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India Must Make Peace With Pakistan to Stop Terrorism

Dagha, let us deconstruct your reply point by point

The way I see it, both sides need to fix themselves - majorly. As a Pakistani, I feel that Indians are somehow desensitised to our suffering. Bombs are going off in our mosques and marketplaces. With all due respect and reverence for the 26/11 victims; we go through that on a DAILY basis. Yet you blame our government and more importantly, our people.
You are being tormented by the same forces that you nurtured to torment others. Your elites are certainly responsible for it, as are those common people who get swept away by slogans of Jihad.

Do you not see that the problems Pakistan is facing right now is a global one i.e. The War on Terrorism? In my humble opinion, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. On that basis, Pakistan and India should have cooperated after 26/11. Instead, I am sorry to say that the Indian Government made a "political show" out of the whole situation. How come there wasn't any outcry when the Pune bombings took place?

Political show? Sir, we regard Indian lives as precious. If you think it is a "show" then it is a sad state of affairs.

And yes, Pune did cause considerable outrage. The investigations indicate that it was carried out by the ISI-D Company-LeT's "Karachi Project".

How come people did not come to the streets when Shiv Sena was 'manhandling' SRK. I think we all know. It was because of the 'P' word. So much so that at your side, the media actually started fanning the fire to cash in. Even before evidence collection started, everyone somehow 'knew' that it was Pakistani. At that point, most Pakistanis stopped caring seeing that they were the 'default culprits'. This mentality has to change.

Firstly, you are in deep delusion if you are imagining that SRK was ever man-handled. People did protest Shiv Sena's attitude to SRK ... But in any case - that little controversy, in which nobody was hurt, is not at all comparable to terrorist attacks.

If your government was indeed so serious about terrorism, they would have had a major overhaul of their security apparatus; police and navy officials would have lost jobs. They would have shared evidence with the country they were so busy painting as a terrorist state (let alone us, India did not even share the evidence with Interpol till almost a month afterwards). And, when you tell us to either give evidence or shut up, why didn't the same argument have any weight when we used it after 26/11? I think the answer is clear; double-standards. Or maybe you always tell the truth and we always lie? For me, the former holds more credence.
India has accepted the deficiencies of its security apparatus against Pakistan-origin terrorism. The home minister was sacked, many new measures have been put into place.

As regards sharing evidence, there little evidence that Pakistan is in any way serious about acting against the terrorists. You will surely acknowledge that the government of Pakistan indulged in the most brazen, bare-faced and shameless lies about Kasab's origins. The Pakistani attitude is that "we have a right to outrightly lie until our lies are exposed, and after that we will start brazening it out."

If Pakistan really wants to cooperate, it can make a beginning by handing over the voice samples of those who were in the 26/11 control room.

At this point, I am sure that our Indian readers will be fuming. But do understand that I am not mocking your victims. I am only criticising the way your Govt. and your people reacted.

No, not fuming at all, but one does get the feeling there is a huge gap between your perceptions and reality.

Blaming the Pakistani govt. or the people is like blaming the neighbourhood for a stray dog that bites you. And that too, in a neighbourhood where the residents are bit everyday. Either protect yourselves or if you can't do that, then cooperate. India at present is at its third option; complain, complain and complain some more.
Unfortunately, to use your analogy, it is the Pakistani elites that are the biting dog. What cooperation can be given to a dog that wants to bite?

Always remember that people by and large are compassionate, there are only a minority of miscreants. Moreover, Pakistan has had more than its share of bloodshed so don't assume that we don't "understand". We understand full well how terrorists terrorise and how they don't really think much. They just DO. That is what Kasab did.

Again, we understand you have suffered and we sympathize with you. But you must acknowledge that your suffering is due to the policies of your elites, and due to those people who are foolish enough to be deluded by those elites.
The way I see it, both sides need to fix themselves - majorly.

As a Pakistani, I feel that Indians are somehow desensitised to our suffering.

Sad but probably not entirely untrue.

Bombs are going off in our mosques and marketplaces. With all due respect and reverence for the 26/11 victims; we go through that on a DAILY basis.

In terms of violence you probably suffer more but 26/11 was an attack on a major Indian city by Pakistani nationals. While the pain is the same, the anger when citizens of another country are involved is a lot higher.

Yet you blame our government and more importantly, our people.

No one blames the people of Pakistan in general, just a few Pakistanis. The civilian government is not blamed for the attack, only for a perceived lack of will in bringing the perpetrators to justice. There is a lingering doubt however that some elements of the state(read ISI) are involved either directly or in terms of protecting those who are.

Do you not see that the problems Pakistan is facing right now is a global one i.e. The War on Terrorism?

Yes & No. Even if Pakistan & India face the same scourge of terrorism, there is a difference in its manifestation. The terrorist attacking Pakistan are primarily Pashtun while those attacking India are Punjabi terrorists.(LeT/JuD). While Pakistan has fiercely taken on the terrorists attacking it, there seems to be a lack of similar resolve for whatever reason to go after the terrorist groups targeting India.

In my humble opinion, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. On that basis, Pakistan and India should have cooperated after 26/11. Instead, I am sorry to say that the Indian Government made a "political show" out of the whole situation.

As I have stated earlier, the GoI is not convinced that Pakistan & India have the same enemy; similar perhaps but not same. Cooperation after 26/11 would have been desirable but it started off with Pakistan refusing to accept Kasab's nationality and stories of Pakistani officials whisking off his family to hide that fact was not a good omen for a new start. As for the "political show", I think you are being unfair when you see the nature & brazenness of the attack.

Even before evidence collection started, everyone somehow 'knew' that it was Pakistani.

In the 26/11 attacks, the intercepted telephone conversations were a immediate & dead giveaway about where it originated.

If your government was indeed so serious about terrorism, they would have had a major overhaul of their security apparatus; police and navy officials would have lost jobs.

There has been a major overhaul and a lot of people lost their jobs including the country's Home Minister.

They would have shared evidence with the country they were so busy painting as a terrorist state

I think it was to do with the nature of evidence and a strong perception that if Pakistan was provided the evidence that elements within the Pakistani state would themselves choose to undermine that evidence by wiping all trails. Also remember that Indian officials then had yet to determine if according to them, Pakistani state actors were involved. Pakistan's immediate actions on Kasab probably inspired no great confidence.
And, when you tell us to either give evidence or shut up, why didn't the same argument have any weight when we used it after 26/11? I think the answer is clear; double-standards. Or maybe you always tell the truth and we always lie? For me, the former holds more credence.

Pakistan made no claim of the involvement of any Indian Nationals including Col.Purohit in the samjauta express case. That was a investigation launched & conducted by the Indian police without any Pakistani inputs quite unlike the 26/11 attacks where India made the allegation of the involvement of Pakistani nationals.

Blaming the Pakistani govt. or the people is like blaming the neighbourhood for a stray dog that bites you. And that too, in a neighbourhood where the residents are bit everyday. Either protect yourselves or if you can't do that, then cooperate. India at present is at its third option; complain, complain and complain some more.

The analogy I would use is a bit different. If someone allows stray dogs to live within their house allowing them to bite neighbours and then drawing a similarity by saying that they also get bitten while refusing to take any actions against the biting dogs, the claim that they & the victim are on the same page rings more than a bit hollow.

Always remember that people by and large are compassionate, there are only a minority of miscreants. Moreover, Pakistan has had more than its share of bloodshed so don't assume that we don't "understand". We understand full well how terrorists terrorise and how they don't really think much. They just DO. That is what Kasab did.

Could not agree more. Much appreciate the tone & the intent of your post. Thank you for a very thoughtful post:cheers:
Ok Bang and Kabir, thanks for your comments. First off I will try to answer as much as I can now but since there is a ton of comments I need to give a rebuttal to, excuse me if I miss something.

Political show? Sir, we regard Indian lives as precious. If you think it is a "show" then it is a sad state of affairs.

Mate, I was only saying that your government did not handle the issue very well. Not only did they completely push the Pak Govt. in a corner but refused to even talk. I think this was very childish. I can understand the first few days that the Indian people were still in shock.. but not after. Your Govt. should have been more mature about it.

You are being tormented by the same forces that you nurtured to torment others. Your elites are certainly responsible for it, as are those common people who get swept away by slogans of Jihad.

Agreed.. but add to that list, foreign funded militants probably even from India (note: your "national interests" in Afghanistan.)

Firstly, you are in deep delusion if you are imagining that SRK was ever man-handled. People did protest Shiv Sena's attitude to SRK ... But in any case - that little controversy, in which nobody was hurt, is not at all comparable to terrorist attacks.

There was a reason 'man-handled' was in apostrophes. Figure of speech my friend. And everyone saw what happened in Mumbai then. Was that not a form of terrorism? That was my point.

As for the "elites", not really sure what you are talking about since it is a very vague and expansive term.

And about the biting dog. It was meant to be a simple analogy. And since you are not aware, we ARE trying to clean the dogs out of our midst. For your information we are involved in full-fledged operations already. And since India is talking about fighting simultaneous wars with Pakistan and China, we are already spread too thin. We do not trust that India will not invade us should there be another terrorist attack there. Maybe you guys should make us feel more secure around you and we'll go take Lashkar out.

Yes & No. Even if Pakistan & India face the same scourge of terrorism, there is a difference in its manifestation. The terrorist attacking Pakistan are primarily Pashtun while those attacking India are Punjabi terrorists.(LeT/JuD). While Pakistan has fiercely taken on the terrorists attacking it, there seems to be a lack of similar resolve for whatever reason to go after the terrorist groups targeting India.

Ok, as I mentioned earlier, we are already fighting a war and spread too thin. Secondly, if you listen to Kasab's interview, it is clear that his "Chacha" (commander or whoever) had roots in Afghanistan. Agreed they are not the same, but they are part of the same general category; deluded religious fanatics.

In the 26/11 attacks, the intercepted telephone conversations were a immediate & dead giveaway about where it originated.

I disagree. Are you saying that no one in India speaks Panjabi or Urdu? You have got to be kidding me.

I think it was to do with the nature of evidence and a strong perception that if Pakistan was provided the evidence that elements within the Pakistani state would themselves choose to undermine that evidence by wiping all trails. Also remember that Indian officials then had yet to determine if according to them, Pakistani state actors were involved. Pakistan's immediate actions on Kasab probably inspired no great confidence.

Well. Once they confirmed that there were no state actors involved, why has their behaviour, to this day, not changed? Furthermore, Pakistan had everything to lose and nothing to gain from this, from a national interest perspective so the assertion that our govt. had something to do with this is negated by a lack of 'motive'. There was simply nothing that they could have achieved from this.

Pakistan made no claim of the involvement of any Indian Nationals including Col.Purohit in the samjauta express case. That was a investigation launched & conducted by the Indian police without any Pakistani inputs quite unlike the 26/11 attacks where India made the allegation of the involvement of Pakistani nationals.

I was referring to the terrorist attacks today. Our interior minister has time and again asserted that we find an Indian hand. But we shush so long as we don't have enough evidence. (un-circumsised "Jihadis" are no good in the court of law).

The analogy I would use is a bit different. If someone allows stray dogs to live within their house allowing them to bite neighbours and then drawing a similarity by saying that they also get bitten while refusing to take any actions against the biting dogs, the claim that they & the victim are on the same page rings more than a bit hollow.

Do not assume that India does not have its own stray dogs. The stray dogs argument was only an example. Further, we ARE already fighting them so I don't know what your govt. is hoping to achieve by repeating the same message again and again and again.

I hope this does not offend anyone since that is not my intent (in light of Indo-Pak relations and how both sides are a bit overly sensitive).

Thanks for the kind remarks Bang Galore. :)

And once again, the "political show" was not to mock the heroes of 26/11. It was just my opinion on the reaction of the government and the media, which should be more mature in dealing with such issues of national security.
Pakistan can't be trusted. No peace dialog and no concession with it. Should be dealt with iron fist.

India should try to cripple Pakistan economy. everything will fall in line eventually.

Dude, could you atleast TRY to write something thoughtful? LAME!
This is same old story lolll.. forget peace mann.. its not gonna happenn.. i say continue fightingg.. in the end one will have to have bled to death.. it is law of nature.. so let it take its own path... war of attrition... survival of the fittest... let the terrorism go on both wayss.. talking will never work... the intelligence to talk simply doesn't exist... so just let it be so... :)
Russia and Poland also had years of misunderstandings and misgivings. It took just 1 plane crash to usher in a new era and make them see each other in positive light.

Maybe India should invite the entire Pakistani Cabinet and top ranks of Pakistani Armed Forces ;)
Last I checked your Generals were dicussing withdrawing 30,000 troops and estimate the number of militants in J&K at around 300.

I would say that if they don't agree, they don't even know their own facts. Rather hard to find them credible after that.

Oh yeah 18 killed in week alone. That speaks of volume.
Discussion are not yet over. There will not be any void for near future. Spl parra raised to tackle these scumbags are replacing the army men if IA reduce its force.
1999 and 2008 has told us that some elements in PK are not in favour of Peace between IN & PK and GoP is either helpless or not interested in curbing those elements.
For 300 remaining, again thats because locals are fed up with these aliens and tipping the security forces.
And world know who is credible. Last I checked there was no news questioning about the loyalty of IA.
Somebody else was filling the bodybags and still getting questioned in world media. Even if I agree these article are disgrace to fallen, world is not finding them as credible evidence.
Maybe you guys should make us feel more secure around you and we'll go take Lashkar out.

A bit of a chicken & egg situation. maybe you have take out Lashkar for India to make you feel "more secure". I think the day India is reasonably certain that Pakistan had completely done away with the 'proxies' business, we can pretty much do anything within the realm of reason to make Pakistanis feel 'non-threatened'.

I disagree. Are you saying that no one in India speaks Panjabi or Urdu? You have got to be kidding me.

I was referring less to the language spoken than to what was actually spoken. There are numerous references to the boat they hijacked and what they did to the captain. How do you think the boat they used was found so quickly? Capturing Kasab alive was probably the most important point. Once he talked, it was easy to corroborate that with what was spoken on the telephones. (BTW there aren't that many Punjabi speaking muslims in India and I say muslims only because of the constant reference to religious terms by the terrorists)

Well. Once they confirmed that there were no state actors involved, why has their behaviour, to this day, not changed?

Pakistan's attitude with respect to Hafeez Saeed is probably the biggest irritant.

Furthermore, Pakistan had everything to lose and nothing to gain from this, from a national interest perspective so the assertion that our govt. had something to do with this is negated by a lack of 'motive'. There was simply nothing that they could have achieved from this.

Could not agree with you more but unfortunately Pakistan's record has hardly been the one of taking the rational path. If rationality drove Pakistan's policy, we would have been in a much better situation than the one we find ourselves in. The investment in "proxies" has been delivering diminishing returns for quite some time but Pakistan has somehow been hesitant to put a complete stop to it. The temptation by a decentralised command to do something is high even when those at the helm are looking at the larger picture and therefore could do without any such dangerous games.

Do not assume that India does not have its own stray dogs

We do but they run around mostly barking and occasionally biting Indians in India. They are not known to wander much out of their territory.
The investment in "proxies" has been delivering diminishing returns for quite some time but Pakistan has somehow been hesitant to put a complete stop to it.

At this point, I would really like your thoughts on Indian presence in Afghanistan. More importantly the 'proxies' that India is running right under Pakistan's very nose, close to its Fronties and Balochistan provinces. Just yesterday, India's "national interest" was cited as a reason. Would you not agree that this is BS?

(BTW there aren't that many Punjabi speaking muslims in India and I say muslims only because of the constant reference to religious terms by the terrorists)

Not that many Punjabis? Weak point. And, there are 160 million muslims in India (or thereabouts, even more than there are in Pakistan). I still maintain that it was a premature allegation. Just because you were 'right' (according to your own dossier, ridden with anomalies) does not give you the right to put blame without evidence. THAT to any nation is an insult and is a sign of immaturity on part of the accusing nation (in my humble opinion). I am sorry but if you think of me as a thief already, I am not going to waste my time pacifying your concerns. Plus, it really undermines your story when you find only evidence that EXACTLY confirms your own suspicions.

And then, lo and behold, you find Pakistani toothpaste and dry fruit and guns and grenades, all of which can be fabricated with relative ease BTW. And then we hear in the Indian media, that this was a very "sophisticated and highly planned" assault. Tell me something. If in fact it was, how did they seemingly mess up at every corner? They did not destroy the boat, left GPS and phones completely intact before dying, hell, some were even carrying ID Cards and passports (for a terrorist attack!!!). And to top it all off, RAW had somehow provided them with their SIM cards, which is why they were able to record the conversations.

More doubts:

Karkare’s investigation into the September 29 2008 bombing in Malegaon, which killed 6, sent shockwaves through India’s security apparatus, and touched off a political firestorm. Retired major Ramesh Upadhyay, a former military intelligence officer, was arrested Tuesday Oct. 28 for providing training to the bombers. [“Ex-army man arrested in Malegaon case” by Mateen Hafeez. Times of India. Oct. 28 2008]

The investigation soon targeted other military officers, and spread to members of the Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the official opposition party in parliament. [“Malegaon blasts: BJP MP under scanner” The Times of India. Nov. 11 2008] Rumors were circulating that suspects were, also, under investigation for the February 19 2007 bombing of the Samjhauta Express traveling from Pakistan to India, which killed 68.

Read more at Suite101: The Last Days of Hemant Karkare: The Life and Death of Mumbai’s Anti-Terrorism Chief

Karkare Episode – Few Relevant Questions (from kmsnews.org)

The killing of Hemant Karkare, the head of 'Anti Terror Squad Maharashtra has become highly controversial raising some crucial issues related to the entire episode of Mombay Attacks on November 26, 2008.

In the weeks prior to his killing, Karkare had been leading a high-profile investigation into a Hindu-supremacist terrorist network that had mounted bomb attacks with the aim of killing Muslims and stoking communal strife. Karkare had ordered the arrests of 11 Hindu extremists who police allege were responsible for a serial bomb attack in Malegaon (Maharathtra) and Madosa (Gujarat) on September 29. They may also have been the authors of other bombing attacks, including the Samjhuata train bombing, which killed 68 people in 2006.

The leaders of the Hindu terror network are persons with close ties to the “official” Hindu-supremacist right—the official opposition BJP, the RSS, and the VHP—and include both serving and retired Indian military officers.

The BJP and its allies had bitterly denounced the investigation into the Hindu terrorist network. Karkare was accused of mounting an “anti-Hindu” witch hunt. Top BJP leaders, including party president RajnathSingh and the BJP prime ministerial candidate, L.K. Advani, publicly questioned Karkare’s integrity and even called for the dismissal of his investigative team.

Almost a month after Karkare’s death, the circumstances under which he died remain unclear and, as Antulay’s remarks reveal, highly contentious.

The corporate press has given at least two different versions of the circumstances surrounding his death, raising serious questions as to how he was killed.

What is notable is that Karkare was reportedly ambushed at Mumbai’s Cama hospital, a site far from the main centres of attack, the Taj Mahal and Oberoi-Trident hotels. Some reports have suggested he went to the hospital from the Chhatrapati Shivaji railway station (site of many of the fatalities) to visit a wounded colleague at the hospital.

But the hospital had itself come under attack, and why would Karkare be rushing to the bedside of a wounded colleague, rather than marshalling his forces to suppress the commando-style attack in the center of Mumbai?

From what has come to light so far, one can only conclude that there was either a massive and total security breakdown—as India’s Home Minister Chidambaram has himself said—or that elements within Indian’s security establishment deliberately “stood down” for ulterior political motives.

In a series of media interviews last week, (Abdul Rehman) Antulay, who is a long-standing and senior member of the Congress Party, (and also a cabinet minister) raised important questions regarding Karkare’s death and in particular why he went to the Cama hospital.

“He should have gone to Taj, Oberoi or Nariman House. He went to such a place where there was nothing compared to what was happening in these three places. He went to the Cama hospital on the basis of a phone call. Who is that person who made the phone call? This should be probed.”

Another go at understanding 26/11 - dnaindia.com

RSS had called Karkare a “deshdrohi” (traitor) for his brilliant unearthing of Hindu terrorists. Certainly Karkare’s death, just as he was unravelling the wrongdoings of Hindu fanatics (rather than the always-presumed-guilty Muslims) is a blow to India’s secular credentials.

And then.. there is this:

New Delhi, Feb 4 (IANS) - Mumbai attackers’ handler may be an Indian: Chidambaram

The government Thursday admitted that at least one of the 26/11 terror handlers could be an Indian but the true identity of the person was yet to be ascertained.
“There was a handler in 26/11 whom we have known for long, or suspected for a long time, could be an Indian. That’s something we have known for many, many months now. He goes by the name Abu Jindal, but that is not his real name,” Home Minister P. Chidambaram told CNBC-TV18 channel in an interview.

All these are questions that common Pakistanis are asking about the legitimacy of the Indian argument. And it is mainly because of the way you treated Pakistan like a nation of terrorists. It is almost as if you wanted this. No doubt Lashkar WAS involved. And it IS based in Pakistan. But somehow, I and many other Pakistanis feel that there is much more to this. Indians however, seem disinterested to find out more about Indian involvement in 26/11, so long as they have enough to implicate Pakistan.
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From my point of view- the name of thread should be
Pakistan must stop terrorism to make peace with India.:)
I have a simple question for the Pakistani members (honestly and not in jest), I read (and rightly so) many comments of people being proud that 10 Pakistanis could hold India for 3 full days and it showed the impotency of the Indian security apparatus.

The arguement given by Pakistan for not moving troops from East to West is that its not a matter of trusting the intent of Indians but the capability.

With 600k men you could by simple maths do 60000 mumbai's in India?

So either India is weak or strong it cant be both at the same time...in the decision making process.You cant have your cake and eat it too !
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I have a simple question for the Pakistani members (honestly and not in jest), I read (and rightly so) many comments of people being proud that 10 Pakistanis could hold India for 3 full days and it showed the impotency of the Indian security apparatus.

The arguement given by Pakistan for not moving troops from East to West is that its not a matter of trusting the intent of Indians but the capability.

With 600k men you could by simple maths do 60000 mumbai's in India? Moreover, either India is weak or strong it cant be both at the same time...in the decision making process.

sounds too complicating and u are saying its a simple question??/:undecided::undecided::undecided::what::what:
Pakistani leaders must understand that for permanent peace we dont need to solve Kashmir and water and other issues...but build a very strong economic partnership with India.

The co-dependency on each other economically is the best way out of the mess.Thats why India has offered FTA to Pakistan many times.Ofcourse, being smaller Pakistan has genuine concerns on being dominated by Indians. But Im sure Pakistan trades with China and will be dominated by them. Moreover, there are ways to balance the trade picture...one is the energy pipeline from Iran and Turkmenistan. Surely, the transit fees will be huge money for GOP (and not some private Pakistani businesses) and also a great lever to secure themselves against any misadventure from India.

The problem seems to be the fact that the people opposing the economic partnership 'gain' from building Pakistan against India..Im refering to folks inside Pakistan and outside.

For India, peace with Pakistan is a key pre-requisite for Regional forget Global power status; so its already onboard.Once, the partnership is in place there will be big lobbies on both sides to find equitable solutions to teething issues such as Kashmir, Water etc and also ensure peace.....
Pakistani leaders must understand that for permanent peace we dont need to solve Kashmir and water and other issues...but build a very strong economic partnership with India.

The co-dependency on each other economically is the best way out of the mess.Thats why India has offered FTA to Pakistan many times.Ofcourse, being smaller Pakistan has genuine concerns on being dominated by Indians. But Im sure Pakistan trades with China and will be dominated by them. Moreover, there are ways to balance the trade picture...one is the energy pipeline from Iran and Turkmenistan. Surely, the transit fees will be huge money for GOP (and not some private Pakistani businesses) and also a great lever to secure themselves against any misadventure from India.

The problem seems to be the fact that the people opposing the economic partnership 'gain' from building Pakistan against India..Im refering to folks inside Pakistan and outside.

For India, peace with Pakistan is a key pre-requisite for Regional forget Global power status; so its already onboard.Once, the partnership is in place there will be big lobbies on both sides to find equitable solutions to teething issues such as Kashmir, Water etc and also ensure peace.....

You got it all wrong here. Even if the relation gets close with economic dependency, things wont change unless there is a solution to Kashmir.

Also there wont be a huge economic co operation between the two countries like India has with china for the simple reason that both countries are producing products that are similar.
Not that many Punjabis? Weak point.
And, there are 330 million muslims in India (or thereabouts, even more than there are in Pakistan). I still maintain that it was a premature allegation. Just because you were 'right' (according to your own dossier, ridden with anomalies) does not give you the right to put blame without evidence. THAT to any nation is an insult and is a sign of immaturity on part of the accusing nation (in my humble opinion). I am sorry but if you think of me as a thief already, I am not going to waste my time pacifying your concerns. Plus, it really undermines your story when you find only evidence that EXACTLY confirms your own suspicions.

Madrassah Mathematics!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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