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India likely to step-up military training and assistance for Afghanistan

One of the silliest fake news threads ever.. Afghan gov't is not retarded they know the consequences.. Right now Turkey and Pakistan has the intiative since they are in controll of the situation and invited both Taliban and the Afghan gov't to talks... They will eventually deploy peacekeeping forces there will not be ceded an inch of Afganistan.. If you think Pakistan will allow India presence in afghanistan you are an idiot it is actully a declaration of war... If the Afghan gov't even attempted such things the Pakistan gov't will declare war and annex afghanistan within 24 hours in unilateral decision... Both entities the Taliban and Afghan gov't will have to merge to form a new government under the Turkish-Pakistan talks ongoing currently..

Some people will have to watch out and not miscalculate the resolve of Pakistan or Turkey as the sole peace guraantors of the Afghan peace talks process in Afghanistan
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Common afghan love india? :D how many common afghans have you met?

The average afghan would mocks indians and their customs ie worship of various animals, drinking cow urine, crazy caste practices, etc... Afghans are very strict observers of Islam and your weird customs are constantly mocked by them behind your back. Believe me I know many afghans.

When it comes to afghans vis via pakistan, it will always be the enemy of my enemy is my friend. They will use India against Pakistan and vice versa where they see fit. Same with Iran & Pakistan. Thats just the nature of strategy.

But I will tell you this 1000%. No matter what grievances the average afghan might have, even the hardline northerners. If there was ever a conflict between Pakistan vs India, 90+% of afghans would support Pakistan against India in an instant. Even in 1947 when afghanistan refused to recognize pakistan in the UN they sent tribal fighters and arms to fight against india. This goodwill was shown many times afterwards as well.

At the end of the day the average afghan knows who sheltered them, fed them, and gave them a home. That trumps any use library, dam, or assurance India could ever provide :D

Common afgan will always have more trust in India than Pakistan..... India has actually contributed in the development of Afghanistan whereas Pakistan has always taken advantage of the situation in Afghanistan to make money and get hi-tech weapons.... We have seen this from general Zia's time till date....

For Pakistan unstable Afghanistan is always in its favour to make money from the western powers and nothing..... I don't know about your democratic government but for your milituary leadership unstable Afghanistan is always a blessing disguise....
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