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India offers Pakistan joint naval exercises

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Let's be realistic, Peace between India & Pakistan ?? a Big NO.
Till Kashmir is Disputed there there can be no Peace. As Simple as that.

no matter how hard we try there will be a dead lock & we cant break it untill our major Issue is solved.

Let's be realistic, Peace between India & Pakistan ?? a Big NO.
Till Kashmir is Disputed there there can be no Peace. As Simple as that.

no matter how hard we try there will be a dead lock & we cant break it untill our major Issue is solved.


There are several such issue being hunting to every country in the world with each other like India-china, China-Russia, US-Russia especially with border issues or some with super power status, still they have a some sort of bondage among them and they are pursuing there relationship with each other peaceful and all these such joint exercise are the sign of such friendships.
There are several such issue being hunting to every country in the world with each other like India-china, China-Russia, US-Russia especially with border issues or some with super power status, still they have a some sort of bondage among them and they are pursuing there relationship with each other peaceful and all these such joint exercise are the sign of such friendships.
The ones you mentioned hevent fought 3 wars & lost half of their country.

The ones you mentioned hevent fought 3 wars & lost half of their country.


Then how many more wars you want? Peace through people to people contact and any kind of CBM will force across the border politicians to solve problems amicably and not to play with sentiments on name of war and hatred.
Then how many more wars you want? Peace through people to people contact and any kind of CBM will force across the border politicians to solve problems amicably and not to play with sentiments on name of war and hatred.

Indeed peace we want but the so-called CBM/s you are talking about have nothing to offer to the sufferings of Kashmiris.

When Indian army is killing innocent Kashmiris there can be no real peace.

As far naval excersie, No One on the forum has come up with some ground benfits the two countries gonna get from it.

Tell me how the navies of the two countries will be benefited by this joint excercise ???????????????

Here I post again the parts of the context you overlooked!

IF, and again I say IF we honestly wish to change our thinking towards each other, than the first step would be that both sign NPT and appoint neutral observers on common borders, stop conspiring against each other, diffuse spy wings
Tell me how the navies of the two countries will be benefited by this joint excercise ???????????????

It would be better if we link it with counter terrorism efforts.
When Indian army is killing innocent Kashmiris there can be no real peace.

As far naval excersie, No One on the forum has come up with some ground benfits the two countries gonna get from it.

Main aim of Indian army is only killing terrorists who had intruded from *** training camps

why do you forget to say that General Jia sent 15000 terrorists in kashmir !!

Are they innocents people ??

There is a LOC and no-one is allowed to move across the border.

These terrorists created havoc and provoked people..

and world term kashmir problem as cross border terrorism.

pakistan will have to come out of "bleed india" method.

and u should learn from the present crisis.india has always been friendly,but we always got attacked .

1948:pakistan rangers attacked kashmir and kashmir king asked india for help

1965:pakistan sent terrorists to capture kashmir (operation zibraltar) and that led to war

1971:pakistan didnt let Awami league to rule and it killled 2 million innocent bengalis and 1-2 crore bangladeshi intruded to india .and even on dec 2/3,pakistan air force bombbarded punjab,agra ,gujrat.that led to war

1988:pak sent 15000 terrorists to kashmir in a year to support terror in kashmir/india

1999:Kargil was another cheap stunt !!

everytime pakistan is at fault !

if you are a rea journalist ,then why dont u know the truth about your own country??? please browse all articles from neutral soure!!

and then talk about kashmir

a jouranlist should know truth rather than harp on issue like politicians

india army are most practical and ethical army in world.

dont call terrorists innocent.Those people are/were responsible for bomb blast in delhi,hyderabad,mumbai and north india(FUll UP).

And why do you all forget that these terrorists killed 10000+Hindus in just first 2-3 years.
And most of them were kashmiri pandits.

i know you belong to field of journalism,but you still behave like your old pakistan media which showed all fake news.
Even musharraf calls these people terrorists.

15000 terrorists(Uzbeki,tajik,talibani,pakistani kashmiri,afgani)+10000 hindus+10000 army people have died in kashmir!!
some innocents people have also died but

i dont need to remind u that pakistan army is killing 10 inncocent for 1 terrorists in FATA.
Then how many more wars you want? Peace through people to people contact and any kind of CBM will force across the border politicians to solve problems amicably and not to play with sentiments on name of war and hatred.

We dont want War, We Never wanted war, it was India who started it at first place, We have tried every possibal method to solve this Issue, War, Dialogue, Treaties etc but they were only efforts from our side your side never acctually wanted to solve this issue since in post 61 years how many time you gov said lets discuss Kashmir issue ?? let me tell you the Answer, ZERO time.

& still you want peace.
you want to hold our neck & still want to say we are your friends.
This is not the senerio my friend.

Tell me how the navies of the two countries will be benefited by this joint excercise ???????????????

develop understanding and mechanism to safeguard the Maritime security of merchant ships .
better management of meritime harvesting .. and avoiding the arrest of each others fishermen..

As per Kashmir ..
Main aim of Indian army is only killing terrorists who had intruded from *** training camps
Yeh Acctually you are right,

-Raping young girls is a good way to kill terrorism. Well done Indian Army-yeh killing the most dangerous terrorists( 2-10 year childs)childs, Well done Indian Army-Burning Schools..Well done Indian Army
-Killing old women who bearly can walk...Well done Indian Army
-Kidnaping kids who are going to school..Well done Indian Army
-Burning houses while children & women are inside..Well done Indian Army
-Killing babys, bcoz tomorrow they will turn into terrorist...Well done Indian Army
WEL DONE Indian Army..

We will not leave you till Hell, until you give us back what is ours. Write it down.

Are they innocents people ??

There is a LOC and no-one is allowed to move across the border.

These terrorists created havoc and provoked people..

and world term kashmir problem as cross border terrorism.

pakistan will have to come out of "bleed india" method.
What does this mean?? i diden't Understand a word, perhapes you can eleborate.

india has always been friendly,but we always got attacked
O my GOD, i am going to have an heart Arrack.

Son .
Who Attacked on Pakistan's Front borders in 1965-INDIA
Who interfared in our Internat matters in 1971-INDIA
Who Attack & tries to Capture Sichin in 1985 -INDIA
Who Broke Sind Water Treaty ??-INDIA
Who dont want to solve Kashmir issue ? -INDIA
Who is Funding Terrorists in FATA -INDIA
Who is Running RAW bases from Afg ? - INDIA
Who said That Pakistan will not survive for even six monts after its creatinon-INDIA
Whome does BD hate even after you helped them ?- INDIA
Whome does Srilanka dont Like ?- INDIA
Whome does China dont like ? - Yes INDIA

& more & more & more.

open your eyes mate & see the reality, India acctually never wanted peace & stability in Pakistan.

some innocents people have also died but
Yeh These Innocents are jsut more the 500,000 but yeh they are few for you.

i dont need to remind u that pakistan army is killing 10 inncocent for 1 terrorists in FATA.
Ha ha ha .. one of the most funniest statements i have ever heared in my life.
mate, the only this who is protecting terrorists in NW,FATA is these civilians that Pak Army dont want to heart, & you are talking about killing 10 for 1.Ha ha ha.


I'm not against peace actually I'm being realistic and refused to believe in fantasies.
I also disagree to the proposal of people to people contact as a way forward to peace.
IMO, why we never thought of promoting people to people contact with other neighbour states like Iran or other Islamic countries?
India would be the last destination on my itinerary for the reason to have contact with Indians. There are millions of Indians working in Dubai and SaudiArabia and Pakistanis have ample opportunity to get to know them well and make their choices.

Only, Indians who travel to Pakistan are out of commercial reasons. Lately some Indian film stars visited Pakistan and today our govt. has permitted to screen their movies. Why common Indian Kashmiri or Indian Muslims not allowed to travell to Pakistan? we can clearly see the intentions on the other side!
Why Hindi movies and print media always incite hate towards Pakistan, where as our people consider Inidia a some sort of Qibla.
Some on record statements of our politicians let you belive so.
Why always, it has to be Pakistan to take the intiative of offering handshake and Indian leaders only spread hateful remarks, remember the first speech of new Indian lady prabha some thing, in which she courted Islamic history?
remeber the pledge of Rahul G. to his constituency.

Now comming to the point of naval excercise with India:
Well, I'm not authority but I don't see it adding to the peace initiative. Hence will always vote against the motion.
Try offering Indians military excercise in Kashmir as a step to promote peace.
When ever Indian diplomats or leaders travell abroad they never forget to distort image of Pakistan, what does this reflect?
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