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India, Pak should start joint anti-militancy operations'

I don't think it should be India's or Indians concern...We will deal our problems our way.. And yeah balochs are smart enough that without Pakistan, they are only the prey to india or china

At least Pakistan has given them what they wanted,others wont and obviously others wont let.it stay independent either.
U have dealing with the Balochs right from 1947,more then 5 war have been fought till now.The question of prey to India doesn't arise,Balcohistan doesn't share any border with India nor the Militants come from Bangalore,Mumbai or Amritsar
U have dealing with the Balochs right from 1947,more then 5 war have been fought till now.The question of prey to India doesn't arise,Balcohistan doesn't share any border with India nor the Militants come from Bangalore,Mumbai or Amritsar
Thats why your in Afghanistan!!!!!:yahoo:
Well actually there is no BIG problem as you see it..Regional and ethnic problems are everywhere only those of Pakistan are shown as the huge bit.
Now heres the thing...Hindus aren't being targeted

Some 300 Hindu families recently migrated from Sindh due to the terrible law & order situation.It is not only Hindu merchants but Muslim businessman have ALSO been kidnapped for ransom.

..second ..*uck Ahmediyas no one cares about them...Thirdly...Woah!!! Shias aren't bombed by sunnis they are also targeted by Afghanistani terrorists.We love our shia brethren equally even now we have intermarriges too. So our minority problems is nothing just as high as yours is with indian muslims and dalits. Only the world media is cashing it. No I live in Pakistan I watch every single Pakistani channel, never heard of assylum requests. .

Just go to Dawn Newspaper & type Hazaras attacks in the bracket on the right hand side. & press enter.More then 1000 people have been killed.The most deadly attack on Hazaras was on alamdar road in the month of January 2013.Laskhar E Jhangiv,a Pakistani Sunni Militant group claimed responsibility for the attack

. I have shia friends ..No problem and yeah right only Australia and Brits are gonna give em Refuge..
Does it look good when your Shia brothers apply for refuge STATUS in Australlia & britan or any country.Why r they fleeing Pakistan because their lives are in danger.Even Australlia has toughened its migration laws due to the influx of migration.

Listen you say that people are killed here everyday bu terrorists.. then would you be nice enough to tell me the ratio of majority deaths to Minority deaths ..again Our people be it majority or minority know that we are one and we have a common enemy so..I dont see anything you pointed in huge reality.
I am not a Statistician,It is not my job to keep a track of people killed by terrorists in Pakistan.The situation is becoming dangerous. A passenger plane from Saudi was hit by bullets at Peshawar Airports today,2 people died & some were injured,there is also a post on this forum.The plane was in mid air and the bullets nearly missed the pilot.Now Don’t ask me any ratio about the number of people alive & the number of passengers killed. The earlier one was the attack on Karachi airport which killed 30 ppl

Secondly ...Balochistan itself chose Pakistan and its leaders aare still of the same view..A bunch of a few hundered people crying about liberation doesn't make us weak ..and yes anyone who tries to fuel anti-pakistan nationalism should be killed ...and I never saw any protests for Baloch liberation and why are you such a big protagonist of it..yup
Why have Balochis picket up the arms,how can a bunch of people carry the Liberation movement right from 1947,I am finding it very hard to understand.If u kill one,10 more will come out.There is no end to it.[/quote]
U never saw any protest of Baloch LIBERATION. U must be joking,well
I have seen the same on Alzeera,BBC & PTV Channel.even on U.

I totally believe that its the foreign elements that are funding and brain washing the balochs ..
Are Kashmiri being brain washed By foreign elements.

And just like U say for Kashmir, Balochistan alone is not feasible, its just barren land.there isn't even water and there is only tribal raj that has been preventing the province's development in all Terms.
If u don't solve the baloch probem in accordance with the wishes of Balcohis,then brace for more deadly fights

And we are forgiving enough, if u had watched our new you would know that despite all attacks on Punjabis or sindhis in Balochistan, the people never balmed balochs but terrorists and no one had said that its the Balochs who did this
They were just terrorists.
The attacks on Punjabis & Sindhs is called Ethnic cleansing.The same is about the Hazaras in quetta.One man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist goes the proverb
And this world is an opportunitlst.How can I believe that even on slight bitter arguments between a Baloch and a non -Baloch a non- Pakistani would not take advantage of this and fuel the matter

No Non Pakistan would like to take advantage of Baloch problem.The Baloch problem is indigenous,the Baloch tribes don’t take dictation from outsiders, forget Indians

After all Balochistan is the "Golden Bird" everyone has their eyes on.

What about Bangladeshis,the Bangladeshis picked up the gun in the year 1971 after they had faced enough discrimination.Infact the indipendence movement for Pakistan started in East Pakistan in 1906.The Bengalis were more in number during 1947 & patriotic.
There is a facility where one member can send a message to another member.If u wish,I will send u the articles on Balochistan,Attacks on Hazaras appeared in Dawn Newspaper
Thats why your in Afghanistan!!!!!:yahoo:
First of all the Indian Embassies across the Afghan border were constructed in 2005,while the Baloch insurgency has been going on right from 1947,U must understand that,more then 5 wars have been fought. it seems to me that Pakistanis like u suddenly discovered the presence of Indian Embasies on one fine day.What about the Baloch attacks before the Indian embassies were constructed,do u have any answer. On you tube I saw a documentary of Baloch fighters,the programe even appeared on Al Zeera,now Al zeera is a muslim channel & not a Indian one

.During 1947,there was no CIA agents,No Taliban,No Al Qaeda,No TTP ,forget Indian Embassies
What about the attack on Jinnah's House in Quetta. The Baloch problem is indigenous,the militants don't come from Bombay,Caluctta,Amritsar. They are ethnic Balochis.I can quote a few, Nawab Akbar Bugti,Brahma Bugti,Mehran Marri.One goes another comes,no full stop. So According to u,Are Indians coming to Quetta & attacking punjabis,are Indians protesting on the streets of Quetta,London.Are Indians involved in kidnapping,TORTURE & killing of Baloch Activists.Even the number of Army check posts has increased in Balochistan & so crime,murder of Baloch activists. In one my previous replies,I have posted photos of Balochis protesting,photos was of JSQM(Jeay Sindh Quami Movement).

U cannot have different rules for different countries.What happens in Kashmir is freedom struggle & what happens in Balochistan is Indian sponsored terrorism
First of all the Indian Embassies across the Afghan border were constructed in 2005,while the Baloch insurgency has been going on right from 1947,U must understand that,more then 5 wars have been fought. it seems to me that Pakistanis like u suddenly discovered the presence of Indian Embasies on one fine day.What about the Baloch attacks before the Indian embassies were constructed,do u have any answer. On you tube I saw a documentary of Baloch fighters,the programe even appeared on Al Zeera,now Al zeera is a muslim channel & not a Indian one

.During 1947,there was no CIA agents,No Taliban,No Al Qaeda,No TTP ,forget Indian Embassies
What about the attack on Jinnah's House in Quetta. The Baloch problem is indigenous,the militants don't come from Bombay,Caluctta,Amritsar. They are ethnic Balochis.I can quote a few, Nawab Akbar Bugti,Brahma Bugti,Mehran Marri.One goes another comes,no full stop. So According to u,Are Indians coming to Quetta & attacking punjabis,are Indians protesting on the streets of Quetta,London.Are Indians involved in kidnapping,TORTURE & killing of Baloch Activists.Even the number of Army check posts has increased in Balochistan & so crime,murder of Baloch activists. In one my previous replies,I have posted photos of Balochis protesting,photos was of JSQM(Jeay Sindh Quami Movement).

U cannot have different rules for different countries.What happens in Kashmir is freedom struggle & what happens in Balochistan is Indian sponsored terrorism
Well nobody claims that your embassies are the only way to support the Baloch insurgencies. India granted citizenship to these members, why do you explain that, secondly this movement has seen a sharp rise in activities since 2005, I'm not saying that you started it but your definitely fueling it.
AJK is more peaceful than anything in India. You just need to control clowns like the guy who came up with this suggestion. Everything else is fine.

We know very well how peaceful is that.
The reason India will not do joint anti terrorist operations with Pakistan is the same why USA did not tell Pakistan about operation Abbottabad
there should be no Pakistan in the first place, it was all part of India, if it was not for the British, Gandhi and Jinnah. So please save your stupid rhetoric, don't make yourselves look more stupid that what you already are.
It is interesting how you are comparing your denial syndrome of a country which has existed and is still existing with a disputed territory...Maybe your last line suits you best:
So please save your stupid rhetoric, don't make yourselves look more stupid than what you already are.
It is interesting how you are comparing your denial syndrome of a country which has existed and is still existing with a disputed territory...Maybe your last line suits you best:

Selective amnesia and denial is embedded in the Pakistani psyche, the whole world will disagree with you and you guys will still comfortably live in your own bubble and pretend nothing has gone astray. wake up and smell the coffee, the world can give 2 hoots about your stance on Kashmir.

it will be lead to your demise sooner or later as a nation, it is already happening economically, soon it will be with a civil war - watch this space.
Selective amnesia and denial is embedded in the Pakistani psyche, the whole world will disagree with you and you guys will still comfortably live in your own bubble and pretend nothing has gone astray. wake up and smell the coffee, the world can give 2 hoots about your stance on Kashmir.

it will be lead to your demise sooner or later as a nation, it is already happening economically, soon it will be with a civil war - watch this space.
Thank you for spitting out your hatred ....You were the one with your insecurity complex to bring this in:

there should be no Pakistan in the first place, it was all part of India, if it was not for the British, Gandhi and Jinnah.

And to finish it went all barbaric...

So whose the one with the denial psyche embedded? :pop:

Strange how you use psychological projection thinking it makes your case stronger :unsure:
Well nobody claims that your embassies are the only way to support the Baloch insurgencies. India granted citizenship to these members, why do you explain that, secondly this movement has seen a sharp rise in activities since 2005, I'm not saying that you started it but your definitely fueling it.

Well Syed Salhuddin,the Kashmiri rebel has been given Pakistani citizenship,but We Indians have not given any asylum nor any citizenship to Baloch leaders.All the Baloch leaders are staying in London,Geneva or some other country.What is the purpose of giving citizenship when the Baloch leaders are staying in some other country,does it make any sense.

secondly this movement has seen a sharp rise in activities since 2005, I'm not saying that you started it but your definitely fueling it.
The Baloch insurgency has been going on right from 1947.What was the Pakistani government doing from 1947 to 2005,will u Just explain.Was it sleeping,waiting OR simply groping in the dark.What about TTP who were killing people right from 2002,it was only after the Karachi Airport attack,the Pakistani Government realized,this is enough,this cannot go on.Why did the Pakistani Govt wait till 2014,do u have any answers.U have Altaf Huessien talking of indipendence to Karachi unless his passport is not given.The Pakistani govt should have taken some action against him & put him behind bars,has the Pak govt taken any action.
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