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India Lost 350sqkm of Area To The Chinese in the Depsang Sector Alone Reveal Credible Indian Sources

Already in our hands.
General Hooda has something else to say.

In a 40-minute interview to Karan Thapar for The Wire, Gen. Hooda clearly and unequivocally accepted that at Depsang and Pangong Lake the Chinese are on Indian territory. He said: “Certainly in Depsang and Pangong the Chinese are sitting on our territory and the LAC has shifted westwards. There can be no two ways about that.”

Gen. Hooda said that Depsang is ”tactically and strategically more important to us” than Pangong Lake. It is critical for India’s access to the Daulat Beg Oldi airstrip as well as the Karakoram region. However, he added, “it’s going to be difficult” to get the Chinese to withdraw from Indian territory at Depsang and Pangong. “Here you are looking at very hard and tough negotiations … it’s going to take time … it will be difficult to secure Chinese withdrawal.”
In another word, if India had won, Indians would brag incessantly. The whole world would have hear it by now. Even you Indians would have to admit that Indians never fail to boast.

True. They boast about 'capturing' Siachen in early 1980s. And then blame Pakistan for Kargil in 1999. While I have never supported the Kargil adventure by Musharraf, one thing the world must know: Between 1965 and early 1980s, Kashmir issue between India and Pakistan was more or less put in the freezer. There was a general respect for the Line of Control and whether Siachen was on the Pakistani or Indian side of LOC, it was not important. But Indian planners broke the 15+ year of truce between the two countries and attacked Pakistan by capturing Siachen while Pakistan was in a tough war against the Soviets in Afghanistan!!
True. They boast about 'capturing' Siachen in early 1980s. And then blame Pakistan for Kargil in 1999. While I have never supported the Kargil adventure by Musharraf, one thing the world must know: Between 1965 and early 1980s, Kashmir issue between India and Pakistan was more or less put in the freezer. There was a general respect for the Line of Control and whether Siachen was on the Pakistani or Indian side of LOC, it was not important. But Indian planners broke the 15+ year of truce between the two countries and attacked Pakistan by capturing Siachen while Pakistan was in a tough war against the Soviets in Afghanistan!!

Wow way to turn it on us. You were already planning Siachen and were about to capture it. We reached there 2 days before you reached. You did the same thing in Kargil.
Wow way to turn it on us. You were already planning Siachen and were about to capture it. We reached there 2 days before you reached. You did the same thing in Kargil.

Yeah, you 'pre-empted' like the Israelis 'pre-empted' in 1967. Nice. Every aggressor has this argument. And now that your blogspace is full of calls to capture the Pakistani part of Kashmir--because China is cutting you off from Iran--should Pakistan and China combine not 'pre-empt' you?!
There are intentions and then there are actions. You guys really want to cut off the China-Pakistan link desperately and would even provoke a war to achieve your goals. Siachen is a step toward that. And you struck when Pakistan was heavily focused on the Soviet-Afghan war--Pakistan wouldn't have provoked India under those circumstances!!
typical, shuklas and sawhnis and swains and hoodas are making headline.... as it suites pakistani folks and thus this media is very credible :lol::lol::lol:

none of these have any standings... i urge every pakistani to follow them, read their tweets and retweet them it will make it a trending topic and then you can celebrate this virtual win.... :lol::lol::lol:

and again pakistanis fighting on behalf of chinese and getting up and down.... my goodness :lol::lol::lol:
There are 3 LaCs, 1)Chinese perception 2)Indian perception 3)Ajai Shukla perception. As per Ajai Shukla claim line, China has intruded 18 km inside.

According to Indians, Sunny Leone also eligible for Veer Chakra like Abhi-none-done
According to a mainstream Indian outlet the PLA moved in 18km inside Indian held territory in the Depsang plains. The Y BOTTLENECK JUNCTION is still in Chinese hands, and the IA is unable to patrol in its previous patrolling points as shown below.

The extent of land lost marked in YELLOW is 350 sq km.

Some extracts from the article published in the Indian Express today.
In the four rounds of meetings at the level of the Corps Commander, India has not raised the issue of Chinese ingress into the Depsang Plains in northern Ladakh, even though the area is more strategically important than the other ‘friction points’ and the territory on the Indian side of the Line of Actual Control (LAC) being denied to Army patrols by the Chinese is much larger than at Pangong Tso.
This has raised concerns within a section of the security establishment that the continued Indian silence on Depsang could result in a new status quo being created in the strategically important area, where Chinese would have effectively shifted their actual control of the territory 18 km to the west. It would deny India access to a significant part of territory close to the Daulat Beg Oldie (DBO) airfield and bring the Chinese much closer to the strategic Darbuk-Shyok-DBO (DSDBO) road.
By stalling Indian patrols at Bottleneck, Chinese troops are denying India access to five of its patrolling points (PPs): PP-10, PP-11, PP-11A, PP-12 and PP-13. These PPs lie on an arc of around 20 km from Raki Nala to Jiwan Nala, on a line marked as the LoP or Limit of Patrolling, which lies a few kilometres to the west of the LAC.


The true accounts from the locals tells a very GRIM story for India, with all the pasture lands, Strategic Heights and Tourist destinations lost. Why are the Indians still claiming it as a Victory!

It’s clear that India lost the minor skirmish without firing a shot. That is why Indians are the ones asking Chinese to move back to the previous lines, not other way around.

In another word, if India had won, Indians would brag incessantly. The whole world would have hear it by now. Even you Indians would have to admit that Indians never fail to boast.

the areas shown in the yellow here are on the chinese side of LAC

General Hooda has something else to say.

In a 40-minute interview to Karan Thapar for The Wire, Gen. Hooda clearly and unequivocally accepted that at Depsang and Pangong Lake the Chinese are on Indian territory. He said: “Certainly in Depsang and Pangong the Chinese are sitting on our territory and the LAC has shifted westwards. There can be no two ways about that.”

Gen. Hooda said that Depsang is ”tactically and strategically more important to us” than Pangong Lake. It is critical for India’s access to the Daulat Beg Oldi airstrip as well as the Karakoram region. However, he added, “it’s going to be difficult” to get the Chinese to withdraw from Indian territory at Depsang and Pangong. “Here you are looking at very hard and tough negotiations … it’s going to take time … it will be difficult to secure Chinese withdrawal.”

jay ho modi ki :lol:

India is like a rape victim screaming she is not being raped, in the middle of being raped

True. They boast about 'capturing' Siachen in early 1980s. And then blame Pakistan for Kargil in 1999. While I have never supported the Kargil adventure by Musharraf, one thing the world must know: Between 1965 and early 1980s, Kashmir issue between India and Pakistan was more or less put in the freezer. There was a general respect for the Line of Control and whether Siachen was on the Pakistani or Indian side of LOC, it was not important. But Indian planners broke the 15+ year of truce between the two countries and attacked Pakistan by capturing Siachen while Pakistan was in a tough war against the Soviets in Afghanistan!!

Till 84, Pakistan issued visa permits to foreigners to trek on siachin. It was defacto Pak territory.

Meanwhile, India is still begging China to withdraw from the LASC (line of ajai shukla control).
All the areas in OPs map are infact also on the Chinese side even as per LAC as marked in Google earth (thick red line):

All the areas in OPs map are not only on the Chinese side as per Chinese claim line but they are infact also on the Chinese side even as per LAC as marked in Google earth (thin red line):

Bhai there is no problem at all. Modi has confirmed that no Indian territory is occupied or invaded or touched.

Now why is India wasting time in talks asking the Chinese to withdraw its forces if its forces are inside Chinese territory?

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