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INDIA: Pak T-shirts in procession, Treason case registered

You people breed like rats with a 7th century mentality.While the whole world is marching forward ridding the those beliefs which obstruct their path you people are busy in talking about concocted stories .As long as you people don't get out of this attitude and continue crying victim hood without even realising your faults ,you will be where you are watching others around you progressing whining like a child.
PS:To be honest ,it is heartening to see that many Muslims are exercising family planning now and sending their children to English medium schools.I sincerely believe Muslims in India will be lot different in other 15 years by becoming more liberal and by assimilating more in Indian society.

India has the 2nd highest Muslim population in the world, that's according to your 2001 census.

And India deliberately hid the "religion" data for their 2011 census. It's not hard to guess why, considering that according to the last census, the total fertility rate of Indian Muslims is far higher than the rest, thus their population is exploding.

Soon you guys will have the largest Muslim population in the world.

And as we can clearly see already, Indian Muslims hate you guys just as much as you hate them. Maybe more.
okay im off for another 2 or so months. I came back on today out of curiosity and i immediately regretted my decision.
If wearing a T-shirt of another country is treason, why were all the people who wore t-shirts of Brazil, England etc during this year's soccer world cup not tried for this crime.....:coffee:
Because we consider Pakistan as an enemy country just like Pakistan considers us an enemy too! :P
I am not your brother. I never used any bad langaguge except using word idiot. Dont expect respect from me when you cannot respect my feelings for my country and started bashing it out of nowhere to justify your patriotism or loyalty to India.

I understand insecure Muslims like yourself constantly need to bash Pakistan to prove their loyalty and their existence in India
lol a good self satisfaction statement.
The fact is some of you can't digest that we too have many patriotic muslims, and this is hurting you inside.

Disappointed to see a blot in the beginning of your otherwise good post.

One must keep sensitivities and sensibilities of Indian Muslims in mind. The India-Pakistan rivalry hurts them too. Its not hard to understand that, and one can not blame them as though they are responsible in any concrete way. I can put up with criticism from them. Its only natural. Nationalism should not make us blind to their concerns.

Disappointed to see a blot in the beginning of your otherwise good post.

One must keep sensitivities and sensibilities of Indian Muslims in mind. The India-Pakistan rivalry hurts them too. Its not hard to understand that, and one can not blame them as though they are responsible in any concrete way. I can put up with criticism from them. Its only natural. Nationalism should not make us blind to their concerns.

There one an only concern with Pakistani Muslims is our very existance as a country, believes me the secular (Congressi) Indian Muslim lot hated more towards Pakistan & Pakistanis than any RSS or Hinduata chap on the street. I have first hand experience in listening them as some of these Congressi Muslims even migrated in 60s forcefully as they listen up more opportunities available from their earlier migrated relatives in Pakistan.....even when they & now their children too are earning a healthy living in Pakistan, their hearts still filled with VENOM.
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There one an only concern with Pakistani Muslims is our very existance as a country, believes me the secular (Congressi) Indian Muslim lot hated more towards Pakistan & Pakistanis than any RSS or Hinduata chap on the street.

We should be strong enough to take it. This phenomenon does not necessitate a response IMHO. My interaction with Indian Muslims has been somewhat limited in the last decade, so you could be right. However, I see no reason to be mad about this. We are more secure and we should show it.
LOL stupid Indians filed treason charges on 12 year old kids. :rofl:

Even many of you bhartis are fans of Afridi, so If someone wears his kit is that also treason?

This is beyond petty.
I already gave you proof it doesn't. The cow slaughter ban for example and almost every issue where Muslim and Hindu thought has been divergent. Do you remember Babri masjid? It was demolished despite the protestations of Muslims across the country.

Look at Kashmir. At every point where Hindu and Muslim thought has been found divergent there has been chaos and the issue has been resolved in favor of Hindutvadi terrorists. You can claim such terrorists are a minority which I admit is a truth but it still does not do anything to prove that Muslims are in a great condition in India.

Another thing. No where in the world and particularly in developing countries the people, rich and poor are treated equally. In India there is something called a caste system.

My cousin said so and so is a dalit and I shouldn't touch him.

At that time I said nothing, but truly it is horrible that we can treat our own fellow beings as untouchable. The practice exists in parts of Pakistan too but nonetheless its a horrible practice.

I have 10 differences with my husband but we have 90 agreements. Cow slaughter ban does not bother muslims here. beef is not our staple diet. Beef is considered the diet of poor people who cant afford mutton or chicken or even Dal. No one misses beef. As regards to Babri Masjid, its all politics and indeed a point of divergence. For one or two divergences we cant forget 98 convergences. And there is no divergence on Kashmir. Its part of India and thats period.

Caste system is bane of hindu society and we muslims dont practice it. I wonder if your cousin is a muslim who advised you not to touch a dalit. The casteism practiced by hindus what i saw in my childhood is non existent now.
My nana was the biggest supporter of Pakistan living in Lucknow. So don't try to teach me. He married almost every daughter to Pakistanis. There used to be bets on who would win matches with Muslims in Lucknow vouching for Pakistan. You can ask your grand father about this if you want.

In 1947 having a car was considered a big thing. Now almost 20% of Indian and Pakistani populations have a car. Its like saying first we had A and now we have A whose value has declined/appreciated so we are better off. It doesn't make a difference. Did anyone have internet in the year 1947?

What is your village? My ancestral place from one side is Barabanki. They are ansaris which almost every other day are being framed as terrorists in there. Almost every article about Ansaris seems to cover them as terrorists even though Ansaris are by far the most liberal people known.

I won't divulge my other branch but in any case the problems for Muslims in India are many. The economic situation has gradually improved for people in both India and Pakistan. What has not improved is the way Muslims are treated in India. By many those parts are not even considered Indian especially Lucknow being the heartland of the All India Muslim League which formed Pakistan.
Good for your Nana and his children. It was not a crime to be supporting Pakistan movement and after Pakistan was created the best thing to do was to migrate to Pakistan. My village is in Tehsil Utraula distt Balrampur which was earlier in Gonda. So not very far from barabanki and there is no harrassment of muslims the way you are making it out to be. My uncles who live in village have such reputation that their words are honoured by the local police and administration. If they just tell the Thanedar that this boy has made a mistake and wont repeat, he is let go without any charges. So when someone tells me that we muslims are suffering in India, its not palatable to me. When its Dashahra mela or any Urs in the vicinity all communities participate. Its our choice whether to fight on one divergence and waste our life or live in harmony.

As a muslim, many in India may have a soft corner for fellow muslims in pakistan or elsewhere but its irritating to know that pakistanis expect us to support them in the name of Ummah discarding grographical boundaries. But they dont understand that Pakistan is not the Ummah but its also a geographical boundary so if I have to support a geographical boundary I will always support my motherland. Even we had some relatives migrated to Pakistan and they used to come until i was a kid. half of the time they were regreting moving to Pakistan and rest of the time they would try to make us believe how we have become subservient to hindus and we would wonder how. Our people felt their pain but it was their choice.
Dear miss Razia Sultana, you have every right to be a proud Indian, and be so, but kindly don't try to judge patriotism of Pakistanis!

The underlying assumptions in your argument totally show the lack of personal contact you have with Pakistanis, incase you are an expat Indian, you absolutely have not mingled with Pakistanis at all, otherwise you have witnessed the truth.

Truth is not only Pakistanis don't disguise as Indians infact if foreigners ever confuse us with being Indians we make it a point to clarify them who we are.

The video you shared is out of context, this pressure is felt not just by Pakistanis but all Muslims, depending who they interact with, what you shared is similar to someone feeling shy post 9\11 to tell his name being Osama, or Muslims abroad not naming their new born kids Osama any more, had this situation made some very weak Pakistanis scapegoat as Indians to avoid wrong attention is one thing and calling themselves Indians because Indians are awesome nation is totally another thing.

The truth is we are proud Pakistanis even today when our house is burning, we are with our country through think and thin, we hope and work for better tomorrow, condemn all evils in Pakistan and support all positive efforts, love our people and our land!

The question is for you to ask yourself: Tomorrow if India for some reason does not realize its hopes as much as it anticipates today, or Muslims in India don't prosper as much as Hindus of India then that day would you still be singing Indian patriotic songs? If yes then why is it so hard for you to believe that Pakistanis are proud Pakistanis and they love Pakistan !!!
I am not a Miss but a Mrs with two kids. My comments are being taken out of context. I meant and still mean that Indian Muslims have no reason to be proud of Pakistan given the fact that even Pakistanis feel shy of being identified as Pakistanis for whatever reasons. That does not mean you should not be proud of your nation rather you must.
And I wont be assuming things about my country as you are proposing and make my heart burn today.

I know, pakistan is the guiding light of asia in these things, no cases, no trials, straight beating to death by mobs and then burning the body.

we are so backwards. :(

i am sure if some one wear indian flag instead of shirt infront of our police.. they will not give a shit .. it is only india
And I wont be assuming things about my country as you are proposing and make my heart burn today.

Thank you Razia Sultana for acknowledging the fact, I hope it will be easy for you to understand now that Pakistanis don't feel shy of being identified as Pakistanis, infact if you have ever met any real Iraqis you may know that the sorry state of their nation saddens them deeply but they are still proud Iraqis, they don't try to be identified as anybody else.

It is very noble of you to express your patriotism but please try to be compassionate and empathetic that others feel for their nation similarly.
The "Indian muslims" you now see are born of new ideals and from staying on that side of the border, without Pakistani ideals, thinking, ideology and beliefs reaching them for over 60 years. 60 years is a lot of time and it changes some.
I don't know what you have been reading about Indian Muslims. But I can tell you most of us love Pakistan and Pakistanis.
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