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INDIA: Pak T-shirts in procession, Treason case registered

Just imagine Pakistanis wearing Indian t-shirts and what will be their reaction....these can be good social experiments on the internet but both the countries are not that mature enough to allow it...anyways Pakistan as a country is not a role model for anyone... In 1947 these people ran away in fear of Hindus...created a divide and weakened the entire Muslim population of the subcontinent,,,and now they suffer from severe identity crisis, borrow and lay claim to the Indian history and culture and act like the champions of Muslim rights everywhere.... India has a rich Islamic history and traditions just like many other religions with whom it has coexisted throughout time....while Pakistan with its growing extremism and influence of Wahabi ideals is already a menace for the world...by the way things are going soon the Western countries will need to bomb the shit out of Pakistan(already happening)... then these "patriotic Pakistanis" will probably jump ship to China and claim to be the most "Patriotic Chinese" then... :P I'm sure China will accomodate their "taller than mountain, deeper than ocean" friends and treat them like they are treating Muslims now. ;) In the end, this holds true for Pakistanis imo, once a coward always a coward, once a traitor, always a traitor!!!

LOL. We saw how you Indian 'Muslims' got slaughtered in Gujrat and are now praying to statues and touching feet of Modi. Getting beat up for eating beef and having to play vande mataram after every azan. Your enslavement is not enticing at all. Pakistanis are a free people with free spirit.

Also, we are not as primitive or insecure as you Indians to file treason charges on ten year olds for wearing a cricket kit.
I don't know what you have been reading about Indian Muslims. But I can tell you most of us love Pakistan and Pakistanis.
you are supporter of AIMIM And so you are accepting that AIMIM is actually pro pakistani?
Thank you Razia Sultana for acknowledging the fact, I hope it will be easy for you to understand now that Pakistanis don't feel shy of being identified as Pakistanis, infact if you have ever met any real Iraqis you may know that the sorry state of their nation saddens them deeply but they are still proud Iraqis, they don't try to be identified as anybody else.

It is very noble of you to express your patriotism but please try to be compassionate and empathetic that others feel for their nation similarly.
In fact, I have absolutely no ill-will for Pakistan or pakistanis. We have relatives in Pakistan but no longer in touch with them. We enjoy listening to our aunts and uncles about their past stories and we do feel if partition could have been avoided. this has nothing to do with politics, just emotions. I first saw my cousin on this site but when i signed up he was banned but I enjoy the topics on this forum and I just hope people maintain the decency and decorum. Not everyone is comfortable with unparliamentary language. I like visiting pakistani websites and interacting with them but what upsets me when they expect me to take a stand against my own nation as if being an Indian tantamount to apostasy. Worst, the hindu fanatics in India have similar feelings that being a muslim means pro-pakistani as against India. But I have no complex, I say what I have to. Thanks.
I don't know what you have been reading about Indian Muslims. But I can tell you most of us love Pakistan and Pakistanis.

That does make sense.

After all, the whole idea behind the Indian Partition, was the Two Nation Theory.

Which states that the Muslims of the subcontinent are a separate nation, i.e. Pakistan.

So it makes sense that Indian Muslims would have good feelings towards Pakistan, cheer for the Pakistani cricket team, and wear shirts with their flag on it.
That does make sense.

After all, the whole idea behind the Indian Partition, was the Two Nation Theory.

Which states that the Muslims of the subcontinent are a separate nation, i.e. Pakistan.

So it makes sense that Indian Muslims would have good feelings towards Pakistan, cheer for the Pakistani cricket team, and wear shirts with their flag on it.

Having lived in the west for a while now, most Indians have nothing to be proud of. They act pompous on the internet, but being Indian is not considered desirable at all.
That does make sense.

After all, the whole idea behind the Indian Partition, was the Two Nation Theory.

Which states that the Muslims of the subcontinent are a separate nation, i.e. Pakistan.

So it makes sense that Indian Muslims would have good feelings towards Pakistan, cheer for the Pakistani cricket team, and wear shirts with their flag on it.
Of all the Muslims I have met so far in real life......I m yet to see one who has a gud feeling towards Pakistan..
cheering for cricket players is a different things....
for e.g..my brother used to like afridi but he doesn't have a gud feeling towards Pakistan(neither a bad feeling also)
Having lived in the west for a while now, most Indians have nothing to be proud of. They act pompous on the internet, but being Indian is not considered desirable at all.
Yeah.....being a Pakistani is one hell of an achievement
Isn't it???
Yeah.....being a Pakistani is one hell of an achievement
Isn't it???

Seeing as how you bhartis foam at the mouth whenever you see a green crescent flag, I'd say yes. :cheers:
Seeing as how you bhartis foam at the mouth whenever you see a green crescent flag, I'd say yes. :cheers:
Yeah lol
I want to burn every thing that is green in colour and has a crescent on it..... :enjoy:
Feeling happy now.... :whistle:

any thing more you want to say on how we evil Hindu baniya are trying to destroy Pakistan and kill every Muslim in this planet :butcher::haha:
Gujratis and Muslims from Mumbai hate you guys too.
And let's not forget that Kashmiris loathe Indi
thats only hyderabadis.. dont generalize :devil:
I have lived in Ahmedabad,Delhi,Mumbai,Pune,hyderabad and Mysore. I can tell you Muslims in those states abosuletly love Pakistan. I had a discussion with a few with in Delhi on India vs Pakistan. They always mocked Indian armed forces who always get bullied by a smaller Muslim force. Deep down in our heart we always feel happy when Pakistanis humiliating Hinduwadis each and everytime. Its out of respect for our pakistani Muslim brothers we don't join the armed forces.
I have lived in Ahmedabad,Delhi,Mumbai,Pune,hyderabad and Mysore. I can tell you Muslims in those states abosuletly love Pakistan. I had a discussion with a few with in Delhi on India vs Pakistan. They always mocked Indian armed forces who always get bullied by a smaller Muslim force. Deep down in our heart we always feel happy when Pakistanis humiliating Hinduwadis each and everytime. Its out of respect for our pakistani Muslim brothers we don't join the armed forces.

What is the percentage of Muslims serving in the Indian armed forces?
I have lived in Ahmedabad,Delhi,Mumbai,Pune,hyderabad and Mysore. I can tell you Muslims in those states abosuletly love Pakistan. I had a discussion with a few with in Delhi on India vs Pakistan. They always mocked Indian armed forces who always get bullied by a smaller Muslim force. Deep down in our heart we always feel happy when Pakistanis humiliating Hinduwadis each and everytime. Its out of respect for our pakistani Muslim brothers we don't join the armed forces.
Thats a lie and generalization. Only people who live in ghettos and have been wronged by govt, take solace from those thoughts.
I dont blame them.
They are also the same people who keep giving threats like 'dont test our patience hindus.. we will do something bad in future'... and then lose everything in a riot.

I sympathize with such people, than feel any anger.
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