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India Makes it Official: The 'Mother of All Defense Deals' Is Dead

What?! I didn't know yet. Was I right or what!!!

LMAO Man, I feel so vindicated after this. The MMRCA circus and fanfare continues...

Awww, all those Frenchies had all their hopes pinned on this. My opinion is that Pakistan shouldn't buy any French avionic stuff for their JF-17.

So you didn't there were Indians who didn't want this deal to go thru? Of course. I sure as hell didn't. I for one did not like the plane and felt there man issues behind the scenes that were not addresses. The fact that UPA dealt with the French ad handled the contract means I had no faith.
So you didn't there were Indians who didn't want this deal to go thru? Of course. I sure as hell didn't. I for one did not like the plane and felt there man issues behind the scenes that were not addresses. The fact that UPA dealt with the French ad handled the contract means I had no faith.

Indians have been praising the Rafale all over this forum and elsewhere. I personally don't care about Rafale. All I can say is that there are much much better options out there. Especially for that kind of money. There is a reason why nations have been reluctant to buy Rafale.

Yeah,in time!!That day won't be too far,don't worry bout it sucker.

Suits us just fine.And talk isn't all that cheap,given you can use that at the right spot on right time,we stopped your pathetic air force from getting those French avionics for starter and as a result,your primary air defence fighters remain just a vanilla bird.Very nice situation to be in, I have to say.

And why would I burn??This couldn't have been any better,thank Dawkins that finally we can see some sense in the GoI!!Now we will get the planes at a much faster rate at a much cheaper price.If anyone's *** should be on fire,it would be you and not us.But how can you understand all these serious strategical stuffs,you need a fucking brain into your skull for that,which unfortunately in your case,is missing.I feel sorry for your parents,really!!

What LMAO??!!We will see how you will LMAO when we get the planes.Till then,ADIOS.

LMAO we'll see you pathetic being.

LMAO You're burning. Burn! LMAO

It is not the best the Euro Fighter for instance can handle any thing the Rafale does the F-18 super hornet one of the best.
Trust me We have Evaluations Data of all the fighters Even EF. At least MMrca tender Did one good thing that we got Details of the All state of art 4.5 gen Fighters which help us in future For Evaluation for any New Procurement for IAF.
Trust me We have Evaluations Data of all the fighters Even EF. At least MMrca tender Did one good thing that we got Details of the All state of art 4.5 gen Fighters which help us in future For Evaluation for any New Procurement for IAF.

And we din't have to pay for this :D
Indians have been praising the Rafale all over this forum and elsewhere. I personally don't care about Rafale. All I can say is that there are much much better options out there. Especially for that kind of money. There is a reason why nations have been reluctant to buy Rafale.

LMAO we'll see you pathetic being.

LMAO You're burning. Burn! LMAO


I agree the plane is not the best for the price and for what you are getting. I think we can do better but with Congress at the helm, its a no brainer the contracts were full of errors. Its their style of doing business.

Again, some Indians have been praising this plane, not others.

I agree using the events of Mali and Libya to showcase the abilities of this plane is a laugh. I have no concerns with 3rd world countries only countries that have or trying to obtain first world capabilities. What the f-k will an insurgent on the ground armed with a RPG or AK do to a plane? Nothing so those who were screaming about how well the plane performed made me giggle. Truly stupid comparsions if you ask me.

Great point....many countries have turned away from the Rafale. The French were expecting and hoping to seal the Indian deal as it would open more opportunities for them. No thanks.....if they wanted they could have sweetened the pot but they refused. On top of that, their past history on TOT on the subs has shown a lot to be undesired. I guess the naysayers will blame Congress who is to blame but forget the same party when other events crop up...
what is that old chestnut ? A Man who can't hold his liquor is... ? :lol:
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I see our esteemed Pakistani friends jumping for joy as they'll now be facing only 36 Rafales instead of 120!! :lol:

Sorry to burst your happy bubble guys, as the the remainder would follow. :P
It is not the best the Euro Fighter for instance can handle any thing the Rafale does the F-18 super hornet one of the best.
Not as per Libyan bombing campaign.

The Eurofighters had to depend on Panavia Tornadoes for SEAD operations unlike Rafale which was independent.
I see our esteemed Pakistani friends jumping for joy as they'll now be facing only 36 Rafales instead of 120!! :lol:

Sorry to burst your happy bubble guys, as the the remainder would follow. :P
Actually 36 number is just in principle that was announced btw modi & hollande.According to DM Interview(if you seen)on DD News and IBN7. He said the numbers are still to be negotiated So Lets See what it will be When Deal will be Signed.

Link to the Inter view राफेल वायुसेना की जरूरत, सवाल बेमानीः पर्रिकर - IBN Khabar
Indians have been praising the Rafale all over this forum and elsewhere. I personally don't care about Rafale. All I can say is that there are much much better options out there. Especially for that kind of money. There is a reason why nations have been reluctant to buy Rafale.
That's just your opinion (which by the way isn't worth even a dime,nor does any of my opinions for the matter),not a fact.Don't try to pass it as a fact.

LMAO we'll see you pathetic being.

LMAO You're burning. Burn! LMAO


Abbe tere bheje me kuch garbar hai ke??Oh,sorry I forgot,my bad - you don't really own a bheja!! :P
That's just your opinion (which by the way isn't worth even a dime,nor does any of my opinions for the matter),not a fact.Don't try to pass it as a fact.

Abbe tere bheje me kuch garbar hai ke??Oh,sorry I forgot,my bad - you don't really own a bheja!! :P



Pahle ye to samjha putattar,ki mirchi lagna kiun hai??Tab se mirchi mirchi kar raha hain!!If anything,it was the right decision to make!!Wait!!Do you really think that we are gonna cap the order at just 36 pieces??Is that what you think simpleton??Then I've got nothing to left to converse with you about.Can't discuss anything with a mentally retarded now,can I??I hope the doctors be able to still salvage whatever little brain you have,wish you happy recovery maro dicra. :D
LOL nobody is fooled by India's trick to part with their aircraft industrial base for a pittance. The trick was caught red-handed by France and India was punished with this humiliation right when India was about to declare itself security council permanent member.
126 rafales now 36 rafales seems like modi wants some kick backs that's why government to governmet dealings been done
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