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India must go for Covert Action in Pakistan: Book

Instead of covert operations in pakistan, India needs better homeland defense mechanism, CC camera's for cities, better rapid reaction force, disaster preparedness, civilian training for better awareness,Swat like teams for major cities. Covert operations in pakistan is nonsense
Covert operations are the need of the hour our present and future depend on it.

The manmohan singh is a traitor. After his demise or defeat of congress in next elections will see RAW open hand.

But the problem is that BJP is pro pakistan Atal (Lahore bus), Advani (Jinnah worshiper) Jaswant (Jinnah worshiper) Modi (china worshiper)

India should allocate US$ 1 billion each year for RAW's covert operations this will ease the pressure on army and economy and our enemies will be busy and off balance.:angel:
I love seeing Indians use big words these days, their mouth stretches to max and big big big words come out. Like constipation, you guys need some medication otherwise this is very painful. Painful to watch too!!

oh by the way its very funny hearing words like Precision strike, special forces, and bomb this and bomb that...thats the US commoner disease and you guy have only rubbed shoulder with them recently...let it grow on you first then talk
The hawks are finally raising their voice. Things could turn ugly.

Its like that time when American public were crying about US inferiority to Soviet tech and blamed Eisenhower for it.

Eisenhower on the other hand knew exactly how weak the soviets were but did not bother making any assuring statements. Which led to his defeat and the election of JFK.
The hawks are finally raising their voice. Things could turn ugly.

Its like that time when American public were crying about US inferiority to Soviet tech and blamed Eisenhower for it.

Eisenhower on the other hand knew exactly how weak the soviets were but did not bother making any assuring statements. Which led to his defeat and the election of JFK.
Its not about being weak or strong. Its about having effective countermeasure to terrorism sponsored by pakistani govt. Our ultimate goal should be to remove terrorism as a tool to gain upper hand in negotiation.
I think a strong pakistan is in our interest (dont agree with the article on this) , covert action should not be aimed at weakening the govt but to send a message.
Covert operations are the need of the hour our present and future depend on it.

The manmohan singh is a traitor. After his demise or defeat of congress in next elections will see RAW open hand.

But the problem is that BJP is pro pakistan Atal (Lahore bus), Advani (Jinnah worshiper) Jaswant (Jinnah worshiper) Modi (china worshiper)

India should allocate US$ 1 billion each year for RAW's covert operations this will ease the pressure on army and economy and our enemies will be busy and off balance.:angel:

we do such operations under extradition treaty with the help of interpol and local police. complete arrangements are made on requesting the foreign government for this purpose, no hidden agenda :smokin:
Hum to shuru bhi ney hoy beta.

If India makes any mistake, we have millions of men not afraid of death, while with you Indians...

We know about you. :azn:
If thats the case what do you say about brave 90,000 POW....BUSTED.

They can only delude themselves because they know China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Burma and Bhutan will all join to gangbang india if they made any stupid moves.
Mental Mastrubation....!You forgot to include Mars,Jupiter,Nebru,....:rofl:
be my guest dude...who is stopping you..
Just remember Pakistan has army on its borders.
If thats the case what do you say about brave 90,000 POW....BUSTED.

Mental Mastrubation....!You forgot to include Mars,Jupiter,Nebru,....:rofl:

Those were soldiers and they were ordered to surrender.
Those were soldiers and they were ordered to surrender.
Then why called Indian soldiers coward? They did have choice to fight till the last man died instead of humiliation of surrendering. And India took good care of those people and took them to Pakistan without any soldiers killed by us. We respect enemy's soldier coz we understand what soldiers go through. Now compare what PA did with Indian soldiers. Research about it.

Have you seen any nation who has done with other considering the aggressive nation has been intruding since our independence ?

Indian Army is one of the most professional army in the world. And as far as several mis-conducts are reported, tell me which country's army doesn't have it.

Be objective while replying.
Those were soldiers and they were ordered to surrender.
Do u mean to say that in pakistan Army surrenders and poor like kasab whom u call mujahid fight army's war and are used as cannon foder by the army coz it cant fight??
indians are good in day dreaming .......
barking dogs seldom bite ..................

keep barking ........ that,s what u can do................
Do u mean to say that in pakistan Army surrenders and poor like kasab whom u call mujahid fight army's war and are used as cannon foder by the army coz it cant fight??

No. There is no need for ignorant assumptions.

Can you prove Pakistan army sent kasab?

Take a step back and a deep breath.
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