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India likely to step-up military training and assistance for Afghanistan

Taliban rule will not be good for Afghanistan.

You cannot let a group which wants to keep a nation in the middle ages to rule over a country.

Afghanistan must come out of tribalism and religious fanaticism if it wants to truly progress. Discard middle age values and accept modern ideas.

Taliban and their middle age customs and beliefs have no place in the modern world.

Did not make judgment if they are good or not, just ground realities. BJP are not good for India but here we are....
Taliban rule will not be good for Afghanistan.

You cannot let a group which wants to keep a nation in the middle ages to rule over a country.

Afghanistan must come out of tribalism and religious fanaticism if it wants to truly progress. Discard middle age values and accept modern ideas.

Taliban and their middle age customs and beliefs have no place in the modern world.
Why do you think US and allied forces have given up on taliban?
Northern alliance or tajiks are no different than Taliban. The country is a hellhole because everyone has a gun and wants to solve everything with it.
More civilians were killed by Americans and Afghan LEAs than taliban in last two years.
No, not really. Can you name me one significant Taliban leader trained by India? I will wait.

An Indian arguing that Taliban maybe sympathetic to India is another level of crazy. Ask a Taliban who they want to liberate after Afghanistan and they will say Kashmir....

Afghan Taliban said many times, they will not go for Kashmir or India, they said they will only defend Afghanistan. This sh*t spread by Indians and by Zaid Hamid.
we can support groups which are opposed to taliban , like we did in northern alliance days .

Already supported by many countries, but their success rate is question mark.
Lal topi is still famous in Pakistan?

Not famous in Pakistan, but famous in India.
Yes, he has some fans in Pakistan, but not much popular.
No, not really. Can you name me one significant Taliban leader trained by India? I will wait.

An Indian arguing that Taliban maybe sympathetic to India is another level of crazy. Ask a Taliban who they want to liberate after Afghanistan and they will say Kashmir....

It will be their graveyard if they try to enter Kashmir.Moreover to cross over to India they will have to come through Pakistan. We will wage a war on Pakistan if Pakistan directs them to Kashmir and Pakistan with its 22 billion (lol) forex reserve cannot put a fight for long.
It will be their graveyard if they try to enter Kashmir.Moreover to cross over to India they will have to come through Pakistan. We will wage a war on Pakistan if Pakistan directs them to Kashmir and Pakistan with its 22 billion (lol) forex reserve cannot put a fight for long.

You still unable to crush tiny amount Kashmiri freedom fighter. You are claiming to make the graveyard of Afghan Taliban, who already made Afghanistan graveyard of Russia, and 40+ countries including US. I am not supporter of Afghan Taliban, but they had made 7 pieces of Russia, if they fight with India, they will make 70 pieces of India. But Taliban will only defend Afghanistan as they said many times in past.
It will be their graveyard if they try to enter Kashmir.Moreover to cross over to India they will have to come through Pakistan. We will wage a war on Pakistan if Pakistan directs them to Kashmir and Pakistan with its 22 billion (lol) forex reserve cannot put a fight for long.

Their graveyard?

Dude, can you read?

Indian army deaths and suicides in Kashmir? Do you know the numbers?
This is good news , we meet & greet at hindu kush mountains.
China can definitely overthrow taliban (if China really wants that).....taliban survived only because of Pakistan giving them sanctuary, and american desire to not take pak head-on.

China is rising and can't bear a rag-tag taliban getting better of them, and are also not as foolish as Americans are.

Question is - does China not like taliban Afghanistan? Why? I think China will be happy with taliban afghanistan.

China will probably keep out of Afghan internal affairs if they keep out of Chinese affairs as the CCP sees it (Xinjiang and the Uighurs), although they will probably have their spies and assets everywhere like most other major and regional powers.

Also, as long as trade and economic cooperation is occurring, it doesn’t seem like they would want to rock the boat.

The current Kabul regime kicked out some Chinese from Afghanistan and that hurt Chinese-Kabul Regime relations. Chinese would therefore be more open to a change of government to start over.

Good time to put Indian training to the test.

If the Indians send forces, they forfeit any semblance of neutrality from the Taliban vis a vi presence in Afghanistan. It’s not their Modus Operandi to fight outside of their country, so they will probably not go to Kashmir to fight. So any Indian support to their adversaries will be deterimental to their billions invested in Afghanistan, as well as their presence in Afghanistan.
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india will never send forces in afghanistan unless UN sends it as peace keeping force .
While being sympathetic to anti Taliban forces, India needs to see the changed reality. It is a foregone conclusion that Taliban would takeover Afghanistan after US pullout. At best, Northern Afghanistan would be saved. Instead of wasting energy on training ANA, we should build backchannel links with Taliban, like how Russia and Iran have done. This would help prevent Afghanistan from becoming the hub of anti Indian activities post Taliban takeover.
This is similar to how India allies with Israel despite being sympathetic to Palestinian cause.
Afghanistan is going to be a mess after USA leaves in September..... We should totally stay out of anything military assistance with Afghanistan on it's soil.... For training purposes Afghans can come in India but noway we should make any military presence in Afghanistan even if it is for only training..... We should only focus on only the sectors such as trade, educational assistance etc....

Afghanistan is almost a defeat for India and her policy.
Accept and write that instead of sugar coating.
While being sympathetic to anti Taliban forces, India needs to see the changed reality. It is a foregone conclusion that Taliban would takeover Afghanistan after US pullout. At best, Northern Afghanistan would be saved. Instead of wasting energy on training ANA, we should build backchannel links with Taliban, like how Russia and Iran have done. This would help prevent Afghanistan from becoming the hub of anti Indian activities post Taliban takeover.
This is similar to how India allies with Israel despite being sympathetic to Palestinian cause.

india has more at stake in afghanistan than iran and russia , we can can not leave afghanistan to be run by pakistan assisted taliban only , we have invested billions of dollars in development of afghanistan , we have to keep our people in afghan govt to safeguard indian interests at any cost .
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