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India may sign interim deal for 18 Rafales, also deal for Aerial tanker

What is the point of India sticking to her guns on ToT if Rafale will not do the relevant ToT moron.

Where is the leverage ? We are handing over a large leverage for nothing.

Are u GOD? have u seen the final papers of the contract? why the hell u and others are jumping the gun without knowing the fine print... the original terms and conditions asked for 18 directly from france and 108 under TOT and offset agreement.. If the government diverts from this and changes it a bit do u know how many bodies right from CAG to Vigilance to X committees would be dissecting and ripping them apart.. there would be CBI enquiries and PIL's and on top public opinions which would paint them as conspirators and make them lose electoral support from masses...

Be a little bit wise by having patience and wait for fine print.. have a little faith.. our politicians its true are a bit on bad side but they wont sell the country off.. lets wait for few more days when the fine print comes out..

P.s: Incase the so called TOT is waived and not given as per the original MMRCA guidelines, i assure u of supporting ur anger and will try and file a PIL also against the government..
It looks like it will take another 20 to 30 years to get Rafales. This is the type of negotiation only India can accomplish.
It would relive the pressure made on Rafale in last 2 years. Without complete TOT and source codes GOI shouldn't hasten.No need to give oxygen to Rafale's production line.Squeeze them and squeeze hard . If we just need 18 fighters then instead should licence produce 36 additional MKIs in same budget. Yes I know MKI and Rafale are two different platforms but still it doesn't make sense to give breathing oxygen after so long negotiation.

India will not get TOT on the most critical tech. Not software codes or tech on building blades for the engine. But its more of TOT of assembly technology.
India will not get TOT on the most critical tech. Not software codes or tech on building blades for the engine. But its more of TOT of assembly technology.

Is India nuts? or is it making fool of itself!

The technology in the Rafale is top drawer. French wont be this stupid to transfer that technology to Indians.

Its 2014 and deal isn't even signed...

I don't see Rafaels coming to india by 2018...

It is becoming another tejas...

Indian cannot build a plane properly and buy a plane properly. What can India do right?


Its 2014 and deal isn't even signed...

I don't see Rafaels coming to india by 2018...

It is becoming another tejas...

Indian cannot build a plane properly and buy a plane properly. What can India do right?
Is India nuts? or is it making fool of itself!

The technology in the Rafale is top drawer. French wont be this stupid to transfer that technology to Indians.

India may get the tech 10 years later when the tech is no longer top notch. So what Dassault may do is require that India buy more planes, build more planes. Once everything is done in 10-20 years, than Rafale will transfer the tech completely. By then, they would have newer stuff coming out.
Indian cannot build a plane properly and buy a plane properly. What can India do right?

Indian cannot build a plane properly and buy a plane properly. What can India do right?

India may get the tech 10 years later when the tech is no longer top notch. So what Dassault may do is require that India buy more planes, build more planes. Once everything is done in 10-20 years, than Rafale will transfer the tech completely. By then, they would have newer stuff coming out.
Is that why china is copying 30 year old obsolete design? When it's all too old?

Faithy i have yet to see a productive post from you.
Is that why china is copying 30 year old obsolete design? When it's all too old?

Faithy i have yet to see a productive post from you.

I'm talking about what India is doing? Not about China. I don't know which Chinese design you are talking about. But LCA started in 1982 and its finally ready. With the rafale purchase, it try to purchase a tech that no one will impart with. I know about the bidding require full transfer. But would any one really transfer any critical tech? India itself is smarter than that.
The MMRCA was supposed to be an open and fair process. Considering the delays, maybe the MOD should be talking with EADS about the eurofighter.
India is in my view decades behind western technology and building advanced fighter jets. Am not expecting France will give us something they have achieved over years. Even if they give us we don't have a base for absorbing such a high tech.
Having said that India is slowly but surely heading in that direction, building infra, research etc. Cryogenic Engine is the latest example of that. Am chilled out about that,
we will be there by hook or crook.....
And for all the haters suck on this
India should just buy more planes instead of waste it on TOT that France will never give.

India does not seen to have realised that cutting-edge technology cannot be brought.

It's billions given to Russian for PAK-FA and the Jews for Barak SAM have netted zero technology transfer.

When the Rafale is completely out of data, post 2020, then technology bar the engine blades may be transferred.
India does not seen to have realised that cutting-edge technology cannot be brought.

It's billions given to Russian for PAK-FA and the Jews for Barak SAM have netted zero technology transfer.

When the Rafale is completely out of data, post 2020, then technology bar the engine blades may be transferred.

India think that just because its offering big dollars, it could buy anything. Its hold back from signing the contract hoping that the French will sell it self out. It will never happen.
India does not seen to have realised that cutting-edge technology cannot be brought.

It's billions given to Russian for PAK-FA and the Jews for Barak SAM have netted zero technology transfer.

When the Rafale is completely out of data, post 2020, then technology bar the engine blades may be transferred.
You can' buy know-how no matter how much you pay. India shall buy 54 Rafale and wait PAKFA mature. More effort shall be paid on AMCA project, they just get used to distract themselves. When they finally complete the production of the rest 108 Rafale, the platform is gonna obsolete at all. I don't down the logic bebind this deal, absolutely in chaos.
You can' buy know-how no matter how much you pay. India shall buy 54 Rafale and wait PAKFA mature. More effort shall be paid on AMCA project, they just get used to distract themselves. When they finally complete the production of the rest 108 Rafale, the platform is gonna obsolete at all. I don't down the logic bebind this deal, absolutely in chaos.

What you are talking about is common sense. But common sense might not be what make the most money for Indian politicians. Their leaders do not care about protecting their own country, just make money.
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