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India Lost 350sqkm of Area To The Chinese in the Depsang Sector Alone Reveal Credible Indian Sources

Lol at least 20 Indian soldiers were killed and 60 more were captured on June 15th after hand to hand combat ... and you still say the Chinese can't fight? What do the Chinese have to prove that they're capable of fighting? Do they have to capture New Delhi in a future war? As I said in my above post, I'm really starting to think many Indians have become deluded with the reality of the LAC's strategic situation.

LOL, they cant fight that is the reason they lost more.... :lol::lol::lol: and the coward army don't recognize the fallen... its not the first time, even in Vietnam war they did the same... and quietly recognized few after long time....

its so coward that its leader is scared of a cartoon character.... :lol::lol::lol: do you know which one? :lol::lol::lol:

but here on pdf chinese are not fighting this war as much as pakistanis..... but they both are losing it.... heck you cant even win on pdf let alone in real world...and this happens by quoting Indian media and some useless twitter handles who never give proofs but only tweets.... :lol::lol::lol: come on

and you can think what ever you want and be in your happy world, im not here to change your thinking and i dont give a damn to your thoughts ... im in real world where are you?

keep posting it will refresh your memory about our heroes.... im posting here as well...
Jai Hind Jai Hind Jai Hind

million salutes...
million salutes...million salutes...

we dont have Indian flag emoji so i invented this....

LOL, they cant fight that is the reason they lost more.... :lol::lol::lol: and the coward army don't recognize the fallen... its not the first time, even in Vietnam war they did the same... and quietly recognized few after long time....

its so coward that its leader is scared of a cartoon character.... :lol::lol::lol: do you know which one? :lol::lol::lol:

but here on pdf chinese are not fighting this war as much as pakistanis..... but they both are losing it.... heck you cant even win on pdf let alone in real world...and this happens by quoting Indian media and some useless twitter handles who never give proofs but only tweets.... :lol::lol::lol: come on

and you can think what ever you want and be in your happy world, im not here to change your thinking and i dont give a damn to your thoughts ... im in real world where are you?

keep posting it will refresh your memory about our heroes.... im posting here as well...
Jai Hind Jai Hind Jai Hind

million salutes...
million salutes...million salutes...

we dont have Indian flag emoji so i invented this....

It’s sad that India is making up casualties for its opponents so its online keyboard warrior can claim spiritual victories. Sad.
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According to a mainstream Indian outlet the PLA moved in 18km inside Indian held territory in the Depsang plains. The Y BOTTLENECK JUNCTION is still in Chinese hands, and the IA is unable to patrol in its previous patrolling points as shown below.

The extent of land lost marked in YELLOW is 350 sq km.

Some extracts from the article published in the Indian Express today.
In the four rounds of meetings at the level of the Corps Commander, India has not raised the issue of Chinese ingress into the Depsang Plains in northern Ladakh, even though the area is more strategically important than the other ‘friction points’ and the territory on the Indian side of the Line of Actual Control (LAC) being denied to Army patrols by the Chinese is much larger than at Pangong Tso.
This has raised concerns within a section of the security establishment that the continued Indian silence on Depsang could result in a new status quo being created in the strategically important area, where Chinese would have effectively shifted their actual control of the territory 18 km to the west. It would deny India access to a significant part of territory close to the Daulat Beg Oldie (DBO) airfield and bring the Chinese much closer to the strategic Darbuk-Shyok-DBO (DSDBO) road.
By stalling Indian patrols at Bottleneck, Chinese troops are denying India access to five of its patrolling points (PPs): PP-10, PP-11, PP-11A, PP-12 and PP-13. These PPs lie on an arc of around 20 km from Raki Nala to Jiwan Nala, on a line marked as the LoP or Limit of Patrolling, which lies a few kilometres to the west of the LAC.


The true accounts from the locals tells a very GRIM story for India, with all the pasture lands, Strategic Heights and Tourist destinations lost. Why are the Indians still claiming it as a Victory!
Had they said 650 km, it would have been more more reliable. Reliability means more wishful thinking for many people here.
So what happened to your shupa powa?

We humiliated one dragon and proved to world that it is a paper dragon.

Paper dragon is not in a position to give respectful last rites to its soldiers whose necks were broken with bare hand by Indian soldiers.
It’s dad that India is making up casualties for its opponents so its online keyboard warrior can claim spiritual victories. Sad.

first important thing, most important, im Indian by heart and soul.... and also on pdf flags.. not a false flagger.

we dont make up claims, fright from day one we said there were plenty of chinese heli sorties to pick up the dead and wounded ... this was well documented....

second important thing, we are brave hearts and declare our heroes as heroes.... we don't shrug them aside like your coward leader who is afraid of a cartoon character....

how can you tell one is keyboard warrior? you may be one but i'm not.

The Hindu is absolutely correct. After so much boasting about shupa powa, Modi was utterly humiliated by the PLA :lol:

only in wolf warrior movies is a chinese soldier brave.... in real life its leaves the post and run away as we saw in UN peacekeeping mission....

your name is also from the same movie right?? :lol::lol::lol: no wonder your posts are so shitty... nuke delhi and what not.. your head is still in movies :lol::lol::lol:

leng feng

LOL at the Indian deluding himself to cover up the humiliation :rofl:

leng feng :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: only brave in movies

And keep them in thoughts

our brave hearts who will be in our hearts forever

Jai hind
We humiliated one dragon and proved to world that it is a paper dragon.

Paper dragon is not in a position to give respectful last rites to its soldiers whose necks were broken with bare hand by Indian soldiers.
When this happened please tell us or may be only in Bollywood movies:lol::lol:

our brave hearts who will be in our hearts forever

Jai hind
These are went to hell by Pakistan and China


first important thing, most important, im Indian by heart and soul.... and also on pdf flags.. not a false flagger.

we dont make up claims, fright from day one we said there were plenty of chinese heli sorties to pick up the dead and wounded ... this was well documented....

second important thing, we are brave hearts and declare our heroes as heroes.... we don't shrug them aside like your coward leader who is afraid of a cartoon character....

how can you tell one is keyboard warrior? you may be one but i'm not.

only in wolf warrior movies is a chinese soldier brave.... in real life its leaves the post and run away as we saw in UN peacekeeping mission....

your name is also from the same movie right?? :lol::lol::lol: no wonder your posts are so shitty... nuke delhi and what not.. your head is still in movies :lol::lol::lol:

leng feng
View attachment 652845

leng feng :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: only brave in movies

And keep them in thoughts

our brave hearts who will be in our hearts forever

Jai hind

cut out your macho cRap of none sense

Nothing glorious about your past history or the present one. you indians have been ruled by outsiders 1000 years

it was English or freed your asses to serve them instead for centuries. left you what you have

my Pashtun ancestors conquered and trampled all over you people. Forget Turks others did what to you. You have a pathetic history.

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