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India must go for Covert Action in Pakistan: Book

so what, he can do anything for his country wherever he may be.....:lol:

Just saying..many of the uber nationalists actually live outside their own countries and in a way out of touch with ground reality.
U sure? I hear Rehman Malik claims different theories each day.

Your really thought India will do surgical strike with just a few aircraft?

Why bring the Americans into this and not the Pakistani people themselves?

his one or two statements constituted as every day??? you shuls stop replying that youtine video....

surgical strike was it not full fledge war.....hope you know the difference....

bringing americans worked pretty welll...... all the hawa of surgical strike went phussshhhhhh......
i dont want u to to.....its totally up to u.....if u believe only what on media is true its your choice.....

Making claims without source on an online debate is also not a good trait.
i dont want u to to.....its totally up to u.....if u believe only what on media is true its your choice.....

i say i will believe when i see the photo.people say laden is dead,i don't believe them because american provided no proof.same with your story.it will be a story to me unless any proof provided
I wonder if PTV camera man was on leave that day otherwise you would have shown DTH video.Seriously do you think india will come under usa pressure not to attack pakistan:no:

Most esclatory step usa took was sending 7th fleet if that couldnt stop non nuclear india what makes u think usa pressure will always india.:rolleyes:

different times...... us didnt had that much interest in pakistan that time...and india was lot closser to ussr ..... now us needed Pakistan to focus its military on fata ....and india have lot to loose incase of war economy wise if us is not happy with it....
Hum to shuru bhi ney hoy beta.

If India makes any mistake, we have millions of men not afraid of death, while with you Indians...

We know about you. :azn:

I know life is cheaper in your country , people like kasab are redy to die for the dream of getting biryani in jannat . This is not being brave dude , this is just low respect for already poor life ...you guys think may be you will better life in jannat . This is just brainwashing .......you realise it after getting caught like kasab.
No ..karma is a b***h(rhymes with pitch)
a submisson on indians part that they lost the "balls" during transition to "delusional super power"

no more million man drama on the border, sad our soldiers will never see that indian army's freak show on the border.

Kinda demotion, leap from surgical strikes to covert operations! Author seems to have no info about ongoing covert activities!
i say i will believe when i see the photo.people say laden is dead,i don't believe them because american provided no proof.same with your story.it will be a story to me unless any proof provided

I think Al Qaeda accepted his death and the various actions taken by Pakistan also bolsters the fact that OBL is dead.
a submisson on indians part that they lost the "balls" during transition to "delusional super power"

no more million man drama on the border, sad our soldiers will never see that indian army's freak show on the border.
Yeah I like the drama back in 1999 which ended up with beautiful fireworks by Bofors and Mirages.
different times...... us didnt had that much interest in pakistan that time...and india was lot closser to ussr ..... now us needed Pakistan to focus its military on fata ....and india have lot to loose incase of war economy wise if us is not happy with it....
USA never had interest in Pakistan ...still not...it took 65 yrs for pakistan to realise this.Economy doesnt define war its the strategic goals which defines it.

bringing americans worked pretty welll...... all the hawa of surgical strike went phussshhhhhh......

celebrations on imaginary victories,

ever wondered the fact that none of Indian Govt ever mentioned the so called "surgical strikes" ?

The problem is you people have no clue what a surgical strike means.

If India ever wished to do so, first she would go for a SEAD role them attempt to achieve air superiority. In other words a full scale war. Which has no purpose to India.
don't be naive, had it not for israeli's help .and btw shelling and killing retreating mujahedeen is no victory, and you should be thankful tha tPak asked mujahedeens to retreat and helped india save face

Yeah I like the drama back in 1999 which ended up with beautiful fireworks by Bofors and Mirages.
his one or two statements constituted as every day??? you shuls stop replying that youtine video....

surgical strike was it not full fledge war.....hope you know the difference....

bringing americans worked pretty welll...... all the hawa of surgical strike went phussshhhhhh......
If bringing American works well for pakistan then why it always blame usa for not helping when need comes against india.all the wars are glaring examples of usa ditching pakistan at right moment.
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