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India Lost 350sqkm of Area To The Chinese in the Depsang Sector Alone Reveal Credible Indian Sources

we should use Modi’s perspective. India has not lost a inch of territory to the Chinese. I really don’t understand why there need to be any talks when Modi already agree that no Chinese soldiers are in Indian land.

Could it be because India now occupies Chinese land. And Chinese are begging India to return to LAC before June 1st? After all, India killed over a hundred Chinese soldiers and took many Chinese prisoners that China must had lost lots of land to India.

Well the saying goes "You can run with a lie but you cant hide from the truth, it will ultimately catch you"

Finally its officially reavealed by Shekhar Gupta that large swathes of land in Depsang have been lost to the Chinese something which the modi government is still adamant to accept.

This lost area was basically much more valuable from the indian point of view than the finger area considering that the siachen base camp lies not far away at Sasser La where the IA is most vulnerable and its supply lines in direct line of fire. This loss of area beyond Y-junction has basically made not only the DBO road more vulnerable but also the whole DBO base itself and most importantly the IA supplies lines to Siachen!

Other indian media also reporting the same.

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