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India Must Make Peace With Pakistan to Stop Terrorism

well things have now come down to only two arguments. US linking Arif to sumjhota blast and Indian investigation saying something totally different.

now just because US has not provided any further details of their investigation and the evidence they collected, i will give more weight to wat was found on ground by ATS. as of karkare no linking prouhit with SE blasts, well i see no reason why karkare should have given his verdict against pruhit while the investigation was still under way. had the investigation been completed we would have come to know wat really happened.

now either you say the investigation carried out by ATS was flawed or accept the following. in both cases this argument will end.
And despite all the 7-8 reply to my posts, you have not answered my question-
My GoP accepted the directive? By complying with directive without raising any objection to it, GoP accepted the involvement of there own citizen. This for me carry far more weight than anything else.

Nobody like to take the blame. They accept it because they know its true and they were aware of solid evidence behind that directive.
With this I rest my case.
And despite all the 7-8 reply to my posts, you have not answered my question-
My GoP accepted the directive? By complying with directive without raising any objection to it, GoP accepted the involvement of there own citizen. This for me carry far more weight than anything else.

Nobody like to take the blame. They accept it because they know its true and they were aware of solid evidence behind that directive.
With this I rest my case.

well i can call it anything. from internal political, economic and security chaos which did not allow us to get our acts together to world pressure to anti pak lobbies to the effect of propaganda mills on the way how countries treat pakistan.

but wat justification do you have for simply ignoring the ATS investigation? will you call their investigation to be flawed? if not then a hoax? or media associating wrong words to ur officials at the behest of ISI?
but wat justification do you have for simply ignoring the ATS investigation? will you call their investigation to be flawed? if not then a hoax? or media associating wrong words to ur officials at the behest of ISI?

He was just a suspect in Samjhauta Express bombings until the Indian and U.S. governments announced that Pakistani infiltrators were more likely suspects.
well i can call it anything. from internal political, economic and security chaos which did not allow us to get our acts together to world pressure to anti pak lobbies to the effect of propaganda mills on the way how countries treat pakistan.

but wat justification do you have for simply ignoring the ATS investigation? will you call their investigation to be flawed? if not then a hoax? or media associating wrong words to ur officials at the behest of ISI?

I don't know what you are on about? Consider the following facts -

1 Samjhauta attack took place on indian soil, killed some indian security personnel too
2 Purohit's name came up for samjhauta because one of the accused in another blast allegedly said he provided RDX. Well, RDX was not used the in the attack
3 Independent investigations by maharashtra ATS, haryana police and IB probed his involvement and concluded he was not involved. maharashtra ATS under karkare saying that BEFORE karkare's not so mysterious death
4 IB named Arif Qasmani BEFORE UN sanctioned him
5 Pakistan did not say (as they had no grounds to say) that purohit or any indian terrorists were involved, no proof. however your minister said a few days back that purohit hired pakistni terrorists to carry out the attack :) however no proof handed over to india - hence can not take a moral stand that india act first or no dialogue right? infact bal in pakistani court to catch those hired terrorists and get them talking to prove purohit's involvement.


Back to topic, india is right in saying pakistan should stop terrorists from operating and without making lame excuses about change of nameplate at muridke etc etc etc etc etc.
I don't know what you are on about? Consider the following facts -

1 Samjhauta attack took place on indian soil, killed some indian security personnel too
2 Purohit's name came up for samjhauta because one of the accused in another blast allegedly said he provided RDX. Well, RDX was not used the in the attack
3 Independent investigations by maharashtra ATS, haryana police and IB probed his involvement and concluded he was not involved. maharashtra ATS under karkare saying that BEFORE karkare's not so mysterious death

this is where the problem is. i have pasted the article quoting ur ATS. but this investigation never came to its logical end. as far as kakare not giving his verdict against purohit, well y should he have done so when the investigation was still underway.

give me a news which says that ATS concluded this investigation and handed over the report to the concerned authorities stating no involvement of purohit and other hindu extremist groups.
I think india pakistan conflict started in 1947 when both comes in modern history.

The Britishers should sent some army to protect kashmir from both india and pakistan and make it as a independent country.

and also to protect lakhs of people killed in both india and pakistan in riots after independence.

But,now this issue not so simple

India can't remove its army from kashmir as if it did so there is bomb blast everyday in india. and now not make it as independent state because of fear of pakistan that it can invade in kashmir.
How ashamed and degraded you think we Indians are?

11 people come from your country, kill people with closed eyes, and then you say we are not even justified in having some anger? You are talking of a terrorist attack as if 11 terrorists threw some stones from across the border. They KILLED people. OUR people. Your Govt. ADMITTED that all were Pakistani citizens.

Now you will do an equal equal by saying that India is involved in Balochistan. Kindly ask your Govt. to give us the "un-deniable proof" which it claims of having. Please. We are waiting.

Till then India is not the one responsible.

If my country is responsible for any kind of terrorist attacks in Pakistan, then I loathe my Govt. But I am sure, that my Govt., is like my people only. It won't do that. If it did, then show us the proof. I'l be the first one to believe it. What is Pakistan waiting for?

Well . . . . . .

According to you, that 11 people came from Pakistan and killed people with closed eyes in Mumbai, India :disagree:

Why & how these 11 people were entered into Mumbai, India as they entered like no visa, no passports, no checking, etc . . . .

Is that so easy to enter into India via sea like you are entering into your bed-room? :disagree::no::disagree:
India NEVER wanted or wants peace with Pakistan.
Because its not into their favor to have peace with Pakistan.
I bet out of all these Indians, more than half have not even read the dossier that was sent to the Pakistani government. It would be laughable if there weren't so many lives involved.

Their evidence was 'maachis ki dabbis', toothpaste, guns with "Made in Pakistan" written on them and my personal favourite, the testimony of a mentally-retarded-serial-killer who didn't even know what the f he was doing it all for (check out his interview; he seems well.. sub-human almost). Now while Indians give so much credibility to such things that go in their favour, why do they not answer the question about how on earth these ten boys were able to literally waltz into mumbai and just set it ablaze for three days straight when the Indian security apparatus had been warned three times prior, that the exact same scenario was imminent? They apparently sailed past the Indian naval base and were not spotted by anyone. Furthermore, it took around two days just to get their elite commandoes to scramble and come for help. Now, I understand India is big, but its not THAT big.

All I am saying is that wilful negligence DOES count as abetting and in this attack, the Indian government was just as responsible as those who perpetrated it. Unfortunately the Indian population, while completely blaming Pakistan, has failed to put any blame on its own citizens which, from a Pakistani perspective, seems a tad bit unfair.
India has to get rid of her ego/ arrogance and treat Pakistan equally. (Like how we treat Mexico). Equal partners means respecting each other. India thinks that she is the de-facto south asian super power and bully Pakistan.... Pakistan has to get rid of terrorists/safe heavens and stop denying existence of safe heavens.Accusing India of state terrorism ain't going to get much except backfire.

I don't see both happening in the near future. Both seems can't change their position.

It is a much easier task for India (compared to the task of Pakistan).
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this is where the problem is. i have pasted the article quoting ur ATS. but this investigation never came to its logical end. as far as kakare not giving his verdict against purohit, well y should he have done so when the investigation was still underway.

You honestly think anyone else gives a damn about this train incident? The realty is, India has very successfully created a victim of terrorism image and the world believes it. Pakistan's terrorism casualties are probably 10 times worse than Indian deaths, but virtually the world ignores it - No candle lights or condolences etc....

Why? In fact you often get 'Pakistan has to do more' lecture after a bomb blast. Most think that it of your own doing.

We are in your neighborhood to help to tackle a difficult problem. Wake up and work together with us. Realize we are your long term friend. Cutting supply line ain't going to cut it.
India should stop supporting covert terrorist activities in South Asia to make peace with Pakistan. Covert Indian support for terrorism has been the key drivers in shaping politics of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sikkim and Sri Lanka.
India should stop supporting covert terrorist activities in South Asia to make peace with Pakistan. Covert Indian support for terrorism has been the key drivers in shaping politics of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sikkim and Sri Lanka.

well you have the burden of proof if you want to say that India has supported terrorism.
Sikkim is part of india...dont mention it as a different country.

The whole world knows that your country has been unable to stomp out terrorism out of pakistan,every terrorist comes from pakistan,it is a fact ...first remove stains from your shirt then talk to others

Amazon.com: Smash and grab: Annexation of Sikkim (9780706925098): Sunanda K Datta-Ray: Books

25 years after SIKKIM
Next month, it will be 25 years since the Indian annexation of Sikkim. Sudheer Sharma looks back at how a Himalayan kingdom lost its sovereignty.
25 years after SIKKIM- Nepali Times

You know what "annexation" means right??

wikipedia said:
Annexation (Latin ad, to, and nexus, joining) is the de jure incorporation of some territory into another geo-political entity (either adjacent or non-contiguous). Usually, it is implied that the territory and population being annexed is the smaller, more peripheral, and weaker of the two merging entities, barring physical size. It can also imply a certain measure of coercion, expansionism or unilateralism on the part of the stronger of the merging entities. Because of this, more positive terms like political union or reunification are sometimes preferred.

Princeton said:
* the formal act of acquiring something (especially territory) by conquest or occupation; "the French annexation of Madagascar as a colony in 1896"; "a protectorate has frequently been a first step to annexation"

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