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INDIA: Pak T-shirts in procession, Treason case registered

They let many Muslims get away. They even asked victims about their religion before killing them. Media didn't focus on that to avoid communal riots.

Jinnah is dead. Lets not talk about him. We should be more concerned about the future Jinnahs which Indian Muslims will produce due to the discrimination and persecution. It seems like if things continue in this way, there will be thousands of Jinnahs who will be supported by hundreds of million Indian Muslims

Let the Pakistanis answer about Pakistan army's role in Palestinian killings. Either you are a RSS or a sell-out Muslim. If you are the latter, believe me hell awaits you. I bet you don't even wear a Burqa. You might like one of those Bollywood immoral actresses who claim to be Muslim.

Bro it is important for the Muslims not to become reactionaries because ultimately that is what they want. We suffered but lets not take our suffering to the average Hindu who is not really at fault. Not everyone is bad, remember that.

Personally my experiences have taught me that the Hindus are as human as us. They can be good, they can be bad just like all human beings. Rather these events make me feel more for the Pakistani Hindu who might have some of the same problems India's muslims face.

Eventually a time will come when muslims in UP and other parts will have to decide their loyalty and its best it would be to Pakistan. But in either case we should remember to be human and feel each others pain, regardless of which religion or even which country one belongs to or believes he belongs to.

India is a fictional state lets not forget your forefathers full support. Ask any muslim more than 50 years of age and they will tell you of a time when Muslims of India (so called) voted overwhelmingly for Pakistan and the partition of India. If some don't understand that the history and future of the Muslim in the sub-continent is linked to Pakistan then thats their misfortune. But Pakistan and muslim history is completely interlinked.

The "Indian muslims" you now see are born of new ideals and from staying on that side of the border, without Pakistani ideals, thinking, ideology and beliefs reaching them for over 60 years. 60 years is a lot of time and it changes some.
I believe India is extremely reactionary when it sees the Pakistani flag, anywhere and wherever. People should have the freedom to decide where their hearts lie. India should try and treat minorities in such a way that no one thinks about Pakistan. Instead a lot of Muslims are disenchanted and want to form another Pakistan or join with the one that already exists.

I remember when the Pakistani flag was placed in Assam India started claiming it was a HUJI plot when it was only some disenchanted muslims with the flag. By treating Muslims fairly a lot of Indian problems can disappear but the mistreatment creates only more fanatics, and possibly more supporters of Pakistan.
How India treats her muslims?
Indian constitution gives equal rights to all citizens including muslims.
Indian muslims have separate personal law under the constitution and governed by Muslim Personal law Board.
Muslims have adorned the offices of the President of India, Vice President, Home Minister, Foreign Minister, Foreign Secretary, other Secretaries, Ambassador to the USA, Chief Justice of India, Chief Election Commissioner, Chief of Intelligence Bureau, Chief Information Commissioner, Chief of Indian Air Force, Lt. Generals in the Indian Army, DGP of state police and Commissioner of Police of Mumbai, Chief Ministers in the states where muslims are in minority, Captains of National Cricket team and national hockey team. Richest non-king muslim in the world is from India. Bollywoods icons are muslims. What else?
Should India learn from Pakistan how to treat minorities? Show us how you have treated your minorities and then give advise to India.
You are really idiot. Prove your point that many pakistani like to hide their nationalitieses and pretend to be Indian or stop spreading lies here. We faced many challenges and conflicts soon after independence . we had many internal threas ss well as threats from neighbour countries including second largest country India as enemy which led to many wars soon after independence. We had political instability and terrorism .Still with all this Where are we today? Pakistan occupies a geopolitically important location at the crossroads of South Asia, the Middle East and Central Asia.

Pakistan has the seventh largest standing armed forces in the world and is also a nuclear power as well as a declared nuclear-weapons state, being the only nation in the Muslim world, and the second in South Asia, to have that status. It has a semi-industrialised economy with a well-integrated agriculture sector, its economy is the 26th largest in the world in terms of purchasing power and 45th largest in terms of nominal GDP and is also characterized among the emerging and growth-leading economies of the world.

Pakistan is one of the largest producers of natural commodities, and its labour market is the 10th largest in the world. It all depend how you look at it. If you look at Pakistan with glasses of hate then sure mess is all you will see and i can point out same evils in your incredible India but i dont want to go as low as you

Listen brother! Is that how you address a lady if you disagree with her? Is this what your parents have taught you? This is not my tehzib and i can not stoop to your level of indecency. I ignored your language earlier but this is a repeat. I just wont respond to any of your posts henceforth. However, to give you the evidence you have asked for, I am attaching a youtube clip of a prominent pakistani journalist talking on a pakistani tv channel. just listen carefully from 6.50 minutes where he gives first hand report of how pakistanis in US are ashamed to reveal their nationality and how shamefully they call themselves Indians. Do not address to me henceforth and get the clarification from your journalist, tv anchor, tv channel or youtube.

Latest Truth about superpower pakistan.flv - YouTube
How India treats her muslims?
Indian constitution gives equal rights to all citizens including muslims.

The constitution might only in some ways aim to give equal rights to Muslims but fails to in many places especially in places where Hindu and Muslim views tend to differ. 2 examples. Cow slaughter: In many states cow slaughter is banned. Mostly likely during bakr eid you slaughtered a cow from an illegal slaughterhouse. Why should there be a ban on cow slaughter for muslims who eat them and have a tradition to slaughter them.

Love marriages between Hindu and Muslim which usually end in the conversion of the Hindu: have drawn a lot of attention from the Hind right wing. They call this "love jihad" and till recently there was discussion in the parliament on how to reduce or end it. Marriage between Hindu and Muslim is shunned.

Another place where you find figures about the reality of Muslims in India is the Sachar report, even though the Sachar committee report is said to present a much better image of muslims than they are actually in.

According to it:

• In Maharashtra, the percentage of Muslim jail inmates in all categories is way above their share in the population Muslim share in population is 10.6%, share in the total prison inmates is 32.4%.

• When it comes to those in prison for less than a year, Muslims contribute 40.6% of all prisoners in Maharashtra.

• In Gujarat, the percentage of Muslims in the state is just 9.06% but they make up over a quarter of all jail inmates.

• Assam, the second highest Muslim populated state in the country, after J&K, has 30.9% Muslims, and here, the percentage of Muslim jail inmates is 28.1.

• Even Karnataka, which did relatively better than other states in providing jobs to Muslims, shows the same trend: 17.5% of its jail inmates are Muslim as compared with 12.23% of its population.

• In Delhi, where Muslims make up 11.7% of the population, they constitute 29.1% of those in jail for less than a year.

Then there are the reports of muslims in government. These figures are even lesser. Muslims only have a place in jails in India and low level clerks and minor servants in government/civil jobs.

Indian muslims have separate personal law under the constitution and governed by Muslim Personal law Board.

So what. Even Sikhs have a special law in Pakistan called the Anand Karaj act. It does not mean they have no problems.

Muslims have adorned the offices of the President of India, Vice President, Home Minister, Foreign Minister, Foreign Secretary, other Secretaries, Ambassador to the USA, Chief Justice of India, Chief Election Commissioner, Chief of Intelligence Bureau, Chief Information Commissioner, Chief of Indian Air Force, Lt. Generals in the Indian Army, DGP of state police and Commissioner of Police of Mumbai, Chief Ministers in the states where muslims are in minority, Captains of National Cricket team and national hockey team. Richest non-king muslim in the world is from India. Bollywoods icons are muslims. What else?

This does not mean the average Indian muslim has equal rights. Far from it this displays the vast differences between the rich and poor in India.

Should India learn from Pakistan how to treat minorities? Show us how you have treated your minorities and then give advise to India.

You are not a Muslim are you? In any case the thread is not about Pakistan. This is a tactic to avoid blame. They do this so we do this. Whoaa Look at them instead of looking at yourself. Bury your head in sand.

This typically Hindutvadi response to any talk of minorities has been the staple for decades in my discussions over Muslim rights.
The constitution might only in some ways aim to give equal rights to Muslims but fails to in many places especially in places where Hindu and Muslim views tend to differ. 2 examples. Cow slaughter: In many states cow slaughter is banned. Mostly likely during bakr eid you slaughtered a cow from an illegal slaughterhouse. Why should there be a ban on cow slaughter for muslims who eat them and have a tradition to slaughter them.

Love marriages between Hindu and Muslim which usually end in the conversion of the Hindu: have drawn a lot of attention from the Hind right wing. They call this "love jihad" and till recently there was discussion in the parliament on how to reduce or end it. Marriage between Hindu and Muslim is shunned.

Another place where you find figures about the reality of Muslims in India is the Sachar report, even though the Sachar committee report is said to present a much better image of muslims than they are actually in.

According to it:

• In Maharashtra, the percentage of Muslim jail inmates in all categories is way above their share in the population Muslim share in population is 10.6%, share in the total prison inmates is 32.4%.

• When it comes to those in prison for less than a year, Muslims contribute 40.6% of all prisoners in Maharashtra.

• In Gujarat, the percentage of Muslims in the state is just 9.06% but they make up over a quarter of all jail inmates.

• Assam, the second highest Muslim populated state in the country, after J&K, has 30.9% Muslims, and here, the percentage of Muslim jail inmates is 28.1.

• Even Karnataka, which did relatively better than other states in providing jobs to Muslims, shows the same trend: 17.5% of its jail inmates are Muslim as compared with 12.23% of its population.

• In Delhi, where Muslims make up 11.7% of the population, they constitute 29.1% of those in jail for less than a year.

Then there are the reports of muslims in government. These figures are even lesser. Muslims only have a place in jails in India and low level clerks and minor servants in government/civil jobs.

So what. Even Sikhs have a special law in Pakistan called the Anand Karaj act. It does not mean they have no problems.

This does not mean the average Indian muslim has equal rights. Far from it this displays the vast differences between the rich and poor in India.

You are not a Muslim are you? In any case the thread is not about Pakistan. This is a tactic to avoid blame. They do this so we do this. Whoaa Look at them instead of looking at yourself. Bury your head in sand.

This typically Hindutvadi response to any talk of minorities has been the staple for decades in my discussions over Muslim rights.
Everyone in India is treated alike. There are rich hindus, there are poor hindus. there are rich muslims, there are poor muslims. there are rich tribals, there are poor tribals. Dont quote riots. In riots both hindus and muslims are killed. Muslims accuse police for inaction and Hindus accuse politicians for siding with muslims for their vote bank. Our constitution treats all as equals.
You are from Lucknow area and I too belong to the same region. Come visit and meet the people you left behind, they are all much better off than in 1947 or before. People in my village who sat the whole day in front of our house just to do any thing we asked them so that they get free lunch, today their houses have all the electronic gadgets and motor cycles. The boys would waste all day but wont do any work for anyone. They are educated and want to do govt. job or do some business to be on their own and this is when my area is still considered backward.
@Razia Sultana while the constitution tries to protect all minorities, in real world, there is always suspicion or indifference to minorities.
This is true across the world, and particularly true for India.
In India, being poor is the worst crime, but being minority or from lower caste puts you in double disadvantage.
Who is he/she to speak like that about my country when her country is also in mess.

No it isn't.

Our mess is of a different kind, and it is not comparable with your mess. If you do, it is totally and completely wrong. You have to distinguish between your desire to equate things and real stuff in real life.

Our mess is in the 180 degree direction.

Thank you.
Everyone in India is treated alike. There are rich hindus, there are poor hindus. there are rich muslims, there are poor muslims. there are rich tribals, there are poor tribals. Dont quote riots. In riots both hindus and muslims are killed. Muslims accuse police for inaction and Hindus accuse politicians for siding with muslims for their vote bank. Our constitution treats all as equals.

I already gave you proof it doesn't. The cow slaughter ban for example and almost every issue where Muslim and Hindu thought has been divergent. Do you remember Babri masjid? It was demolished despite the protestations of Muslims across the country.

Look at Kashmir. At every point where Hindu and Muslim thought has been found divergent there has been chaos and the issue has been resolved in favor of Hindutvadi terrorists. You can claim such terrorists are a minority which I admit is a truth but it still does not do anything to prove that Muslims are in a great condition in India.

Another thing. No where in the world and particularly in developing countries the people, rich and poor are treated equally. In India there is something called a caste system.

My cousin said so and so is a dalit and I shouldn't touch him.

At that time I said nothing, but truly it is horrible that we can treat our own fellow beings as untouchable. The practice exists in parts of Pakistan too but nonetheless its a horrible practice.

You are from Lucknow area and I too belong to the same region. Come visit and meet the people you left behind, they are all much better off than in 1947 or before.

My nana was the biggest supporter of Pakistan living in Lucknow. So don't try to teach me. He married almost every daughter to Pakistanis. There used to be bets on who would win matches with Muslims in Lucknow vouching for Pakistan. You can ask your grand father about this if you want.

In 1947 having a car was considered a big thing. Now almost 20% of Indian and Pakistani populations have a car. Its like saying first we had A and now we have A whose value has declined/appreciated so we are better off. It doesn't make a difference. Did anyone have internet in the year 1947?

People in my village who sat the whole day in front of our house just to do any thing we asked them so that they get free lunch, today their houses have all the electronic gadgets and motor cycles. The boys would waste all day but wont do any work for anyone. They are educated and want to do govt. job or do some business to be on their own and this is when my area is still considered backward.

What is your village? My ancestral place from one side is Barabanki. They are ansaris which almost every other day are being framed as terrorists in there. Almost every article about Ansaris seems to cover them as terrorists even though Ansaris are by far the most liberal people known.

I won't divulge my other branch but in any case the problems for Muslims in India are many. The economic situation has gradually improved for people in both India and Pakistan. What has not improved is the way Muslims are treated in India. By many those parts are not even considered Indian especially Lucknow being the heartland of the All India Muslim League which formed Pakistan.
Pakistan is certainly not a nation to be proud of. Even Pakistanis try to avoid telling their nationality when abroad and call themselves Indians. Such is their image.

Source: INDIA: Pak T-shirts in procession, Treason case registered | Page 5

Dear miss Razia Sultana, you have every right to be a proud Indian, and be so, but kindly don't try to judge patriotism of Pakistanis!

The underlying assumptions in your argument totally show the lack of personal contact you have with Pakistanis, incase you are an expat Indian, you absolutely have not mingled with Pakistanis at all, otherwise you have witnessed the truth.

Truth is not only Pakistanis don't disguise as Indians infact if foreigners ever confuse us with being Indians we make it a point to clarify them who we are.

The video you shared is out of context, this pressure is felt not just by Pakistanis but all Muslims, depending who they interact with, what you shared is similar to someone feeling shy post 9\11 to tell his name being Osama, or Muslims abroad not naming their new born kids Osama any more, had this situation made some very weak Pakistanis scapegoat as Indians to avoid wrong attention is one thing and calling themselves Indians because Indians are awesome nation is totally another thing.

The truth is we are proud Pakistanis even today when our house is burning, we are with our country through think and thin, we hope and work for better tomorrow, condemn all evils in Pakistan and support all positive efforts, love our people and our land!

The question is for you to ask yourself: Tomorrow if India for some reason does not realize its hopes as much as it anticipates today, or Muslims in India don't prosper as much as Hindus of India then that day would you still be singing Indian patriotic songs? If yes then why is it so hard for you to believe that Pakistanis are proud Pakistanis and they love Pakistan !!!
Listen brother! Is that how you address a lady if you disagree with her?
I am not your brother. I never used any bad langaguge except using word idiot. Dont expect respect from me when you cannot respect my feelings for my country and started bashing it out of nowhere to justify your patriotism or loyalty to India.

I understand insecure Muslims like yourself constantly need to bash Pakistan to prove their loyalty and their existence in India but dont complain when we give you taste of your own medicine. Your video prove nothing at all and it certainly dont represent the feelings of all pakistani towards their country. We have traitor among us just like you have some bad eggs in your country. Ask those indians who are living abroad to find out how many Pakistani pretended to be Indian in therr and how Pakistani feel about their country and how they celebrate their festivals abroad openly without any fear. We are the only people who celebrate our indepedence day in UK/USA by carrying our green flag on street . You are blind if you could not see how Pakistani celebrate their victory in cricket match in street of London. You dont even know that many poor Indians faced racism in the hands of foreigners and got killed. Many pakistani helped indians against gora/white racism

There was one news i found about googling Pakistani posing as Indian and may be your video also refering to it and here it is

Pakistanis pose as Indians after NY bomb scare

It say Pakistani pretend to be Indian in USA to get jobs. I really doubt the validity of this news because every sane person know that you have to submit your travel documents, visa or passport in order to get some jobs abroad which clearly show your nationality/identity so its quiet impossible to hide your nationality for getting a job. Please use your brain next time when read few such news and blindly believe in them. Thanks
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I know, pakistan is the guiding light of asia in these things, no cases, no trials, straight beating to death by mobs and then burning the body.

we are so backwards. :(

two wrongs dont make a right.


This isnt the first time this sort of thing has happened in India, what surprises me more is that many Indians still defend such action.
Whole world except Muslims care what I believe.You don't want to see how non Muslims perceive you and that is the reason many of you are frozen in 7th century.We can only solve any problem when we first diagnose it correctly.
No, dont try and change the fact that your comment is stupid and turn the blame on me. We dont care how you preceive us, and generally, the world doesnt think like you. If it did Islam wouldnt be the second largest religion in the world, nore the most wide spread.

Just admit it, youre a fascist who thinks like a nazi.
Dear miss Razia Sultana, you have every right to be a proud Indian, and be so, but kindly don't try to judge patriotism of Pakistanis!

The underlying assumptions in your argument totally show the lack of personal contact you have with Pakistanis, incase you are an expat Indian, you absolutely have not mingled with Pakistanis at all, otherwise you have witnessed the truth.

Truth is not only Pakistanis don't disguise as Indians infact if foreigners ever confuse us with being Indians we make it a point to clarify them who we are.

The video you shared is out of context, this pressure is felt not just by Pakistanis but all Muslims, depending who they interact with, what you shared is similar to someone feeling shy post 9\11 to tell his name being Osama, or Muslims abroad not naming their new born kids Osama any more, had this situation made some very weak Pakistanis scapegoat as Indians to avoid wrong attention is one thing and calling themselves Indians because Indians are awesome nation is totally another thing.

The truth is we are proud Pakistanis even today when our house is burning, we are with our country through think and thin, we hope and work for better tomorrow, condemn all evils in Pakistan and support all positive efforts, love our people and our land!

The question is for you to ask yourself: Tomorrow if India for some reason does not realize its hopes as much as it anticipates today, or Muslims in India don't prosper as much as Hindus of India then that day would you still be singing Indian patriotic songs? If yes then why is it so hard for you to believe that Pakistanis are proud Pakistanis and they love Pakistan !!!

Seriously, no Pakistani in the US pretends to be Indian. If anything, when you tell Indians that you are Pakistani they quickly try to make a point that we are the same people. Usually I just smirk, and let them have their feel good moment.
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