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India-Pakistan: Can We Ever Be Friends?

Will Ahmedis get same rights in Pakistan as they enjoy in India ? :azn:
Have you read real History or just the crap spewed out by your propaganda machinery? Obviously its the latter as you seem completely unaware of the realities.

Advice: Get hold of History books written by independent sources and chuck the ones that have been written by clowns in Pakistan which include the Mullahs and the falsifiers of History. If you think I'm talking out of my hat, then check this out....

Your own media and experts has admitted that History taught in Pakistani schools are all lies, lies, and nothing but lies!!
bhai you can wake up a person who is / was sleeping but you cant wake a person who is pretending to be sleeping here its for a colective nation or "quam" as such lolzzz no fun in giving the youtuber links though they can see it still they will say "youtube is banned in pakistan" :hitwall:
More Muslims are killed in sectarian violence than in riots in India. And you say India is unsafe for Muslims ?

Shias are safe here, Ahmedis are considered Muslims.
there must a change in thinking from both sides and i dont mean just goverments but people looking at the crap you are throwing at each other .

But yes this time the first initiative MUST come from Pakistan bcoz indians rarely trust them anymore

Ex. Pakistan makes a movie WAAR which puts all blame on india and India makes a movie WAAR CHOD NA YAAR. so just tells where both socities are at

Kashmir has caused a lot more trouble for you than for us. Under the red herring of Kashmir you are poised to lose Balochistan. Now thats a face palm of epic proportions. Keep it up.

Thank you.

you make your case weak by mentioning Balochistan with Kashmir.

Read history a bit.

Thank you

More Muslims are killed in sectarian violence than in riots in India. And you say India is unsafe for Muslims ?

Shias are safe here, Ahmedis are considered Muslims.


Safety is a huge issue for all of us but especially bad for minorities.

However please do not ignore the absolutely backwardness when it comes to economic status of Indian Muslims.

Heck they are 200 million perhaps a bit more than total population of Pakistan.

And yet

number of judges, police offers, attorneys, engineers, doctors, PDF posters :lol:

the are nowhere to be found.

(OK OK may be ikka dukka here and there).

Heck they are 200 million perhaps a bit more than total population of Pakistan.
And yet number of judges, police offers, attorneys, engineers, doctors, PDF posters :lol:
the are nowhere to be found.
(OK OK may be ikka dukka here and there).
Well sir in India minorities population has increased while it has decreased in Pakistan.

Will Pakistan have any President or Prime Minister who is a Hindu ?

Can you tell me demographics of Pakistan ?

As for Muslims in India, its all about their aspirations. They have become President, Supreme Court Judges, Cricket Team Captains, IPS officers, Writers, Famous Bollywood actors.

Just look at present Supreme Court Bench.
Genius, why don't you first ask the Balochis this question too? And the Kashmiris on your side of the divide? 46% want independence from Pakistan. Why? You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out!

And you guys can't even sort out your own Shia - Sunni battles in Karachi and elsewhere and you want to preach others?

By the way, which 'major cities' of India raise pro-Pak slogans? New Delhi? Bangalore? Kolkata? Don't talk like an idiot! Kid, go do your school homework or play marbles outside with your kiddie friends instead of spewing nonsense out here on PDF.

Yaar Orion Ji

Our record on democracy may not be great.

But your comparison of Kashmir with Tribal Sardars in Balochistan is inaccurate.

There are 16 Sardars in Balochistan. Only 2 are using militant wings to disrupt trade in the region in order to get Bhatta.

For Pakistani controlled Kashmir, the day we have to post huge amounts of army to control the locals, you will have the point and I'll side with you.

Please stand for the voice of reason, and peace please.

I am against Kashmiri militancy if you read my posts. However depriving INdian controlled Kashmir their right just because of Balochistan is like

-- Syrian president Bashar denying democratic choice to his people just because Australian aborigines are not getting their rights.

Well sir in India minorities population has increased while it has decreased in Pakistan.

Will Pakistan have any President or Prime Minister who is a Hindu ?

Can you tell me demographics of Pakistan ?

As for Muslims in India, its all about their aspirations. They have become President, Supreme Court Judges, Cricket Team Captains, IPS officers, Writers, Famous Bollywood actors.

Just look at present Supreme Court Bench.

Yaaar quoting stats without proper context is just wrong plain wrong.

During Pharoah's time, Jewish slave population increased as well. What's the point?

You talk about Muslims in India. Do you realize their jobs in the context of their population are miniscule.

Just check how many Indian Muslim "active" posters are on PDF. Do they represent the same percentage as their increased population?

you talk about Pakistani stats as if they are part of Bhagvad Gita or Quran. They are not.

Pakistan's pre-1947 Hindu population was mostly in Punjab and E. Bengal. Balochistan and Frontier had tiny Hindu population and Sindh had some big rich families in Karachi. Rural poor Sindhis of Hindu religion have pretty much remained in their villages till now.

So what you are really asking is if Hindu Population of Punjab in Pakistan increased or decreased since 1946.

For that you should ask similar question.

if Muslim population in Indian Punjab increased or decreased since 1946.

Say you what?
Maaf karo. Stats bhi nahi maante. Koi si bhi report laa dun woh bhi nahi manoge.

Aapka Pakistan badaa acha hai. Peace.
However please do not ignore the absolutely backwardness when it comes to economic status of Indian Muslims.

Heck they are 200 million perhaps a bit more than total population of Pakistan.

And yet

number of judges, police offers, attorneys, engineers, doctors, PDF posters :lol:

the are nowhere to be found.

(OK OK may be ikka dukka here and there).

The onus of that is on Indian Muslims.
One must ask why have the Indian Muslims the lowest education level in entire India. When other minorities like Sikh, Jains, Budhists, Christians all have an education level higher than the Hindus.

The answer lies that they are backward looking people - looking to mecca and medina, mullah and Allah to solve their problems. They send their kids to the madrassahs instead of schools even when they have a choice.

No one else can solve the problems of Indian Muslims unless they themselves come out of the backward looking hole they have dug for themselves.

And competition in India is huge, they simply cannot compete to become cops, judges, lawyers, etc when they are the least educated community in India.
The onus of that is on Indian Muslims.
One must ask why have the Indian Muslims the lowest education level in entire India. When other minorities like Sikh, Jains, Budhists, Christians all have an education level higher than the Hindus.

Depends on the province dear. Depends on the province.

Lumping all up in one go will be a bad statistical error.
I don't post rubbish like you do. I always research before posting unlike people like you who don't bother to read because of rampant illiteracy. Here's the source....BBC News - 'First' Kashmir survey produces 'startling' results
'First' Kashmir survey produces 'startling' results
By Alastair LawsonBBC News
A survey which a British academic says is the first systematic attempt to establish the opinions of Kashmiris has produced "striking results".

Robert Bradnock interviewed more than 3,700 people in Indian- and Pakistani-administered Kashmir to assess their views on various issues.

One of the key questions put to respondents was how they saw the future of the territory.

Nearly half of those interviewed said they wanted independence.

Another question asked for their views over the continuing insurgency.

Dr Bradnock - an associate fellow at the Chatham House think-tank in London - says that the survey has produced startling conclusions, especially in relation to the future of the territory.

No 'simple fixes'
It revealed that on average 44% of people in Pakistani-administered Kashmir favoured independence, compared with 43% in Indian-administered Kashmir.

"However while this is the most popular option overall, it fails to carry an overall majority on either side.

"In fact on the Indian side of the Line of Control [LoC] - which separates the two regions - opinions are heavily polarised," Dr Bradnock told the BBC.

The Kashmir insurgency has raged for 20 years
The survey found that the "overwhelming majority" of people want a solution to the dispute, even though there are no "simple fixes".

Dr Bradnock said that in the Kashmir valley - the mainly Muslim area at the centre of the insurgency - support for independence is between 74% and 95%.

But in the predominantly Hindu Jammu division to the south, support is under 1%.

Other findings include:

80% of Kashmiris on both sides of the LoC say that the dispute is important to them personally
Concern over human rights abuses stands at 43% on the Indian side and 19% on the Pakistani side
Concern over unemployment is strong across the territory - 66% on the Pakistani side and 87% on the Indian side

Few are optimistic over peace talks - only 27% on the Pakistani side and 57% on the Indian side thought they would succeed.
Dr Bradnock said that it was "clear" that a plebiscite on the future of Kashmir - along the lines envisaged in UN resolutions of 1948-49 - is "extremely unlikely to offer a solution today".

"The results of the polls show that that there is no single proposition for the future of Kashmir which could be put to the population... and get majority support," he said.

"The poll offers no simple fixes but offers signposts - through which the political process, engaging India, Pakistan and wider Kashmiri representation - could move it towards resolution."

I wonder if you read the whole report before taking out the "single line" which you believed was in your favour !!


Jammu is a Hindu Majority area and only 1 % support independence for reasons quite obvious ..

DivisionPopulation......................... / % Muslim /% Hindu /% Sikh
Kashmir (53.9%)5,476,970 ......../ 97.16% / 1.84% / 0.88%
Jammu (43.7%)4,430,191 ........../30.69% / 65.23% / 3.57%
Ladakh (2.3%)236,539 ............../47.40% / 6.22%–

So its about 5.3 million Kashmiri Muslims of Kashmir Valley and not about Hindus of Jammu . We have no interest in Jammu region , You can keep it !!
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