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India may sign interim deal for 18 Rafales, also deal for Aerial tanker

The main reason why India is always behind China is not Indians are stupid, but its politicians.
The main reason why India is always behind China is not Indians are stupid, but its politicians.

In a democracy, people get the government they deserve. If India has stupid politicians, it is because India is stupid enough to vote them in.
In a democracy, people get the government they deserve. If India has stupid politicians, it is because India is stupid enough to vote them in.
What will you do in Rafale deal if you are the decision maker?
If India decides to buy 18 Rafales, China would give 18 J-10B to Pakistan for free. Rafale is good, but older and not as advanced as J-10B.
What will you do in Rafale deal if you are the decision maker?

I would buy them and buy them quick. They are required. But I would not be paying extra for transfer of technology. No foreign government is going to give India the highly guarded materials technology that India sorely needs. In other fields especially in the hydraulics and software side, India is not too far behind, so I don't think that Dassault will have a problem transferring those specific technology.
If India decides to buy 18 Rafales, China would give 18 J-10B to Pakistan for free. Rafale is good, but older and not as advanced as J-10B.
Rafale is better than J10B in TRW(unless WS15 in service) and spectra, China won't give something for free at this moment. In my perspective, Rafale deal is somehow get stucked right now.

I would buy them and buy them quick. They are required. But I would not be paying extra for transfer of technology. No foreign government is going to give India the highly guarded materials technology that India sorely needs. In other fields especially in the hydraulics and software side, India is not too far behind, so I don't think that Dassault will have a problem transferring those specific technology.
How many Rafale you gonna induct to make it an adequacy?
Rafale is better than J10B in TRW(unless WS15 in service) and spectra, China won't give something for free at this moment. In my perspective, Rafale deal is somehow get stucked right now.

How many Rafale you gonna induct to make it an adequacy?

Rafale has two small engines. J-10B has one big engine. Size wise, they are in the same class. J-10B is long nosed with an AESA that should outperform Rafale's radar.
Rafale is better than J10B in TRW(unless WS15 in service) and spectra, China won't give something for free at this moment. In my perspective, Rafale deal is somehow get stucked right now.

How many Rafale you gonna induct to make it an adequacy?

126 is fine as it is in my opinion.
If India can't get TOT from Dassault, inducting Rafale assembly line will distract HAL's concentration on other project and cause unneccessarily delay.
Is this the longest plane deal in human history, just like Tejas took the longest development record in human history and is still under development?
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Is this the longest plane deal in human history, just like Tejas took the longest development record in human history and is still under development?
Since Most Indian members in PDF agree to buy directly from the shelf, you don't have to tease them cause the stupid decision was made by Indian goverment.
I'm talking about what India is doing? Not about China. I don't know which Chinese design you are talking about. But LCA started in 1982 and its finally ready. With the rafale purchase, it try to purchase a tech that no one will impart with. I know about the bidding require full transfer. But would any one really transfer any critical tech? India itself is smarter than that.
Chinese jets are copy of years old Russian bheek jets. They will be operational and fully capable only when it's too late as stated by your earlier post.
I am not pushing your china here it's just counter comparative reasoning

Since Most Indian members in PDF agree to buy directly from the shelf, you don't have to tease them cause the stupid decision was made by Indian goverment.
Tujko mirchi Lagi to main Kay karun.
Chinese jets are copy of years old Russian bheek jets. They will be operational and fully capable only when it's too late as stated by your earlier post.
I am not pushing your china here it's just counter comparative reasoning

Tujko mirchi Lagi to main Kay karun.

I'm not from China. I'm just curious which Chinese plane you claimed was copied from Russia.
When the first 18 Rafales begin arriving 36 months after contract signature, they will be home-based at Ambala AFS.

Also being negotiated concurrently by the CNC with Dassault Aviation, THALES Avionics and SNECMA Moteurs are the terms and conditions and the cost of the direct/indirect industrial offsets, representing 50% of the total contract value and to be implemented over a period of 13 years (the time taken to licence-build the 108 Rafales). The direct offsets have been sub-divided into three levels, with the first level dealing with major assemblies and systems integration, the second level dealing with sub-assemblies and components, and the third level—constituting the biggest chunk in terms of both financial value and work effort—comprising the rotables and consumables like lubricants, washers, filters, connectors, adapters, cables and wiring harnesses, brake-pads, drag chutes, landing gear tyres, and weapons ejector racks.

The transfer-of-technology (ToT) component of the total quantum of direct industrial offsets has been sub-divided into five distinct categories:

1)Transfer of production engineering and manufacturing documentation by the French OEMs to their Indian counterparts for fabrication, assembly and testing of those items associated with the CKD kits and IMKs. For this category, the French OEMs are contractually required to give 60% ToT.

2)60% ToT for items produced by the French OEMs’ authorised Indian sub-contractors based on engineering documentation provided by the OEMs to their Indian counterparts.

3)‘Built-to-specs’ ToT to the extent of 25% that includes the development and production of items on the basis of ‘procurement specifications’ sub-contracted by the OEM to various authorised Indian vendors.

4)25% ToT for ‘bought-out items’ procured as ‘fully furnished items’ from the standard item parts catalogues of the OEMs.

5)Not beyond 15% ToT for proprietary items such as components for the RBE-2 AESA-MMR, fly-by-wire flight control system, and modules for the M88 turbofan.

LINK - TRISHUL: Weekend Musings

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