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India Makes it Official: The 'Mother of All Defense Deals' Is Dead

We have been build our own aircraft for decades.

lol...show me one area in which JF 17 more advanced than Tejas-which uses a composite airframe,Relaxed static stability & all axis quadraplex redundant Fly by Wire.Anyway JF 17 was designed in China,with much of subsystems developed in China.What are you boasting about ?

It has DSI. Period!! with DSI it can bring an F22 Down and Tejas is just a sitting Duck !! God save Tejas from the clutches of its DSI.
Your abusivness is reported.

Some thing is making you angry. I just need to figure out what. Your minister says LCA is going to do what raffle were expected to do. What's wrong in building high hopes on LCA or LCA2 then?

Sorry if that hurts you but for me 'LCA XX' in that post indicates your to intention to troll.I deleted my post anyway.

btw is brahmos indian made?? lol

Its a Joint Venture with India providing the avionics,fcs & launchers

Tell me if LCA is not going to fill the gap which rafale was meant to?

LCA mk2 would be in the same class as Gripens offered to India.
126 rafales now 36 rafales seems like modi wants some kick backs that's why government to governmet dealings been done
Says a pakistani ruled by noora :rofl:

These Indians went crazy first they talk very big but on ground it is nothing they have dilemma of magician to show world we are good some good movie style trailers put on TV shown to media India has changed at one side their leaders say we bring all people of India become Hindus at other hand they take help from Christians anyway from France no transfer of technology is coming modi is making biggest blunder and mark my words France will sell downgraded rafale which need maintance after every year so they fill defacite of those remaining fighter jets which India promised in number of 126 but now reduced to 36 remaining 90 jets which India canceled France will slowly take their defacite in maintanace charges modi sarkar is making soft image of India but few years time all western investors u see complaining

lol look at you downgraded........is f16 and jf17 is also down graded

:rofl:...............what noora is doing filling pockets[/QUOTE]
India tamasha at its best. After a decade long chest thumping, Indian fanboys have finally hit the fan.

How? We are still acquiring the same amount under a Govt-to-Govt deal rather than Govt-to-Company deal.
The Frencies must realize Indians are v difficult to deal with. Agreements/commitments/MOUs can be flouted in the wink of the eye.
F 16 came close to kick Indian .......... But u always run away use dirty war games come one to one and we show u 1965 war we are 10 percent of India country but beaten u all hands up such a shame on u come and have a war u see Indian teeth broken once it for all this good honeymoon period of India with west will over be soon becoz these western countries always betray now it is Indian turn we learned harsh lesson
F 16 came close to kick Indian .......... But u always run away use dirty war games come one to one and we show u 1965 war we are 10 percent of India country but beaten u all hands up such a shame on u come and have a war u see Indian teeth broken once it for all this good honeymoon period of India with west will over be soon becoz these western countries always betray now it is Indian turn we learned harsh lesson
In Last who was broken into two parts

They do not betray you.you are to dubious to trust
F 16 came close to kick Indian .......... But u always run away use dirty war games come one to one and we show u 1965 war we are 10 percent of India country but beaten u all hands up such a shame on u come and have a war u see Indian teeth broken once it for all this good honeymoon period of India with west will over be soon becoz these western countries always betray now it is Indian turn we learned harsh lesson
Is that what they teach you in madarsa?.
Come on, in contrast with money, time is more important.

It's not the time to continue to invest too much in 3-4G fighters. Even korea and turkey are focusing on 5-g fighters rather than 3/4g ones.

India defense Industry is too weak for 5g. You can't just becos others are doing 5G and u having a weaker base decide to go too.

India needs to start from scratch. There is no expressway. Start with 4G to replace those 3G Mig-21 can be a good start. India can replace quality with quantity first. First you have build up the base before talking about 5 or 6G

Indians ade another mistake by purchasing 36 from Dasau they should go for the same amount either for F-18 or Euro Fighter to presure the French but they gave them what they really wanted.
Then you end up with 36 euro typhoon and then 60 Rafale? Brilliant idea for logistic department.

And all major weapon industries know India industries is weak. Most will not budge at India demand.
India defense Industry is too weak for 5g. You can't just becos others are doing 5G and u having a weaker base decide to go too.

India needs to start from scratch. There is no expressway. Start with 4G to replace those 3G Mig-21 can be a good start. India can replace quality with quantity first. First you have build up the base before talking about 5 or 6G

Then you end up with 36 euro typhoon and then 60 Rafale? Brilliant idea for logistic department.

And all major weapon industries know India industries is weak. Most will not budge at India demand.

Nice joke troll.

Now FYI we already have our fourth gen in production & is building our own capabilities in 5th gen-AESA,avionics,reduced RCS by airframe shaping & usage of RAM..
Nice joke troll.

Now FYI we already have our fourth gen in production & is building our own capabilities in 5th gen-AESA,avionics,reduced RCS by airframe shaping & usage of RAM..
You are in delusion. Claiming I am troll, why not u go build a 5G now instead of begging russian or bragging about your AESA and reduced RCS airframe?
How? We are still acquiring the same amount under a Govt-to-Govt deal rather than Govt-to-Company deal.

Yeah right. India's democratically elected Hindu Facist regime wants to cncdntrate on building toilets for the populous rather build high-tech fighter aircrafts.
You are in delusion. Claiming I am troll, why not u go build a 5G now instead of begging russian or bragging about your AESA and reduced RCS airframe?

Are you a moron ? Ever heard of AMCA ? Or 4.5 gen Tejas mk2
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