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India likely to step-up military training and assistance for Afghanistan

Please India you are a super power. Send troops. We in paksitan will support your decision. Wink wink
Afghanistan is almost a defeat for India and her policy.
Accept and write that instead of sugar coating.

we have nothing to lose , if taliban do not behave they will be dislodged again it will result in civil war with no govt .
I know that we are dependent on Iran to connect with Afghanistan..... Yes without Iran support India is helpless in Afghanistan but even with Iran full support except trade and economic cooperation India should totally stay out of all military related matters of Afghanistan on it's soil.....

When USA USSR couldn't survive India will not be a big thing for Taliban to handle on their own soil.....

Hope Iran India misunderstandings are cleared at the earliest and both countries continue with economic cooperation with Afghanistan.....
Ok, thanks for your post i understand your points and i agree. ON the other hand, i dont see Iran not being involved militarily in Afghanistan. If Afghanistan collapses or almost collapses, Iran will annex Herat to the border , setup in it, and create buffer with rest of Afghanistan...Afghanistan could easily enter total chaos soon after NATO troops fully withdraw.
india has more at stake in afghanistan than iran and russia , we can can not leave afghanistan to be run by pakistan assisted taliban only , we have invested billions of dollars in development of afghanistan , we have to keep our people in afghan govt to safeguard indian interests at any cost .
But Indian interests will be safeguarded only if we acknowledge the changed dynamics. After US withdrawal, it is only a matter of time before Taliban takes over. No point in making emotional decisions. Our people will be safer if we dont take sides in Afghanistan.
Ok, thanks for your post i understand your points and i agree. ON the other hand, i dont see Iran not being involved militarily in Afghanistan. If Afghanistan collapses or almost collapses, Iran will annex Herat to the border , setup in it, and create buffer with rest of Afghanistan...Afghanistan could easily enter total chaos soon after NATO troops fully withdraw.

in such case of civil war india will side with IRAN.
But Indian interests will be safeguarded only if we acknowledge the changed dynamics. After US withdrawal, it is only a matter of time before Taliban takes over. No point in making emotional decisions. Our people will be safer if we dont take sides in Afghanistan.

once taliban take control of afghanistan with ISI takes control of govt from back room , what options are left for us in afghanistan ? we have to decide before taliban are installed in afghanistan .
once taliban take control of afghanistan with ISI takes control of govt from back room , what options are left for us in afghanistan ? we have to decide before taliban are installed in afghanistan .
Taliban will takeover regardless of our efforts and prayers. So its better to soften the opposition. Taliban cant meddle in Kashmir without Pak, and FATF has a tight noose over Pak for it to dare.
We cant save Afghans if they dont want to revolt against Taliban.
It is another case of Indian delusions, and desires vs their actual military captivity, and ground realities. From their perspective, it makes a lot of sense to encircle us, but we need to counter it by making it prohibitively expensive for them to work against our interest there.
we have nothing to lose , if taliban do not behave they will be dislodged again it will result in civil war with no govt .

What was the desired result of Indian investment in Afghanistan ?

With the US leaving, do you thin the Northern alliance would be able to lead to that objective ?

From an overall view, what does this look like in terms of loos and win ?
Ok, thanks for your post i understand your points and i agree. ON the other hand, i dont see Iran not being involved militarily in Afghanistan. If Afghanistan collapses or almost collapses, Iran will annex Herat to the border , setup in it, and create buffer with rest of Afghanistan...Afghanistan could easily enter total chaos soon after NATO troops fully withdraw.

You are welcome friend....

Suppose if Iran get's militarily active in Afghanistan or say annex some part of Afghanistan to create buffer zone between Iran mainland and Taliban how will this be taken by Pakistan.....

Will they keep quiet or they will try to oppose Iran.... I'm asking because Pakistan also has a strategic interests in Afghanistan....
Afghanistan is almost a defeat for India and her policy.
Accept and write that instead of sugar coating.

Whatever India has done for Afghanistan post Taliban rule, common afgan just loves and is thankful to India..... India managed to win the hearts of Afghanistan which is certainly not a defeat.....and it can be achieved by providing economic cooperation, help in developing infrastructure, educational assistance....

Now we are not a big military power who can control Afghanistan once USA leaves but that's a totally different case.....
You are welcome friend....

Suppose if Iran get's militarily active in Afghanistan or say annex some part of Afghanistan to create buffer zone between Iran mainland and Taliban how will this be taken by Pakistan.....
Hmm..this is a good question. Pakistani govt and state obviously wont like it, but i think they will grudgingly accept it, because in the end, the land is easy for Iran to grab, but hard for Pakistan to collect back. Taliban also knows Iran will start playing dirty if Taliban plays dirty to get that western province back, so i think some people will hate it and probably fight it initially but after a while theyll give up.

Will they keep quiet or they will try to oppose Iran.... I'm asking because Pakistan also has a strategic interests in Afghanistan....
Pakistan will accept it. Pakistani nukes dont pressure countries like Iran like they used to before..why? they dont get used..so what leverage does Pakistan have? - the taliban- but Taliban has also received support from IRan, so they wont be able in this day and age mount a large united attack against Iranian held areas of Afghanistan..things in Afghanistan today are quite different from decades ago..
Hmm..this is a good question. Pakistani govt and state obviously wont like it, but i think they will grudgingly accept it, because in the end, the land is easy for Iran to grab, but hard for Pakistan to collect back. Taliban also knows Iran will start playing dirty if Taliban plays dirty to get that western province back, so i think some people will hate it and probably fight it initially but after a while theyll give up.

Pakistan will accept it. Pakistani nukes dont pressure countries like Iran like they used to before..why? they dont get used..so what leverage does Pakistan have? - the taliban- but Taliban has also received support from IRan, so they wont be able in this day and age mount a large united attack against Iranian held areas of Afghanistan..things in Afghanistan today are quite different from decades ago..

Thanks for explaining in detail....
You are welcome friend....

Suppose if Iran get's militarily active in Afghanistan or say annex some part of Afghanistan to create buffer zone between Iran mainland and Taliban how will this be taken by Pakistan.....

Will they keep quiet or they will try to oppose Iran.... I'm asking because Pakistan also has a strategic interests in Afghanistan....
Iran can not & will not annex any part of Afghanistan. Iranians are more intelligent than to invite open war all western powers.

Western powers will never let Iran annex anything. However, Iran will still protect her interests.

I hope ANA stands-up to taliban.

Question: I read somewhere that taliban would never have "won", had dostum did not defect to them. I think afghan history is complicated and can not be deduced saying taliban won easy victory. It is much more complicated than that.
Can anyone more knowledgeable throw some light?

Edited to say "dostum".
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Whatever India has done for Afghanistan post Taliban rule, common afgan just loves and is thankful to India..... India managed to win the hearts of Afghanistan which is certainly not a defeat.....and it can be achieved by providing economic cooperation, help in developing infrastructure, educational assistance....

Now we are not a big military power who can control Afghanistan once USA leaves but that's a totally different case.....

Common afghan love india? :D how many common afghans have you met?

The average afghan would mocks indians and their customs ie worship of various animals, drinking cow urine, crazy caste practices, etc... Afghans are very strict observers of Islam and your weird customs are constantly mocked by them behind your back. Believe me I know many afghans.

When it comes to afghans vis via pakistan, it will always be the enemy of my enemy is my friend. They will use India against Pakistan and vice versa where they see fit. Same with Iran & Pakistan. Thats just the nature of strategy.

But I will tell you this 1000%. No matter what grievances the average afghan might have, even the hardline northerners. If there was ever a conflict between Pakistan vs India, 90+% of afghans would support Pakistan against India in an instant. Even in 1947 when afghanistan refused to recognize pakistan in the UN they sent tribal fighters and arms to fight against india. This goodwill was shown many times afterwards as well.

At the end of the day the average afghan knows who sheltered them, fed them, and gave them a home. That trumps any use library, dam, or assurance India could ever provide :D
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