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India likely to step-up military training and assistance for Afghanistan

Dear india

Bus ab baad main rona nahi please.

Thank you.
The conditions put forward by Taliban to Indian side was not to support Taliban's adversaries otherwise they wont abide by their promises with India. Now when Indian side wants to train Afghan military, imagine how well this news will sit with Taliban.
Bad move, when (not if, but when) Taliban takeover they will not forget this. India made major diplomatic misstep by declaring Taliban terrorists and not talking to them directly. 20 years of opportunity in Afghanistan, billions invested, a sympathetic Afghan Gov and they messed it up. 6 months from now India will have zero influence these. China Iran and Pakistan will help integrate it into a regional trade and transport network.

Game over.
You might be surprised that some of the top taliban leaders were trained by India and still have contacts.
Afghans/Talibans are much better trained and battle hardened than Indian Army. May be India will help setup training facilities for Indian Army under Afghans/Talibans instructors, after US/NATO exit.
You might be surprised that some of the top taliban leaders were trained by India and still have contacts.

No, not really. Can you name me one significant Taliban leader trained by India? I will wait.

An Indian arguing that Taliban maybe sympathetic to India is another level of crazy. Ask a Taliban who they want to liberate after Afghanistan and they will say Kashmir....
This development coming in the immediate backdrop of the Quetta terrorist attack by Indian-backed TTP, sends a resounding message to the Pakistani establishment.
China wouldn't be able to overthrow Taliban...best case scenario...would be like what happened with US. As in try to forcefully remove them with boots on the ground...then get stuck in a prolonged conflict...which leads nowhere...and then with no end in sight...contemplate an exit plan.

China can definitely overthrow taliban (if China really wants that).....taliban survived only because of Pakistan giving them sanctuary, and american desire to not take pak head-on.

China is rising and can't bear a rag-tag taliban getting better of them, and are also not as foolish as Americans are.

Question is - does China not like taliban Afghanistan? Why? I think China will be happy with taliban afghanistan.
So India is definetly sending an IA corps level formation to help the ANA ?

Please Please do it India.
China can definitely overthrow taliban (if China really wants that).....taliban survived only because of Pakistan giving them sanctuary, and american desire to not take pak head-on.

China is rising and can't bear a rag-tag taliban getting better of them, and are also not as foolish as Americans are.

Question is - does China not like taliban Afghanistan? Why? I think China will be happy with taliban afghanistan.
Overthrowing is not the same as defeating them. US also overthrew their government...but could not defeat them. USSR couldn't...US couldn't...what does China have that USSR and US didn't have?
Some of the people who think that Taliban governance will be the same as in 90s are in for a big surprise
Afghanistan is going to be a mess after USA leaves in September..... We should totally stay out of anything military assistance with Afghanistan on it's soil.... For training purposes Afghans can come in India but noway we should make any military presence in Afghanistan even if it is for only training..... We should only focus on only the sectors such as trade, educational assistance etc....
OKAY INDIA....but you know what that also means right? - Iran now controls your military leverage and access to Afghanistan- you guys are playing with fire not appreciating Iran's access for you guys to Afghanistan..without Iran Pakistan will finish you guys so quickly in AFghanistan, just saying. Dont bite Iranian hand that delivers you into AFghanistan with more advantage.
China wouldn't be able to overthrow Taliban...best case scenario...would be like what happened with US. As in try to forcefully remove them with boots on the ground...then get stuck in a prolonged conflict...which leads nowhere...and then with no end in sight...contemplate an exit plan.

China doesn't think along these directions. They don't believe in "boots on ground" kind of approach. Keeping Taliban in check would be Pakistan's role.
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