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India: Mumbai Woman Beheaded in Gory Tantrik Ritual

I think the key is to chip away at the power of the religious leaders who keep the ignorant in their thrall.

Religion should be a personal matter. So another person have the right to believe in what they want.

The key is to encourage individualism, independent thinking and encourage a society that tolerates dissent to a large degree.

Imran Bhai my respect of you shot up 10 times.

I always thought you were a Muslim for some reason

so you dont respect Muslims.

and you claimed you are an atheist

Will help you in defending your nation.

as far as rationalists well yes we do have. now dont confused it with atheists since the later are another extreme

I know that there are reflexive Indians in this forum.

But I know that India has some massive, MASSIVE flaws.

Thank you for your interests :D
so you dont respect Muslims.

and you claimed you are an atheist


What's wrong with that?

Catholics believe I will go to hell.

Hell fire awaits me in Islam.

In a free country everyone should have the right to believe that I belong in hellfire. Or that religion is a hindrance to Human progress.

The problem is when people with these viewpoints take up arms and fight.

You are a Muslim right? Do you respect an Atheist? (honest question)?

Like the RSS or the Marxists in Kerala my home state.
Im amazed by hypocrisy of Indians this thing happened in India a Hindu state and you Indians are trying hard to bring Middle Easterners and Islam. This kind of Ritual in not in any Religion and you focking idiots are mocking Religion its your murderous mentality that lead to this Ritual .
What's wrong with that?

Catholics believe I will go to hell.

Hell fire awaits me in Islam.

In a free country everyone should have the right to believe that I belong in hellfire. Or that religion is a hindrance to Human progress.

The problem is when people with these viewpoints take up arms and fight.

When you breach a law even an atheist you are punished for that simple as that.
Who will go to hell if you read in details those who are harming the society one way or the other simple as that.

your personal sins are adding up to harming other human and that does not go unpunished.

Besides the hell heaven concept give you some solace an imaginary fear NOT real in this world .

its you who is making up excuses for wrongdoings citing hell and heaven concept.

God has given you a free hand

You are a Muslim right? Do you respect an Atheist? (honest question)?


Personally yes respect is there BUT it does not mean they have the right to abuse any religion.

I do respect their right to NOT believe any God but i dont agree that they have any right to abuse any religion.

They are basically another extreme and extremes in my opinion both religious or atheist are bad for society
What's wrong with that?

Catholics believe I will go to hell.

Hell fire awaits me in Islam.

In a free country everyone should have the right to believe that I belong in hellfire. Or that religion is a hindrance to Human progress.

The problem is when people with these take up arms and fight.

Like the RSS or the Marxists in Kerala my home state.

to whom i will burn in hell ?

uncountable more.......

in muslims
+70 more........

so i burn in a world where we have 20 religions and every religion has many many school of thoughts and one of the religion has 72 sects i burn in one .........................:lol:
Im amazed by hypocrisy of Indians this thing happened in India a Hindu state and you Indians are trying hard to bring Middle Easterners and Islam. This kind of Ritual in not in any Religion and you focking idiots are mocking Religion its your murderous mentality that lead to this Ritual .

that is result of their insecurity to accept the facts
India was all weird and crazy before the muslim invasions

The hindu's today look at it through rose tinted glasses of a non existant hindu golden age, but the reality was that there were numerous kingdoms, kings, princes, upper caste, lower caste B.S that created rampant abuse of women, children and those not like you

The Lower castes were treated like sub humans, women raped, children used, not allowed to be human in the presence of the upper class

Combined with some of the most horrendous beliefs like sati (widow burning) and temple prostitutes where young girls were given by their familes to temples so the priests and nobles could rape them at will

Add to this Elephant gods, lingams, monkey gods, many headed hydra gods, demons of all sorts it was a hell hole, a nightmare place

And this is just the main religious stuff, people keep forgetting that India was DIVERSE, apart from all the main stream weirdness it had a myriad of thousands of cults and local practices such as human sacrifice, people, kids, women being kidnapped and then sacraficed to weird local Gods & demons

It was pure utter jahilat, probably not that different to the arab pagans before the prophets time

It was a mercy upon us all that our forefathers became muslims
if god is sitting here


what abut trillions of glaxees and uncountable planets in cosmos ?:lol::lol::lol: we need some 134817239581234561403576145832128912509184653427 trillions GODs for universe :crazy:

that is result of their insecurity to accept the facts

Or their idiocy.

Caste system is practiced in rural areas. Devdasi system still goes on in some places.

Hinduism still has to reform itself. Massively.

Blaming Islam or Pakistan is exactly the wrong attitude to have.
if god is sitting here

what abut trillions of glaxees and uncountable planets in cosmos ?:lol::lol::lol: we need some 134817239581234561403576145832128912509184653427 trillions GODs for universe :crazy:

CCTV monitoring ;)
W BUT it does not mean they have the right to abuse any religion.

I do respect their right to NOT believe any God but i dont agree that they have any right to abuse any religion.

They are basically another extreme and extremes in my opinion both religious or atheist are bad for society

O.K. fair enough. I apologise to you if I was rude to you in anyway :-)

@Imran Khan when did you become an atheist?
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