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India likely to step-up military training and assistance for Afghanistan

OKAY INDIA....but you know what that also means right? - Iran now controls your military leverage and access to Afghanistan- you guys are playing with fire not appreciating Iran's access for you guys to Afghanistan..without Iran Pakistan will finish you guys so quickly in AFghanistan, just saying. Dont bite Iranian hand that delivers you into AFghanistan with more advantage.

I know that we are dependent on Iran to connect with Afghanistan..... Yes without Iran support India is helpless in Afghanistan but even with Iran full support except trade and economic cooperation India should totally stay out of all military related matters of Afghanistan on it's soil.....

When USA USSR couldn't survive India will not be a big thing for Taliban to handle on their own soil.....

Hope Iran India misunderstandings are cleared at the earliest and both countries continue with economic cooperation with Afghanistan.....
The conditions put forward by Taliban to Indian side was not to support Taliban's adversaries otherwise they wont abide by their promises with India. Now when Indian side wants to train Afghan military, imagine how well this news will sit with Taliban.

so you think taliban will be given whole afghanistan , all other stakeholders will sit outside ? talibans will not be given free hand let them do whatever they can .
I know that we are dependent on Iran to connect with Afghanistan..... Yes without Iran support India is helpless in Afghanistan but even with Iran full support except trade and economic cooperation India should totally stay out of all military related matters of Afghanistan on it's soil.....

When USA USSR couldn't survive India will not be a big thing for Taliban to handle on their own soil.....

Hope Iran India misunderstandings are cleared at the earliest and both countries continue with economic cooperation with Afghanistan.....

who said india will set it's boot on afghan soil ? we can support groups which are opposed to taliban , like we did in northern alliance days .
Good time to put Indian training to the test.

talibans know might of india , they know how ahmadshah masud led uzbek and tazik militia gave tough time to rag tag taliban with help of india and iran . dont forget america which can evaporate whole taliban group by mother of all bombs .
Why is this disinformation lab article even tolerated in here.. Afghan gov't knows if just one Indian is spotted in Afghanistan.... Pakistan will annex the whole country within 24 hours..
which country you will annexe ? afghanistan or india ? :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
China doesn't think along these directions. They don't believe in "boots on ground" kind of approach. Keeping Taliban in check would be Pakistan's role.
I agree...I didn't take that position u r countering here...another member was saying that...I was just replying.
so you think taliban will be given whole afghanistan , all other stakeholders will sit outside ? talibans will not be given free hand let them do whatever they can
This is not what i am saying. Taliban still control a large swathe in Afghanistan all the while US forces sit in Afghanistan and Taliban will capture more territory once Americans are out. I was pointing out towards conditions put forward by Taliban to India if she wants cordial relations. They are fine with you spending money on bridges and hospitals however if you fund their adversaries and train them, Taliban will hurt your interests inside and outside Afghanistan.
talibans know might of india , they know how ahmadshah masud led uzbek and tazik militia gave tough time to rag tag taliban with help of india and iran
When was that? All we know is that Taliban captured Kabul and ruled Afghanistan till Americans came and now Americans are giving them back their power to rule Kabul.
This is not what i am saying. Taliban still control a large swathe in Afghanistan all the while US forces sit in Afghanistan and Taliban will capture more territory once Americans are out. I was pointing out towards conditions put forward by Taliban to India if she wants cordial relations. They are fine with you spending money on bridges and hospitals however if you fund their adversaries and train them, Taliban will hurt your interests inside and outside Afghanistan.

When was that? All we know is that Taliban captured Kabul and ruled Afghanistan till Americans came and now Americans are giving them back their power to rule Kabul.

Don't waste your time on that Toliet dump. His an obvious troll
This is not what i am saying. Taliban still control a large swathe in Afghanistan all the while US forces sit in Afghanistan and Taliban will capture more territory once Americans are out. I was pointing out towards conditions put forward by Taliban to India if she wants cordial relations. They are fine with you spending money on bridges and hospitals however if you fund their adversaries and train them, Taliban will hurt your interests inside and outside Afghanistan.

When was that? All we know is that Taliban captured Kabul and ruled Afghanistan till Americans came and now Americans are giving them back their power to rule Kabul.

talibans did not rule whole afghanistan ,
northern afghanistan was under control of ahmad shah masud the lion of panjshir

read this

Indians set up the training camp to get training from Afghanistan? I don't see how Afghanistan wants to be trained by India when they are bullied by their neighbors who is 10x smaller.
Is this the same neighbour which lost every war and up butchered into two as a result of one ?
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Bad move, when (not if, but when) Taliban takeover they will not forget this. India made major diplomatic misstep by declaring Taliban terrorists and not talking to them directly. 20 years of opportunity in Afghanistan, billions invested, a sympathetic Afghan Gov and they messed it up. 6 months from now India will have zero influence these. China Iran and Pakistan will help integrate it into a regional trade and transport network.

Game over.
Taliban rule will not be good for Afghanistan.

You cannot let a group which wants to keep a nation in the middle ages to rule over a country.

Afghanistan must come out of tribalism and religious fanaticism if it wants to truly progress. Discard middle age values and accept modern ideas.

Taliban and their middle age customs and beliefs have no place in the modern world.
so you think taliban will be given whole afghanistan , all other stakeholders will sit outside ? talibans will not be given free hand let them do whatever they can .

who said india will set it's boot on afghan soil ? we can support groups which are opposed to taliban , like we did in northern alliance days .

I mean even for training purposes we should invite them in our country rather than sending our personals in Afghanistan to train them.....
I mean even for training purposes we should invite them in our country rather than sending our personals in Afghanistan to train them.....

nothing wrong in sending our team to train them , but it will be easy if they come to india .
You mean militias controlling certain territories. We are talking about a legit govt now agreed with US.

if you see , america wants a govt chosen by afghan voters , that is why they are negotiating with all groups .nobody is going to give govt to taliban or any other militia group because they can launch suicide attacks on afghan govt .
Taliban rule will not be good for Afghanistan.

You cannot let a group which wants to keep a nation in the middle ages to rule over a country.

Afghanistan must come out of tribalism and religious fanaticism if it wants to truly progress. Discard middle age values and accept modern ideas.

Taliban and their middle age customs and beliefs have no place in the modern world.

this time they are showing signs of change than their previous rule .
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Good time to put Indian training to the test.
After billions of dollars of investment by US, specialized training and top notch gear, Afghan army continue to bleed and lose their strategic areas to rag tag taliban. You think Indian training is going to change anything?
They supported northern alliance before only to find out that Taliban captured Kabul and made a govt there, Indians can try again for another rude awakening.
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