they don't understand the position of most Indians. Kashmir won't be bartered away....for anything & certainly not on the alter of hopeful peace with Pakistan. It is not about ego as you so poorly misinterpret it, it is at the core of what we see the Indian nation as. Soft borders & greater autonomy are the only options on the table, anyone imaging anything more is indulging in silly mental gymnastics of a release better offered by one's hand.
Thanks @OrionHunter for your thoughts. Views expressed by yourself are a friendly perspective from across the border. It does not quite justice to us, as is expected. Pakistan has legitimate concerns that must be addressed. I can not give a detailed response at this time, but let me just say that it is my considered opinion that India needs to show big-heartedness by rising above 70 year old rhetoric.

We can be friends, and no our army is not an issue as such. There is a big peace constituency in Pakistan and slowly we can try to change our relations. We need small irreversible steps and build confidence. It was not always like this. Neither should it stay this way.

Gotta go.

Managed conflicts, managed relationship is best outcome. No such thing as peace, as big as what that means- is possible.

as long as you have government institutions running their own clandestine operations challenging government oversight. ( ISI/ Military)-- moderates like you don't have a chance.
If you see pre-partition & early times then yes Pakistan has claims on Kashmir but also Pakistan has stood for Kashmiris right of self determination. Secondly Kashmir is in no way related to Balochistan, Khalistan, Assam, Nagaland, Tripura, South Tibet, Tamil addu, etc. Dragging these settled parts for trolling will only makes ones own self a troll & clown.

Again wrong example & in return i will only say Pakistan got nothing to do with Cyprus but it supported Turkeye.
I think you look like a clown because you are unable to understand the point I was making.
So to repeat for the third time, pakistan is going to be our enemy for near future because we are competing for same resource kashmir, your support is partly based on moral principle but also based on your self interest.

Thank you for replying.
The problem with many Pakistanis is that they don't understand the position of most Indians. Kashmir won't be bartered away....for anything & certainly not on the alter of hopeful peace with Pakistan. It is not about ego as you so poorly misinterpret it, it is at the core of what we see the Indian nation as. Soft borders & greater autonomy are the only options on the table, anyone imaging anything more is indulging in silly mental gymnastics of a release better offered by one's hand.

Then there is nothing to start threads on peace. The problem with indians too is that they think Pakistan will walk away from Kashmir Issue for the sake of peace. I' am afraid but i don't think there will be any peace without indian occupiers quit IOKMaqbooza Kashmir.
Then there is nothing to start threads on peace. The problem with indians too is that they think Pakistan will walk away from Kashmir Issue for the sake of peace. I' am afraid but i don't think there will be any peace without indian occupiers quit IOKMaqbooza Kashmir.
There can not be peace between India and the opposite of India. But there need not be war either.
As for Kashmir - it can be detached only from the lifeless frozen fingers of a dead and destroyed India.

We Dont want that .. You should realise that your attitude towards kashmir issue is "suicidal" ....... and trying too hard to suppress rights of Kashmiris may ultimately lead to sinking of whole of the Indian Federation ..
We Dont want that .. You should realise that your attitude towards kashmir issue is "suicidal" ....... and trying too hard to suppress rights of Kashmiris may ultimately lead to sinking of whole of the Indian Federation ..
And you are talking to a Kashmiri... :coffee: Oh but I surely don't count :woot:
Managed conflicts, managed relationship is best outcome. No such thing as peace, as big as what that means- is possible.

as long as you have government institutions running their own clandestine operations challenging government oversight. ( ISI/ Military)-- moderates like you don't have a chance.

You realism is a screen which you think protects your reactionary opinions that is why it is a valuable diversion. Skepticism and cynicism will never get the situation anywhere. I doubt if you even gave a minutes thought to what I wrote. Your knee jerk reactions put you a couple of levels below the threshold for advanced thinking that is a requisite for making things happen. I could tell you why you are wrong, but based on the quantum of your troll posts, I think I would be wasting my time. I'd rather engage someone who could actually be expected to make an effort to understand rather than indulge in reactionary knee jerks.
Then there is nothing to start threads on peace. The problem with indians too is that they think Pakistan will walk away from Kashmir Issue for the sake of peace. I' am afraid but i don't think there will be any peace without indian occupiers quit IOKMaqbooza Kashmir.

If you have noticed, I'm not a big fan of all the peace talk. Not because I want war but simply because I believe that Pakistan & India cannot reconcile their positions. If the price for peace with you lot is Kashmir, I'm afraid it is not a price that I or most of my countrymen & women would be agreeable to pay. In case you haven't noticed, we already have what we want, the status quo suits us just fine.
I think you look like a clown because you are unable to understand the point I was making.

I understand your post very well but you didn't understand my post. I said that who ever try to drag any settled parts while discussing Kashmir will obviously be a troll & clown. I never said that you were.

So to repeat for the third time, pakistan is going to be our enemy for near future because we are competing for same resource kashmir, your support is partly based on moral principle but also based on your self interest.

Kashmir was always in Pakistan plan. Be it Allama Iqbal or Chaudhry Rehmat Ali or Jinnah(R.A) or any other leader of Pakistan Movement. So i dunno what you mean by self interest. Yes i don't think peace can be reality unless Kashmir issue is there.
We Dont want that .. You should realise that your attitude towards kashmir issue is "suicidal" ....... and trying too hard to suppress rights of Kashmiris may ultimately lead to sinking of whole of the Indian Federation ..
you should understand that we dont have much of a choice. In ideal world I would agree, kashmiris should get to choose their fate.
You should also understand out of 3 countries formed, only bangladesh is homogeneous country, rest are country of countries. A separate kashmir will only inflame others ethnicities to do the same.
That can seriously destabilize south asia, an underdeveloped place. If you think kashmir is bad, look at countries facing civil war. Both India and Pakistan (multi ethnic country) can potentially face civil war.
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