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India Must Make Peace With Pakistan to Stop Terrorism


Amazon.com: Smash and grab: Annexation of Sikkim (9780706925098): Sunanda K Datta-Ray: Books

You know what "annexation" means right??

What is the relevance of this post & its contents on this thread ?
I bet out of all these Indians, more than half have not even read the dossier that was sent to the Pakistani government. It would be laughable if there weren't so many lives involved.

Their evidence was 'maachis ki dabbis', toothpaste, guns with "Made in Pakistan" written on them and my personal favourite, the testimony of a mentally-retarded-serial-killer who didn't even know what the f he was doing it all for (check out his interview; he seems well.. sub-human almost). Now while Indians give so much credibility to such things that go in their favour, why do they not answer the question about how on earth these ten boys were able to literally waltz into mumbai and just set it ablaze for three days straight when the Indian security apparatus had been warned three times prior, that the exact same scenario was imminent? They apparently sailed past the Indian naval base and were not spotted by anyone. Furthermore, it took around two days just to get their elite commandoes to scramble and come for help. Now, I understand India is big, but its not THAT big.

All I am saying is that wilful negligence DOES count as abetting and in this attack, the Indian government was just as responsible as those who perpetrated it. Unfortunately the Indian population, while completely blaming Pakistan, has failed to put any blame on its own citizens which, from a Pakistani perspective, seems a tad bit unfair.

Sirji, nobody is claiming the words Made in Pakistan as the proof of Pakistan's involvement...

The only difference between the proofs of News of the World episode is the absence of Visual elements... other than that our proof has even audio elements...
At no point should India ever agree to anything from anyone including Pakistan at gunpoint.

If the condition is that terrorism will only be stopped if X concession is made by India, then this will not stop at X.

X today will be Kashmir, tomorrow it will something else. You don't stop a bandit by paying him jaziya/protection money or whatever. You put a bullet in him or at least ensure that you put some fear into him.

A concession made by India will only embolden them. What is the need for them to disband LeT or other groups? They will realize that they only need to threaten and India will give them whatever they need.

This nonsense must be met with an Agni missile, not "peace" talks. Or find some folks who are dissatisfied and give them some "help". It should not be difficult to find such people in a state that is not able to do much for its subjects.
I absolutely agree, let the Agni's and Shaheen's fly.. see who is left to decide any remaining issues.
After all its about time those damn glaciers in the karakorams melt..
and lake dal has a radioactive glow to it.
Just imagine a case where India does give in to this demand, for argument's sake. The Lashkars will then become heros in Pakistan. They will strut around saying - 'It was *us*. We made the great India bow down'. And demand power. The extreme rightwing nuts among them, i.e the Ghazwa-e-Hind and Zaid Hamid types will then cry for more blood. They will become folk legends and people in an already failing state will see them as the one success story. They will then either aim for political and military power or at least will refuse to disband.

This is a nightmare scenario that does not end well.

You don't negotiate with terrorists. You kill them or make them fight each other. Pakistan's state being what it is, it is probably easier for the latter to be made to happen. If they are busy peppering bullets on the "lesser" pure, then hopefully they won't have time to focus on the "kafirs" or whatever other nonsense they call us.

The good news is that they are religiously motivated. Which means you can pay some mullah types to declare a fatwa on another sect or whatever. These things can be arranged for the right price. I hope the relevant intelligence agencies are doing that already. That's what I pay them my tax monies to do.
I absolutely agree, let the Agni's and Shaheen's fly.. see who is left to decide any remaining issues.
After all its about time those damn glaciers in the karakorams melt..
and lake dal has a radioactive glow to it.

Why on earth do people want india and pakistan to resolve or start the dialogues, when you dont get along with your nighbours you just dont talk with them and start ignoring them same should happen with inda and pakistan seal the borders, (no trade , no diplomatic relationsand no communications) AAP APNE GHAR ME KHUSH RAHO AUR HUM APNE GHAR ME
ANALYSIS: Terrorism in Pak-India relations —Dr Hasan-Askari Rizvi

India has adopted a two-pronged strategy for coping with terrorism from Pakistan. There is a return to coercive diplomacy by moving its troops from peacetime locations to positions closer to the India-Pak border and tough statements from India’s top civilian and military leadership

Terrorism and jihad overshadow India-Pakistan relations. The meeting of their foreign secretaries in New Delhi on February 25, 2010, failed to agree on a shared agenda for resuming the talks suspended after the terrorist attack in Mumbai on November 26, 2008. The outcome of the talks could not have been different because the two sides had divergent official briefs to pursue. Pakistan wanted to revive the suspended talks on eight issue areas, including terrorism. The Indian side was there only to restate what its top leaders had already said: that Pakistan must satisfy India on terrorism before any other issue can be discussed.

Since the Mumbai attacks, India has reduced India-Pakistan relations to a single issue — terrorism — which is one dimensional, i.e. Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LeT). India wants Pakistan to decimate the LeT leadership and infrastructure or hand over its leaders to India as Pakistan handed over some alleged terrorists to the US. Other dimensions of terrorism and militancy that threaten Pakistan’s internal stability and security do not interest India.

India has adopted a two-pronged strategy for coping with terrorism from Pakistan. There is a return to coercive diplomacy by moving its troops from peacetime locations to positions closer to the India-Pak border. This is coupled with tough statements from India’s top civilian and military leadership, including the repeated threat of “any action” if there is another major terrorist attack in India. There have also been suggestions of surgical airstrikes on ‘terrorist camps’ in Pakistan or Pakistan-administered Kashmir, limited war, and the resort to the Cold Start strategy. India also launched a global diplomatic campaign to mobilise support for its position on “Pakistan as an epicentre of terrorism”.

Most Indian statements and diplomatic activities are meant to deflect domestic pressure not only from the opposition parties, especially the BJP, but also from some circles in the Congress Party that think a powerful state like India should play tough with Pakistan.

Pakistan’s policies towards Islamic militant groups and their terrorist activities have changed over the last year. Its military is genuinely engaged in counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency activities in the tribal areas and the security authorities are taking limited action against the militant groups based in mainland Pakistan, especially in Punjab.

However, the LeT and other Punjab-based militant groups are at a lower rank in Pakistani priorities for fighting terrorism. The order of priority is: al Qaeda, the Pakistani Taliban and their allies in the tribal area, the Afghan Taliban and Punjab-based groups, including the LeT. The immediate and direct threat to Pakistan comes from the first three types of groups. The US and others interested in stabilising the situation in Afghanistan also focus on al Qaeda and the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban.

Pakistan does not have the capacity to take equally firm action — simultaneously — against all these groups when it has to keep a reasonable number of troops close to the Indian border in view of the ongoing troubled relations.

Instead of cooperating with each other to counter terrorism, India and Pakistan have returned to their traditional rivalry. They are now engaged in a proxy war in Afghanistan. Their intelligence agencies are working to undermine each other’s interests in Afghanistan. Pakistan has also made repeated complaints of India’s financial support to the Baloch dissidents based in Afghanistan.

Another sign of increased trouble between Pakistan and India is the river water issue. Pakistan complains that India is manipulating the river water in Kashmir and working on new water storage and power-generation projects that violate the Indus Water Treaty. The Indian response is that water shortages are due to changing weather patterns and Pakistan’s poor water management. India’s Indus Water Commissioner visited Pakistan in February and March but the water issue could not be resolved. Pakistan is now planning to take the Kishanganga Dam issue to international arbitration. Pakistan’s Indus Water Commissioner is waiting for Indian permission to visit the present and planned dam sites in Indian-administered Kashmir.

India has approached the US and Saudi Arabia for diplomatic support of its terrorism-related demands from Pakistan. The US sympathises with India’s position and it has designated the LeT as a terrorist organisation. It has also taken up the issue of the LeT (now operating as Jamaat-ud-Dawa) with Pakistan. However, the US is not going to do anything beyond expressing concern on this issue because it views al Qaeda and the Afghan Taliban as greater threats. The same can be said about Saudi Arabia. To them, the LeT is a lesser threat than al Qaeda and their allied groups, which include the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban. The current security priorities of the US and Saudi Arabia are more in line with Pakistan than with India.

The coordination between Pakistan and the US appears to have increased as the Obama administration launched a new Afghanistan strategy earlier this year, one that focuses on tough military action in Afghanistan, reconciliation with and reintegration of selected Taliban, and Pakistan’s sustained military action in the tribal areas. These new strategies aim at creating conducive conditions for a gradual US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Greater attention on the future of Afghanistan will make the US and other Western states less receptive to India’s single item terrorism agenda against Pakistan. India will face increased diplomatic persuasion to improve relations with Pakistan so that the latter can devote full attention to the tribal areas and the Afghan border.

India and Pakistan need to adopt the following steps to neutralise militants from imposing their agenda on Indo-Pakistan relations:

1. India should agree to a comprehensive dialogue on all contentious issues and work towards resolving the less contentious ones. Improved relations create more space for Pakistan to take firmer action against the groups known for their activities in Kashmir and India.

2. There is no military option available to India and Pakistan for solving their bilateral problems. India’s prime minister should not pay attention to those talking about a limited war, surgical airstrikes or Cold Start.

3. Pakistan’s military and intelligence establishment need to give up altogether the use of jihadis for pursuing their agenda in Kashmir. The blowback of the jihad strategy has undermined Pakistan’s internal harmony and stability. Pakistan can no longer afford such a self-destructive strategy.

4. As immediate confidence-building measures, the two sides should address the water issue, encourage more trade and movement of people across the LoC in Kashmir and liberalise the visa and travel regime.

Dr Hasan-Askari Rizvi is a political and defence analyst

Nice article...I dont agree with the contention in #1 as highlighted.
When 26/11 happened, Ind-Pak relations were probably at their best ever...Zardari was supposed to travel to India and make an agreement on Kashmir/Nukes...

It doesnt seem possible that in my lifetime we will get our relations any closer than the pre-26/11 period starting from 2006 or so......India making concessions will not lead to anything, except demand for more concessions.

Also remember that kargil and 26/11 happened right at the time when India-Pakistan relations were at its best. Either someone in Pakistan does not want the relations to be good or there is some hidden agenda which as a civilian I am not aware of.
At no point should India ever agree to anything from anyone including Pakistan at gunpoint.

If the condition is that terrorism will only be stopped if X concession is made by India, then this will not stop at X.

X today will be Kashmir, tomorrow it will something else. You don't stop a bandit by paying him jaziya/protection money or whatever. You put a bullet in him or at least ensure that you put some fear into him.

A concession made by India will only embolden them. What is the need for them to disband LeT or other groups? They will realize that they only need to threaten and India will give them whatever they need.

This nonsense must be met with an Agni missile, not "peace" talks. Or find some folks who are dissatisfied and give them some "help". It should not be difficult to find such people in a state that is not able to do much for its subjects.

Here are few things which India should do:
1. Agressivily reply with terrorism in return to Pakistani terrorism. If they stop sending them then we stop too.
2. Resolve all the water issues let it no aggreviate.
3. Ask Pakistan to decide who is the actual leader who can speak on behalf of Pakistan (President , PM or Army Chief) and should have all party support. Negotiations should not restart once the government changes (like Mushrraf's 4 point formula) but should continue from where it stopped earlier.
4. Pakistan should understand that India cannot concede Kashmiri land to Pakistan under any pressure and similarly neither can Pakistan so that talk should be concentrated on the ideas to keep both sides happy without conceding any land to any country.
no its not pakistan which has changed the price. its india which tried to take advantage of chaos in pakistan but slipped. you made composite dialogue hostage to terrorist attack. remember we could have done the same when samjhota train was attacked.

composite dialogue should be kept separate from such incidents or it will become a child's play for terrorists on both sides to derail peace talks.

So you saying "composite dialogue should be kept separate from such incidents or it will become a child's play for terrorists". Good.

How about India also starts sending terrorists to Pakistan who explode couple of bombs daily in public places and kill civilians and then both countris talk? Why should only India bleed, we both should bleed and talk. What you say?
what about 1971 kick by Indians its still need to be answered or should be forgiven by friendship with India.
Man even Bush didn't had that much ego and confidence when he said "bring it on" then Indians have.

Buddy if you quote history, then start from 1947, the whole Kashmir was supposed to be in Indian control but after 48 war you go more than 1/3 of it, right? In 1971 we helped east Pakistan, didn't took their land.
Great. Similarly citizens of over a dozen countries got killed in 26/11 mumbai attacks. So, they should take GoI to task?
Thousands of Indians die in US for various reasons. Many murdered by muggers, theives, terrorists etc. These are crimes which US law enforcement agencies will handle them as per their law of the land. India has no say in it and cannot make it an issue in the bilateral realtionship.
Bomb blasts happen in Pakistan on daily basis. If some Indian travelling in Pakistan gets killed in one of these blasts (God forbid), does it mean GoP should be hauled up by GoI? As per rules of interntional diplomacy, GoI can only request GoP to give justice to the vicitim, as it is doing with the Australian goverment with regards to the issue of racial attacks against Indians there.

nice one:chilli:
India NEVER wanted or wants peace with Pakistan.
Because its not into their favor to have peace with Pakistan.

Can you please elaborate on this? Do touch on points on Indian economy and competetion with China (economically) and tell what what will India loose by having aconomically strong Pakistan.
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