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INDIA: Pak T-shirts in procession, Treason case registered


I know, pakistan is the guiding light of asia in these things, no cases, no trials, straight beating to death by mobs and then burning the body.

we are so backwards. :(

Classic Indian response to any of their nations failures.

Claim others do worse and point fingers.
Then forget the problem and continue dreaming of ADVANCED SHUPA POWA CIVILIZATION INDIA!
Hinduwadis love you, isn't it obvious? Last time you supported uniform civil code and justified India supporting terrorist Israel. Yet you have the audacity to claim being a Muslim.

You can't fool me. You RSS chaddis are easy to detect. Now don't waste your Shakha's bandwidth unless you have something intelligent to say.

It does not matter to me who loves or hates me. My conscience is more important to me.
I have never supported uniform civil code not i think uniform civil code is feasible and desirable in a pluralist society like India. I had a big debate on this very forum making my stand clear. So you are assuming thing. Yes I did say that who support uniform civil code should first come up with the proposal and then I would comment on the proposal otherwise its not desirable.
As regards to Israel when the neighbouring Arab nations are least bothered why should we. My heart goes out for palestinians but tell me did not pakistan army kill palestianians in Jordan at the behest of Jordan by your own very Brigadier Zia-ul-Haq?
And lastly I dont need any certificate from you.
You are speaking non sense on Pakistani forum. If Pakistan is not a nation to be proud of then what is so special about your bharat mata ? I can tell about 100 ills in your country which are not something to be proud but you dont need reasons to love your motherland and you love your country with all its weakness and strengths. Idiots like yourself can insult fellow muslims to please your hindu masters or proving your loyalty to India. And i am living abroad and never met any Paksitani who called himself Indian. You are idiot if you think that indians are getting extra privilege or honour just for being Indians when they are abroad that Pakistani would felt the need to labell themselves as Indians . We Pakistani feel it insult to call ourselves Indians and we would never seperated from India if it was honour for us. Stop your BS
I did not mean to hurt your feelings but you can not hide this fact that many pakistanis hide their nationality these days as far as possible. This is reported by many pakistani tv channels and clips are available on the internet. When Pakistan was born, the entire Muslim Ummah was looking upto it as a model Islamic Nation but see where are you today..... in deep mess. Given this how can a muslim from other nation be proud of you if your own people are not. I would still say many muslims in India may feel proud about Saudi Arabia for literally implementing Sharia and Shias may feel good about Iran providing them leadership but sorry to say there is nothing in Pakistan that will make a muslim in India to be proud. In fact we are proud to have schools like Deobandi and Barelwi, Ajmer and Aligarh and our beloved Urdu. Yet I wish Pakistan from my heart to do well.
They killed indiscriminately. Did they not know that every 5th Indian is a muslim? You sound like that you have great sympathy and regard for those butchers that they let muslims go but yet they killed muslims. If you support a terrorist or an act of terror, you need to check a psychiatrist.
They let many Muslims get away. They even asked victims about their religion before killing them. Media didn't focus on that to avoid communal riots.

It was their problem if they did not migrate and they made a conscious choice to stay in India. I would but agree with you that partition did damage the muslims of the sub continent. May I ask you one question since you are calling those who created Pakistan fools, do you mean the same for Mr. Jinnah also? I want you to answer this because I seriously feel you are not from India.
Jinnah is dead. Lets not talk about him. We should be more concerned about the future Jinnahs which Indian Muslims will produce due to the discrimination and persecution. It seems like if things continue in this way, there will be thousands of Jinnahs who will be supported by hundreds of million Indian Muslims

It does not matter to me who loves or hates me. My conscience is more important to me.
I have never supported uniform civil code not i think uniform civil code is feasible and desirable in a pluralist society like India. I had a big debate on this very forum making my stand clear. So you are assuming thing. Yes I did say that who support uniform civil code should first come up with the proposal and then I would comment on the proposal otherwise its not desirable.
As regards to Israel when the neighbouring Arab nations are least bothered why should we. My heart goes out for palestinians but tell me did not pakistan army kill palestianians in Jordan at the behest of Jordan by your own very Brigadier Zia-ul-Haq?
And lastly I dont need any certificate from you.
Let the Pakistanis answer about Pakistan army's role in Palestinian killings. Either you are a RSS or a sell-out Muslim. If you are the latter, believe me hell awaits you. I bet you don't even wear a Burqa. You might like one of those Bollywood immoral actresses who claim to be Muslim.
They let many Muslims get away. They even asked victims about their religion before killing them. Media didn't focus on that to avoid communal riots.

Jinnah is dead. Lets not talk about him. We should be more concerned about the future Jinnahs which Indian Muslims will produce due to the discrimination and persecution. It seems like if things continue in this way, there will be thousands of Jinnahs who will be supported by hundreds of million Indian Muslims

Let the Pakistanis answer about Pakistan army's role in Palestinian killings. Either you are a RSS or a sell-out Muslim. If you are the latter, believe me hell awaits you. I bet you don't even wear a Burqa. You might like one of those Bollywood immoral actresses who claim to be Muslim.

Looks like you have a great respect for those terrorists. So I have nothing to say about it.

You loved calling those Indian muslims a fool who created Pakistan and they all are dead by now. But when you are asked to comment on the leader of those "fool" indians you are avoiding saying he is dead. Pakistanis are taught to respect Jinnah and they must as he is their Baba-e-Quaum and Quaid-e-Azam but their is no such thing for an Indian. There will be no more Jinnah in India as Indian muslims have learned a big lesson from him. At the most Akbaruddin Owaisi could be your Quaid-e-Azam who is only interested in enjoying the governmental benefits being an MP or MLA and creating wealth for himself.

I am no Bollywood actress and I dont wear Burqa either except when I go to my village in UP. There I wear it as a mark of respect to family and village elders. btw I am not oppose to burqa and enjoy wearing it but i will oppose any move to impose burqa on women who dont want to wear it. And dont bother where I will go after my death thats between me any my Allah (swt).
Looks like you have a great respect for those terrorists. So I have nothing to say about it.

You loved calling those Indian muslims a fool who created Pakistan and they all are dead by now. But when you are asked to comment on the leader of those "fool" indians you are avoiding saying he is dead. Pakistanis are taught to respect Jinnah and they must as he is their Baba-e-Quaum and Quaid-e-Azam but their is no such thing for an Indian. There will be no more Jinnah in India as Indian muslims have learned a big lesson from him. At the most Akbaruddin Owaisi could be your Quaid-e-Azam who is only interested in enjoying the governmental benefits being an MP or MLA and creating wealth for himself.

I am no Bollywood actress and I dont wear Burqa either except when I go to my village in UP. There I wear it as a mark of respect to family and village elders. btw I am not oppose to burqa and enjoy wearing it but i will oppose any move to impose burqa on women who dont want to wear it. And dont bother where I will go after my death thats between me any my Allah (swt).

I really liked this line in your post "And dont bother where I will go after my death thats between me any my Allah (swt)"

Dont wrestle with a pig. He will drag you to mud. Both of you will get dirty but he will enjoy it.

Translation - Stop answering a known troll.
Height of idiocy ..wearing green t shirt is criminal offence and hurt the feelings of indians jingoistic.

Indian gave whole new definition to word treason lol

Had some hindus in pakistan wore T shirts written India on it on the occasion of deewali you people would have lynched them in a minute, but we have not shown any reaction and only complained to police. This is called tolerance, only a hindu can show in this entire glob.
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Its not insecurity.

Its about curbing bad habits at the onset.
Wearing T shirts is bad habit?

I have seen many in Pakistan wearing American flag or British flag Tshirts, no body bats an eye.
Wearing T shirts is bad habit?

I have seen many in Pakistan wearing American flag or British flag Tshirts, no body bats an eye.
U r comparing apples and oranges....
wearing Indian t shirts in Pakistan isn't same as wearing British or American t shirts in Pakistan....

Anyways the response was uncalled for... a warning to those people would have sufficed
Classic Indian response to any of their nations failures.

Claim others do worse and point fingers.
Then forget the problem and continue dreaming of ADVANCED SHUPA POWA CIVILIZATION INDIA!

hey man, go criticise killing of muslims in their homes by armed infantry regiments in Xinjiang.
You are asking about introspection but forget to apply it on yourselves. You are also wrong to assume that pakistani living abroad are burning because of bad publicity of Pakistan in media. You think foreigners are stupid to hate a person because media show their country in bad light so everyone there assume that every pakistani is sucide bombers lol i never ever felt insult or bad remarks because of my connection with Pakistsn so why i should buy your BS. People judge others on individuals basis here not because of their colour, race or country. Please get off from your high horses because first thing come in the mind of foreigners when they think of India is poverty and stupid superstition then what? Would you look at your country through the lenses of those who just see bad things in your country?

I dont understand what is your problem with my posts. I objected to posts of razia sultana dhako where he said Pakistan is not a country to be proud of. Who is he/she to speak like that about my country when her country is also in mess. I agree she cannot associate herself with Pakistan jut like we cannot associate ourselves with India but he/she has no right to speak bad about my country because i can do the same. I am proud and happy to be Pakistani and thatsall what matter to me. Proud to be Pakistani dont mean you consider your country or people as perfect

Excellent post sir. :cheers:
Case of Treason for wearing a T-shirt????


Wonder India is "Mother of Democracy" or a "Theocracy"
Come from a Pakistani who is frustrated with growing India coz of its low riot rate in past decades. All ur wetdreams of India become a land of riots in name of democracy has, is and will be failed.

Indians reserve a DEMOCRATIC right to allow which country or which country not to be allowed publicity on its land. Have a Problem live with it.

Except Pakistan no other country TShirt, Flag, etc is a problem. 1 out of 200 nations. Obviously, that 1 country shud have deep rooted problems with it.
:pakistan:guess this T-shirt wont sell in India then .
ooks like you have a great respect for those terrorists. So I have nothing to say about it.
You loved calling those Indian muslims a fool who created Pakistan and they all are dead by now. But when you are asked to comment on the leader of those "fool" indians you are avoiding saying he is dead. Pakistanis are taught to respect Jinnah and they must as he is their Baba-e-Quaum and Quaid-e-Azam but their is no such thing for an Indian. There will be no more Jinnah in India as Indian muslims have learned a big lesson from him. At the most Akbaruddin Owaisi could be your Quaid-e-Azam who is only interested in enjoying the governmental benefits being an MP or MLA and creating wealth for himself.
I am no Bollywood actress and I dont wear Burqa either except when I go to my village in UP. There I wear it as a mark of respect to family and village elders. btw I am not oppose to burqa and enjoy wearing it but i will oppose any move to impose burqa on women who dont want to wear it. And dont bother where I will go after my death thats between me any my Allah (swt).

Last I time spoke about Jinnah, I got banned. You are too dumb. Pakistanis justify partition I don't.

Newsflash: Whats happening in Kashmir? Taking Muslims(real ones not a small minority like who are namesake ones) for granted always backfires.

You don't like to wear burqa but you wear it in front of your village elders. Tells a lot about you, doesn't it? A person who doesn't believe in something but still does to impress others. No wonder you want to impress Hinduwadis.

One thing you can learn from Indian History is that Muslims created it and they only have the power to destroy it.

Don't lecture me about about loyalty and patriotism. I am more patriotic than any Indian member on this forum. That being said I am not a sell-out like you who will justify the unjustifiable.

Put India before Islam. Sing Vande mataram. Argue in favor of uniform civil code. But don't claim to be a practising Muslim. You are the ones of the bollywood Muslims who are drunkards who never fast during holy month or perform juma namaaz but still claim to Muslim and preach nationalism to Muslims.
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