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INDIA: Pak T-shirts in procession, Treason case registered

because this topic is berad and butter for many :) ..... Rest of the world is making progress in the field of science(for that matter any field) and we here busy talking about partition and so on...

Sorry to say but the way i see here i am finding Muslim world right at the bottom when it comes to progress...may be this is where the focus should be moved, no??

Some Muslim countries are; the rest are well above a myriad Non Muslim countries in South Asia, Latin America, Africa and some Easter-European states !
Those instigating it are essentially the equivalent of goats used to train predators. They think they have gotten it all with the huge pile of chow but all they are is bait. Who is it that used them for bait?... There is no link of any ideas with Pakistan or the ISIS.. so this is clearly a local political job looking to incite hatred against Muslims in the area.
They will not given two hoots about hate part...but yes if it can dent the vote bank of some party then why not :) ....having said that our old friend ISI do keep playing games with us, so it is but obvious to look outwards on the very first go...may be that is the discourse
Those instigating it are essentially the equivalent of goats used to train predators. They think they have gotten it all with the huge pile of chow but all they are is bait. Who is it that used them for bait?... There is no link of any ideas with Pakistan or the ISIS.. so this is clearly a local political job looking to incite hatred against Muslims in the area.

Whats the rush ?

.. and nowhere have I mentioned ISI / ISIS in any of my posts.

All in good time.
'pakistan' is a bad word to use in india. anything related to 'pakistan' in india is bounded to be scrutinized. the youth should have been careful.
No Pakistani feel proud in their country and its insult for us to call ourselves Indians when we are proud Pakistani. One or two such incident dont represent the mindset of all Pakistani. We also dont care what others think about us as long as we are content within ourselves and only insecure souls get sleepless over what others think about them. Most foreigners still live in era of pre-1947 and consider all Bengali, indian and Pakistani as same race or nation which i personally clarified manytimes but plz get out of this wrong perception that you will get more honour or respect just for being Indian. Its most stupid comment i ever heard on Pdf
You didn't get the point...and of-course i am not pointing to all Pakistanis...all i am saying is that Pakistan is in bad light and people do feel the brunt of this bad publicity especially those who are outside Pakistan...
Also nothing wrong in introspecting what is there to be proud about apart from the motherhood connection...An average pakistani need to ask is my nation going on the right path or not? It is easy to say i don't care about what rest of the world think about us but then what other option do you have? Now i am not saying we don't have problems however we must be doing something write that again the world is talking about Indian story, no??
Look at Indian Insecurity from Pakistan - even a flagged T-Shirt is interpenetrated at Treason by them. I like it.
You didn't get the point...and of-course i am not pointing to all Pakistanis...all i am saying is that Pakistan is in bad light and people do feel the brunt of this bad publicity especially those who are outside Pakistan...
Also nothing wrong in introspecting what is there to be proud about apart from the motherhood connection...An average pakistani need to ask is my nation going on the right path or not? It is easy to say i don't care about what rest of the world think about us but then what other option do you have? Now i am not saying we don't have problems however we must be doing something write that again the world is talking about Indian story, no??
You are asking about introspection but forget to apply it on yourselves. You are also wrong to assume that pakistani living abroad are burning because of bad publicity of Pakistan in media. You think foreigners are stupid to hate a person because media show their country in bad light so everyone there assume that every pakistani is sucide bombers lol i never ever felt insult or bad remarks because of my connection with Pakistsn so why i should buy your BS. People judge others on individuals basis here not because of their colour, race or country. Please get off from your high horses because first thing come in the mind of foreigners when they think of India is poverty and stupid superstition then what? Would you look at your country through the lenses of those who just see bad things in your country?

I dont understand what is your problem with my posts. I objected to posts of razia sultana dhako where he said Pakistan is not a country to be proud of. Who is he/she to speak like that about my country when her country is also in mess. I agree she cannot associate herself with Pakistan jut like we cannot associate ourselves with India but he/she has no right to speak bad about my country because i can do the same. I am proud and happy to be Pakistani and thatsall what matter to me. Proud to be Pakistani dont mean you consider your country or people as perfect
Those instigating it are essentially the equivalent of goats used to train predators. They think they have gotten it all with the huge pile of chow but all they are is bait. Who is it that used them for bait?... There is no link of any ideas with Pakistan or the ISIS.. so this is clearly a local political job looking to incite hatred against Muslims in the area.

Research and Analysis Wing, counter intelligence unit.

Next step, locate overdue library books on Pakistan.
I will support an Islamic nation over a kuffar nation since I am a practising Muslim. If India was ruled by Muslims then the case would be different.
Then please go and beg for subjectship of Saudi Arabia. You will never be at peace in India. From your profile pic i can make out that you are from the erstwhile state of Hyderabad and perhaps your ancestors were in Nizam's army. You may be having poisonous mind for your country India but not all are like you. Also please remember that in past it was most always the party that muslims voted, ruled India. Its because of people like you India's secularism is questioned.
They didn't target Muslims. Those Muslims were at a wrong place at a wrong time. FYI they let many Muslims walk away after verifying their religion. So what you says is not 100% true.

They killed indiscriminately. Did they not know that every 5th Indian is a muslim? You sound like that you have great sympathy and regard for those butchers that they let muslims go but yet they killed muslims. If you support a terrorist or an act of terror, you need to check a psychiatrist.
Most of those who supported didn't migrate. Muslim league got 86% of the Muslim vote from North to Soith India. Last time I checked 4 crore Muslims didn't migrate to Pakistan. I don't blame Pakistanis for partition because it was the fools in India who were short-sighted and did damage to Muslims in sub-continent.

It was their problem if they did not migrate and they made a conscious choice to stay in India. I would but agree with you that partition did damage the muslims of the sub continent. May I ask you one question since you are calling those who created Pakistan fools, do you mean the same for Mr. Jinnah also? I want you to answer this because I seriously feel you are not from India.
What has population growth rate gotta do with economic and social conditions? Use your brain before posting non-sense. Read Sachar and various other reports on Indian Muslims.

You use your brains. India's 60% population is poor but muslims account for only 18-20% of India. That means if all muslims were poor still 40% more people would remain poor. Sikhs, Jains and Christians as a community are richer than the rest so the remaining 40% are hindus meaning religion is not the reason for one's economic backwardness. For your information, world's richest "non-king" muslim is an Indian by name Azim Premji.
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