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India-Pakistan: Can We Ever Be Friends?

Depends on the province dear. Depends on the province.

Lumping all up in one go will be a bad statistical error.

I agree with you. But it has been noted that in fact there is an aversion among Indian Muslims for the sciences.

Which is surprising sine one of the more famous nuclear scientist is a muslim

APJ Abdul Kalam and many madrassas like in Bengal are now teaching the sciences
I agree with you. But it has been noted that in fact there is an aversion among Indian Muslims for the sciences.

Which is surprising sine one of the more famous nuclear scientist is a muslim

APJ Abdul Kalam and many madrassas like in Bengal are now teaching the sciences

I believe you are talking about abul kalam?

isn't he from south.
I agree with you. But it has been noted that in fact there is an aversion among Indian Muslims for the sciences.

Which is surprising sine one of the more famous nuclear scientist is a muslim
I believe you are talking about abul kalam?

isn't he from south.

Yes. A lot of scientists come from the south. Indian space research organisation, Bhabha atomic research centre and defence research is filled with South Indian scientists.

Not even allah can save pakistan. We don't need to maintain any relationship with them. Put up a giant wall, shoot anyone that tries to cross it, ban paklander "artists" and "actor/ress".
in my opinion india is thnking very much rationaly.......u see only kashmir BUT indian pov doesnt start n end wid kashmir...man we have a lot more similar cases...lots of separatists...
look at d telengana issue....center agrees to create new state...but this decision gave fuel to fire for othr similar cases throughout north east....
it may be a matter of ego,pride to some extent n tht too only for some....but for india as a nation state,it will be suicidal to give in to this "right to self determination" of kashmiris,...who says it will stop just with kasmiris n othrs wont demand d same..

Kashmir was never indian territory to begin with...unfortunately the media brainwashing has made indians think that Kashmir was their state. You cannot compare IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir with india's legal states. As for right for self determination your Nehru agreed on that in UN & he himself promised that to Kashmiris.
I would like to quote Sir Robert Fisk

We(Britishers & Americans) are doing injustice against Pakistan & ignoring Indian injustice in Kashmir...we are just supporting Indians w.r.t Kashmir because they are more large economically & we want them to contain China.

On Afghanistan he said it's solution is linked to Kashmir & Afghanistan is battleground between Pakistan & India.
. As for right for self determination your Nehru agreed on that in UN & he himself promised that to Kashmiris.

Nor was India under dictatorship neither was Nehru a dictator. Its a parliamentary democracy. He is no one to make such promises doing that was way above the powers accorded to him as PM by Indian constitution. First he had to table that bill granting right to secession to J&K in a parliament session (which he never did) and only that bill is successfully passed in Parliament with majority of legislators in support of it only then he was in a position to make such claim until then whatever he said was just empty words nothing more.
Nor was India under dictatorship neither was Nehru a dictator. Its a parliamentary democracy. He is no one to make such promises doing that was way above the powers accorded to him as PM by Indian constitution. First he had to table that bill granting right to secession to J&K in a parliament session (which he never did) and only that bill is successfully passed in Parliament with majority of legislators in support of it only then he was in a position to make such claim until then whatever he said was just empty words nothing more.

i can smell hypocrisy from that post...if we take your post it means you agree india should free illegally occupied Junagadh/Manvadar & Hyderabad Deccan?

BTW india as a country agreed in UN to held referendum & give Kashmiris their birth right to choose which country they want to be part of.
where are the muslim members from J&K... what is their view... azadi is not possible frankly its not on table or under it. so is there any other practical solution?
BTW india as a country agreed in UN to held
referendum & give Kashmiris their birth right to
choose which country they want to be part of.

you do know that UN resolution first requires Pakistani troops to vacate the entire region part of the dispute including gilgit&balistan before conducting referendum under UN which your military leadership have never ever given a hint of doing so(little understandably) don't blame us for putting Referendum on hold go ask your military leadership are they willing to vacate the valley as per required by UN to conduct referendum
you do know that UN resolution first requires Pakistani troops to vacate the entire region part of the dispute including gilgit&balistan before conducting referendum under UN which your military leadership have never ever given a hint of doing so(little understandably) don't blame us for putting Referendum on hold go ask your military leadership are they willing to vacate the valley as per required by UN to conduct referendum

It requires minimum military presence of indians in IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir & then Pakistani troops withdrawal & then ofcourse remaining indian troops withdrawal. I don't think 700,000 is minimum military presence.
So its about 5.3 million Kashmiri Muslims of Kashmir Valley and not about Hindus of Jammu . We have no interest in Jammu region , You can keep it !!
Hmmmm...Thanks for the favor of allowing us to keep Jammu. :yahoo: But then 95% Kashmiris don't want anything to do with Pakistan too!! So what do you mean by saying, "We have no interest in Jammu region, You can keep it"? Means you can't keep Kashmir, and you can't keep Jammu. So WTF are you guys bellyaching about?

You keep hollering from the rooftops about the UN resolutions, but then there's no third option of so called 'independence' to Kashmir! Now where do you stand?

Confused, eh? :crazy:
Yaar Orion Ji

Our record on democracy may not be great.

But your comparison of Kashmir with Tribal Sardars in Balochistan is inaccurate.

There are 16 Sardars in Balochistan. Only 2 are using militant wings to disrupt trade in the region in order to get Bhatta.

For Pakistani controlled Kashmir, the day we have to post huge amounts of army to control the locals, you will have the point and I'll side with you.
Arre bhaijaan, tho Waziristhan men kya ho raha hai? Thumhari fauj tho waha jaa bhi nahi sakthi, right? Tho forget patrolling in the badlands of your North West, you guys are banned by the TTP from entering! At least we guys patrol in all our areas including Kashmir! :P
Does that mean my ancestral state of Bihar is no longer BIMARU but even better than America.

@FaujHistorian I just realized that you are also (in some remote way) a Bihari like me.

Does it make you feel nice to fight against the land of your forefathers?

P.S. Hum Bihpur ke hain. Jila Bhagalpur. Aap ki taareef? Hum apne bagaan ke litchi bhejenge agle saal aap ko.
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