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India Lost 350sqkm of Area To The Chinese in the Depsang Sector Alone Reveal Credible Indian Sources

RAAD is a missile and what I am talking is a glide bomb. I hope you understand the difference between the two. RAAD can be taken out at any time by our QR SAM.
So we have glide bombs with a range of 120 km (forget the name), and RAAD is the cruise missile not an ordinary Air to ground missiles, it can hug the terrain, and sub sonic/stealthy Cruise Missiles are one of the hardest weapons to intercept, even for Russia/USA, so you have better technologies than USA/Russia???
LOL, they cant fight that is the reason they lost more.... :lol::lol::lol: and the coward army don't recognize the fallen... its not the first time, even in Vietnam war they did the same... and quietly recognized few after long time....

its so coward that its leader is scared of a cartoon character.... :lol::lol::lol: do you know which one? :lol::lol::lol:

but here on pdf chinese are not fighting this war as much as pakistanis..... but they both are losing it.... heck you cant even win on pdf let alone in real world...and this happens by quoting Indian media and some useless twitter handles who never give proofs but only tweets.... :lol::lol::lol: come on

and you can think what ever you want and be in your happy world, im not here to change your thinking and i dont give a damn to your thoughts ... im in real world where are you?

keep posting it will refresh your memory about our heroes.... im posting here as well...
Jai Hind Jai Hind Jai Hind

million salutes...
million salutes...million salutes...

we dont have Indian flag emoji so i invented this....


Indians are humilated and get triggered easily
Ah only in Bollywood movies they killed your 23 soldiers and only Indian media crapping about you killed 40/50/100 Chinese soldiers why you guys always in a delusional mode

This argument has gone in enough circles already.
Unless there is an official count from CCP, what I say here stands..

Over 100 killed, 300+ injured.
Let CCP reject my claim...
They are pretty brave here on PDF,
At Galwan though, these folks needed serious therapy to deal with the trauma...
The only people undergoing physical therapy are the 60+ captured Indian soldiers ... not only did they have to witness their CO and 23 other comrades get killed by rocks, they also had to endure the humiliation of Chinese captivity. Note as I say this, these captured Indian soldiers still have 100x more experience in fighter than all the Indian keyboard warriors here lol ... unfortunately, they were just no match for the PLA.
This argument has gone in enough circles already.
Unless there is an official count from CCP, what I say here stands..

Over 100 killed, 300+ injured.
Let CCP reject my claim...
LOL no one here even cares about your claim let alone the CCP.
The only people undergoing physical therapy are the 60+ captured Indian soldiers ... not only did they have to witness their CO and 23 other comrades get killed by rocks, they also had to endure the humiliation of Chinese captivity. Note as I say this, these captured Indian soldiers still have 100x more experience in fighter than all the Indian keyboard warriors here lol ... unfortunately, they were just no match for the PLA.

LOL no one here even cares about your claim let alone the CCP.

Looks to be like you obviously do care - hence the response.
It also looks like CCP & Xitler do care, since they seem to hiding under some rock...instead of coming out with official stance on number of deaths and injuries...

Don't blame me for the cowardice of PLA, CCP and Xitler buddy. :D
Looks to be like you obviously do care - hence the response.
It also looks like CCP & Xitler do care, since they seem to hiding under some rock...instead of coming out with official stance on number of deaths and injuries...

Don't blame me for the cowardice of PLA, CCP and Xitler buddy. :D
The only cowards are the Indian soldiers who ran away upon seeing their CO get killed by the Chinese forces ... the Indians ran so fast that many got killed retreating lol. Did no one ever teach the Indian army to not break ranks even if their officer is gone? If the Indians ran away like this after a rock/fist fight, I wonder how much faster they would run away once the Chinese start using firearms and artillery lol.
This argument has gone in enough circles already.
Unless there is an official count from CCP, what I say here stands..

Over 100 killed, 300+ injured.
Let CCP reject my claim...
:lol::lol::lol: hahaha hyper power of the universe:lol::lol: and Chinese soldiers waiting to Indian soldiers to be killed and had a injured:rofl::rofl::rofl:
The only cowards are the Indian soldiers who ran away upon seeing their CO get killed by the Chinese forces ... the Indians ran so fast that many got killed retreating lol. Did no one ever teach the Indian army to not break ranks even if their officer is gone?

Well, PLA boys ran so fast that Xitler himself is hiding somewhere...
Has anyone seen him recently?
Well, PLA boys ran so fast that Xitler himself is hiding somewhere...
Has anyone seen him recently?
I'm sorry but the Indian boys ran so fast that many of them tripped over each other and fell down the cliff into icy ravines lol ... I didn't hear any news about the Chinese retreating on June 15th, only the Indians.

Xi has not 56 inch chest like modi
Modi is too scared to even say the words "China" or "Xi Jinping"

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