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India-Pakistan: Can We Ever Be Friends?

Just check how many Indian Muslim "active" posters are on PDF. Do they represent the same percentage as their increased population?

Have you ever considered the possibility that like in real life Indian Muslims here must be extremely embarrassed at how their faith is portrayed by those of you from the other side, and hence choose to maintain their counsel?
It requires minimum military presence of indians in IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir & then Pakistani troops withdrawal & then ofcourse remaining indian troops withdrawal. I don't think 700,000 is minimum military presence.
Please don't talk through your hat. What you said was akin to putting the cart before the horse.

Pakistan was to FIRST vacate the entire State of Jammu & Kashmir including GB of all regular troops and all tribesmen who were not residents of J&K, which needless to say, you haven't done till this day! And still you guys keep hollering from the rooftops that India is not complying with the UN Resolutions? Jeeez!

And another bloomer from you guys that you keep churning out at regular intervals is that magic figure of 700,000 troops in Kashmir!! Are you guys suggesting that there are 35 infantry/mountain divisions in Kashmir alone? :woot: Which world are you living in, friend? Get real. Kashmir would have gone down a sinkhole due to the sheer weight of troops! :crazy:
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Kashmir was never indian territory to begin with...unfortunately the media brainwashing has made indians think that Kashmir was their state. You cannot compare IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir with india's legal states. As for right for self determination your Nehru agreed on that in UN & he himself promised that to Kashmiris.
kindly explain what was indian territory to begin with????
well i'm brainwashed...enlighten me
But then 95% Kashmiris don't want anything to do with Pakistan too!!

And how did you come to this conclusion ???? Delusional ? :crazy::crazy:
Mr. Genius , 95 % of Kashmiris dont want to be with India, which means they want to be independent , or they want to be with Pakistan !!! JUST THEY DONT WANT TO BE WITH INDIA ... And knowing that Independence is no option , still 95 % dont want to be with India , means they prefer Pakistan !!! Why are you acting so dumb ??:sarcastic:
And how did you come to this conclusion ???? Delusional ? :crazy::crazy:
Mr. Genius , 95 % of Kashmiris dont want to be with India, which means they want to be independent , or they want to be with Pakistan !!! JUST THEY DONT WANT TO BE WITH INDIA ... And knowing that Independence is no option , still 95 % dont want to be with India , means they prefer Pakistan !!! Why are you acting so dumb ??:sarcastic:
Stop clutching at straws and trying to put a spin to it. There's NO 'and'/'or' to it. The fact is that 95% don't want Pakistan! Period! Have you got that into your head?
I can make indian and pakistanis friend here.... wanna see ?

You indian and pakistanis suck... you both are worse ppl in earth

.... (watch the reaction :P)
. The fact is that 95% don't want Pakistan! Period! Have you got that into your head?


Fact or your "wish" ?? Poor Indian !
You want to live with your delusions , live with them
No need to present your delusions as "facts" on PDF

You indian and pakistanis suck... you both are worse ppl in earth

Indians , pakistanis and Bangladeshis all suck !!! Happy Now ????
But Indians suck "The Most" :lol:

Fact or your "wish" ?? Poor Indian !
You want to live with your delusions , live with them
No need to present your delusions as "facts" on PDF
And how did you come to this conclusion ???? Delusional ? :crazy::crazy:
Mr. Genius , 95 % of Kashmiris dont want to be with India, which means they want to be independent , or they want to be with Pakistan !!! JUST THEY DONT WANT TO BE WITH INDIA ... And knowing that Independence is no option , still 95 % dont want to be with India , means they prefer Pakistan !!! Why are you acting so dumb ??:sarcastic:

You kid, need to go play marbles outside or gilli danda, as serious discussions are way beyond the capacity of your brain cells to comprehend. Have you even bothered to read the Chatham House opinion poll commissioned by Dr Saifal Islam al Qadhafi before shooting from your hip? Obviously not, as doing research is beyond your capacity.

Check this out. ONLY 2% of Kashmiris in J&K would vote to join Pakistan. This according to the paper published by Chatham House. Has your bubble burst as yet? No? Ok, here's the extract since you think we Indians are always inventing stuff:


The above is taken from page 17 of the report. Here it is:


Next time please do your own research before posting nonsensical baloney out here.

You kid, need to go play marbles outside or gilli danda, as serious discussions are way beyond the capacity of your brain cells to comprehend. Have you even bothered to read the Chatham House opinion poll commissioned by Dr Saifal Islam al Qadhafi before shooting from your hip? Obviously not, as doing research is beyond your capacity.

Check this out. ONLY 2% of Kashmiris in J&K would vote to join Pakistan. This according to the paper published by Chatham House. Has your bubble burst as yet? No? Ok, here's the extract since you think we Indians are always inventing stuff:


The above is taken from page 17 of the report. Here it is:


Next time please do your own research before posting nonsensical baloney out here.


A real "Douchebag" you are !!

Well, no need to get "hyper" my little clueless , moronic Indian friend , Its not your fault . You guys have been "brain washed" by your own media .

There has been a lot of discussion over this 2010 survey commissioned by Dr Saif al Islam al Qadhafi and designed by Dr Bradnock and Ipsos Mori, but every time some new Indian guy with no clue about the background and facts comes up "jumping" with excitement that 44 % Kashmiris in Pakistani part of Kashmir want independence compared to 43% in IOK ..
For the information of all such morons (Including you) , you should first understand the purpose behind this survey and the faults in the techniques adopted ...

. Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) is a self-governing state under Pakistani control, but under Pakistan's constitution the state is not actually part of Pakistan . Azad Jammu and Kashmir covers an area of 13,297 square kilometr . Azad Kashmir has its own elected President, Prime Minister, Legislative Assembly, High Court . (44% of people want independence according to the survey , when they are already independent !!)

. Gilgit–Baltistan is an autonomous self-governing region that was established as a single administrative unit in 1970, formed by the amalgamation of the Gilgit Agency, the Baltistan region and the former princely states of Hunza and Nagar. It covers an area of 72,971 km²

. Pakistani-controlled part of the former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir is made up of AJK & Gilgit-Baltistan

.Gilgit-Baltistan was not included in this survey

.only 3,700 people were interviewed out of a total population of 15 million . (i.e 0.025% of total population)

.Without any survey one can tell that areas of Jammu, Kathua, Udhampur, Rajouri, Poonch, Kargil and Leh are not pro independence areas; yet all these areas were included in the survey and other militancy hit and pro independence areas like Doda, Pulwama and Kupwara were left out of the survey.

.It is surprising, rather shocking that in places like Poonch, Rajouri, Udhampur and Kathua not a single person supported an independent Kashmir. Some of these areas have sizable Muslim minority; It is very likely that those who ‘administered' the survey only approached non Muslims in the survey.

.The vote in favour of independence was as high as 95% in some districts.
To bring this very high percentage of vote in favour of independence down to acceptable or desired level, important pro independence areas were deliberately left out of the survey; and all anti independence areas were included in the survey.

.It is also interesting to note that 77% of people of Indian side of Kashmir believe that ‘an end to all militant violence in Kashmir will help to end the conflict over Kashmir'. It is also interesting that the highest support in favour of ‘an end to all militant violence' came from the Valley, with Baramulla showing 91% support, Badgam 92%, Srinagar 84% and Anantnag 98% respectively.Some areas of Pakistani Administered Kashmir also showed high support for this, for example, Bagh had 75% support and Mirpur had 72 %. From this side of the LOC, Kotli showed the least support for this, 27%.In Jammu province, Rajouri showed 0%, Poonch 3%, Jammu 64%, Udhampur 97% and Kathua 98% support. Kargil showed 81% and 87 % support for this

.The option of ‘Liberalised Line of Control' attained amazing support in the survey. From Kargil the survey showed 100% support for this option, Leh 81%; Srinagar 83%, Baramulla 81%, Anantnag 81%, Badgam 74%; Kathua 93%, Jammu 79%, Udhampur 66%, Rajouri 99% and Poonch 99%.
In Pakistani Administered Kashmir the support for this option was as follows: Muzaffarabad 95%, Sudanhoti 97%, Bagh 81%, Bhimber 87%, Mirpur 87%, Poonch 97% and Kotli 98%
It looks the powers that be want to push the Kashmir dispute in favour of this option

And this discussion can go on quite long .
No results can be drawn if opinion of only 0.025% of total population is considered, And selective areas and communities are questioned to achieve desired results .
Overall the survey results are against what India claims
And some pathetic fellows here bring "one liners" hoping that they would not be shown the reality (Only if they have any clue about it)

And for those who believe that there is no pro-pakistan sentiment in IOK , check this :
Pro-Pakistan sentiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And just for a snack , enjoy this ::pop::pop:

Faultline in Kashmir makes people root for Afridi and vote in polls - Times Of India

SRINAGAR: Like rest of the subcontinent, Srinagar shut down for the semifinal clash between India and Pakistan. But, the team they cheered for wasn't the Men in Blue.
On the day of the semifinal, children took a day off from school. India batted first and every Indian wicket prompted a blaze of firecrackers. When Pakistan started batting, every run was cheered
Pakistan was to FIRST vacate the entire State of Jammu & Kashmir including GB of all regular troops and all tribesmen who were not residents of J&K, which needless to say, you haven't done till this day! And still you guys keep hollering from the rooftops that India is not complying with the UN Resolutions? Jeeez!

Pakistani troops are in AJK on request of GoAJK, Pakistani troops would have to leave if they were ruling AJK from Islamabad. It is upto the GoAJK to decide if Pakistani troops will stay or not. Also cut that cr@p about Pushtun tribesman or Punjabi population in AJK, there is no Pushtuns or Punjabis in AJK.

And another bloomer from you guys that you keep churning out at regular intervals is that magic figure of 700,000 troops in Kashmir!! Are you guys suggesting that there are 35 infantry/mountain divisions in Kashmir alone? :woot: Which world are you living in, friend? Get real. Kashmir would have gone down a sinkhole due to the sheer weight of troops! :crazy:

Call it magic figure or whatever...this is reality...700k indian troops are stationed in IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir. One can see dozens of troops in each street of IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir(especially the Kashmir Valley).






Call it magic figure or whatever...this is reality...700k indian troops are stationed in IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir. One can see dozens of troops in each street of IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir(especially the Kashmir Valley).
So, dozens of troops = 700,000 troops???? :woot: :omghaha: Your logic cells in your brain seem to be missing! :cuckoo:
Kashmir is occupied by india not a part of india. 27th October when india occupied Kashmir.







ya ..i get ur point..they dont wanna be wid us(i thnk thts wht u r trying to convey by d pics),
now let me put mine
still d pics dont anser my question......i asked what was indian territory to begin with??or wht was pakistani for tht matter?
So, dozens of troops = 700,000 troops???? :woot: :omghaha: Your logic cells in your brain seem to be missing! :cuckoo:

Are you dumb @$$, dear respected Sir:crazy:. Comprehension problems much?:cuckoo:

Read my post again
Call it magic figure or whatever...this is reality...700k indian troops are stationed in IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir. One can see dozens of troops in each street of IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir(especially the Kashmir Valley).

Read the bold underline part.

ya ..i get ur point..they dont wanna be wid us(i thnk thts wht u r trying to convey by d pics),
now let me put mine
still d pics dont anser my question......i asked what was indian territory to begin with??or wht was pakistani for tht matter?

The territories who does not have Muslims in majority.
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