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India: Mumbai Woman Beheaded in Gory Tantrik Ritual

:D how many questioned ashwaray marriage to the tree to ward off evil ?

Big B must be spanked by you guys on FB .

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A rationalist Narendra Dabolkar was murdered. Another sanal Edamruku left the country because of threats of the Catholic orgnisations.

The Indian rationalist association goes around villages and shows up the parlor tricks.

Besides we exactly know what happens to Atheists in South Asian countries.

They are ridiculed, socially ostracised and are often murdered for speaking against religious practices.

If the sub continent remains to be ignorant, not my problem. Western society progressed due to rationalism and scientific thinking.
Murdered a 50 year old woman as Human Sacrifice ?

Whatever happened to the old Fashioned Sacrifice of a 16 year old Virgin.

What is this World coming to ? :P
A rationalist Narendra Dabolkar was murdered. Another sanal Edamruku left the country because of threats of the Catholic orgnisations.

The Indian rationalist association goes around villages and shows up the parlor tricks.

Besides we exactly know what happens to Atheists in South Asian countries.

They are ridiculed, socially ostracised and are often murdered for speaking against religious practices.

If the sub continent remains to be ignorant, not my problem. Western society progressed due to rationalism and scientific thinking.

Nobody really protested in real sense for Dabolkar it was sad really sad. I saw just one piece of writing in The Hindu over him.

Anyway are you afraid if you question Big B on FB about the ash-tree marriage superstition you will be demonised ?
1. Which areas of concentration viz a viz these sacrifices ?

2. Yes agree these fake babas have been exploiting people specially ladies . Seems women lose their head to lies of these babas

No specific region as i said earlier Human scarifice cases r rare but could happen anywhere as many educated people also go to babas but mostly in rural areas.
No specific region as i said earlier Human scarifice cases r rare but could happen anywhere as many educated people also go to babas but mostly in rural areas.

i was reading a research it was quiet interesting .

will share tomorrow as today i am bit busy.
I wonder how india looked like before Islamic Civilization(s) took it over and civilized it. I mean, even after all the great poetry, music, legal laws of equality, spirituality, and structural changes that Islam brought to god forsaken india, even today many indians are acting like barbarians...If it wasn't for Islam and its civilization, indian hindus would have been burning women, raping daughters, and giving blood sacrifice to their gods on mass scale!

do u want me to post the pcs and links of taliban beheading u r own soldeirs in u r own land in the name of allah ???? and a pakistani having intercourse with dead bodies that are buried in graveyard ????
and wat is this about muslim invaders bringing poetry , music ,laws ,equality , spirituality ??? if this is what taught in u r madarsas then be complacent with it .... and abt india as a god forsaken country ?? a day cant pass without a bomb-blast/brutal murder of other communities in u r country cmon think before when u comment nxt tym..
Nobody really protested in real sense for Dabolkar it was sad really sad. I saw just one piece of writing in The Hindu over him.

Anyway are you afraid if you question Big B on FB about the ash-tree marriage superstition you will be demonised ?

A lot of the comments regarding Narendra Dabolkar's death was how he was targeting Hinduism and di not target Islam as well. He was doing the Indian society a service by pointing out our faults.

Forget Aishwarya and the tree marriage. If I question astrology, or vasthu shilpam you can bet I will be demonised.

When I was 10 years and I accidentally let on that I was an Atheist, I was derided by Muslims, Hindus and Christians.

In my teens I tried to embrace religion to please my parents. But after coming to New Zealand, after coming to University I found out that as an Atheist, I was not mentally diseased.

Indian society is diseased. It is rife with superstitons. And you will even have people here defending it.
If Indians wants to see themselves then they have no other choice to listen to the rationalist side of the argument.

@Spring Onion basically the Indian viewpoint it is better to have a belief in god/gods. I am glad I live in New Zealand today.

Because if I was a rationalist, I would get threats from every religious group in India.
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do u want me to post the pcs and links of taliban beheading u r own soldeirs in u r own land in the name of allah ???? and a pakistani having intercourse with dead bodies that are buried in graveyard ????
and wat is this about muslim invaders bringing poetry , music ,laws ,equality , spirituality ??? if this is what taught in u r madarsas then be complacent with it .... and abt india as a god forsaken country ?? a day cant pass without a bomb-blast/brutal murder of other communities in u r country cmon think before when u comment nxt tym..

:woot: dont be an apologist man
A lot of the comments regarding Narendra Dabolkar's death was how he was targeting Hinduism and di not target Islam as well. He was doing the Indian society a service by pointing out our faults.

Forget Aishwarya and the tree marriage. If I question astrology, or vasthu shilpam you can bet I will be demonised.

When I was 10 years and I accidentally let on that I was an Atheist, I was derided by Muslims, Hindus and Christians.

In my teens I tried to embrace religion to please my parents. But after coming to New Zealand, after coming to University I found out that as an Atheist, I was not mentally diseased.

Indian society is diseased. It is rife with superstitons. And you will even have people here defending it.
If Indians wants to see themselves then they have no other choice to listen to the rationalist side of the argument.

i got your point what you feel and think.

I always believe one can be rational while remained faithful to his/her religion logically not blindly.

for that you need not to be an atheist but again its personal choice.

I am interested now in your post will be waiting :)

@Spring Onion do you have rationalists in pakistan?

sure will post tomorrow . it was about some misconception about ancient Hindu society since i am keen student of these topics to came across it. Will help you in defending your nation.

as far as rationalists well yes we do have. now dont confused it with atheists since the later are another extreme
i got your point what you feel and think.

I always believe one can be rational while remained faithful to his/her religion logically not blindly.

for that you need not to be an atheist but again its personal choice.

I think the key is to chip away at the power of the religious leaders who keep the ignorant in their thrall.

Religion should be a personal matter. So another person have the right to believe in what they want.

The key is to encourage individualism, independent thinking and encourage a society that tolerates dissent to a large degree.

Imran Bhai my respect of you shot up 10 times.

I always thought you were a Muslim for some reason.
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