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India: Mumbai Woman Beheaded in Gory Tantrik Ritual

when will we get rid of this superstition...
maharastra govt even enacted a law against it recently.
Kneel before Zod!!! :p:

I like the man of steel zod than the comic book zod. for some reason.

when will we get rid of this superstition...
maharastra govt even enacted a law against it recently.

Which in India means nothing really.

There should be a grassroots understanding of it. I think a widespread TV programs debunking the superstition would also be useful.

It is not just that, even educated indians are largely superstitious. We need a change in the mindset.

Not before slaughetring millions of each other and almost 3 million jews in the name of Fascism...

Even then, parts of Europe experienced various separatist and insurgent violence.

ETA for example in the Basque region.
I like the man of steel zod than the comic book zod. for some reason.

Which in India means nothing really.

There should be a grassroots understanding of it. I think a widespread TV programs debunking the superstition would also be useful.

It is not just that, even educated indians are largely superstitious. We need a change in the mindset.

Even then, parts of Europe experienced various separatist and insurgent violence.

ETA for example in the Basque region.

I'm saying, most of human history has been proof of basically how f**ed up humans are everywhere. Maybe the feminists are right, maybe the world would have been a better place if women, instead of men, were dominant.
I'm saying, most of human history has been proof of basically how f**ed up humans are everywhere. Maybe the feminists are right, maybe the world would have been a better place if women, instead of men, were dominant.

I don't know about dominance. But places were Women are en equal terms with Men in all or even most indicators of life, tend to do really well in terms of social indicators.

@Guynextdoor2 look at India and Pakistan. We really short our Women in terms of personal freedom, education and personal autonomy.

The result can be seen.

Oh and people needn't bother with the Middle East or Saudi Arabia. They are rich because they have the black gold dug for them by the Women.
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