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India leads world hunger list - The Times of India

was there hunger in socialist libyan jamahiriya??

name one operating system or microprocessor designed in india... what is the state of the "india microprocessor program"?? what happened of drdo's sooper-dooper operating system project??

this "biggest it industry in the world" is really a non-intellectual industry made up of mba's and software coolies who do coding for programs that has been sub-contracted from foreign companies who send work here because of low cost of labor... there is nothing fantastic about this... ( Bangalore: Silicon Valley or Coolie Valley? ).

and don't you know the current shambles this "biggest industry" is in??

it is sad that despite majority of india's workforce being in agriculture, people are undernourished and even die, as happened last year with 69 people in the tea estates of darjeeling... dead by hunger in 2014... one one hand farmers suicide and on the other, people go hungry or are undernourished.

directly, the food problem in india is politically/technically inefficient food production, rubbish food storage system, food wasted in idolatry ( there are 500,000+ temples in india and each temple has milk, curds and ghee being used to bathe the idols ).

indirectly, wrong political/social system leads to food being consumed by the wrong people, by dogs, being wasted in the countless wedding halls, by other reasons.

the problem is more political and social than technological... i am tired right now to type the exact solutions to this but i have put most of those in two threads... one is called "40 percent rise in farmer sucides" and the other is something like "farmer commits suicide live" ( about the delhi case last month ).

My dear if u r so unhappy in india, u can migrate to other countries, who is stopping you !
My dear if u r so unhappy in india, u can migrate to other countries, who is stopping you !

you were the one who gave false informations... to progress, india needs less "culture" and absolutely less nationalism.

Beggars logic: Lets take bheek money fom India and lets call them poorer.

didn't india take british financial aid all these years and later pranab mukherjee called it "peanuts".

didn't modi sarkaar sign loan deals with china and japan soon after coming to power in 2014??

to be respected, we must play fair, yes??
was there hunger in socialist libyan jamahiriya??
I was talking about India, and there sure was and continues to be hunger and destitute poverty here, and it's all thanks to socialism.

and if Libya was so great they would have put up a fight, where are the pro Gaddafi people/rebels now ? that's right, there aren't any, except for one one online warrior in Bangalore, India on a Pakistani forum LOL

Hunger is afflicting both our countries mate. What irks me if folks with no frigging life come up with ridiculous and insulting titles to score brownie points.

He did not want to have a honest discussion. It's like one of those "rape and toilet" threads with a flame biating title/headline.

Pakistan: 8 Hunger Facts
By Jackie Dent — 23 November 2010

Pakistan already suffered high levels of malnutrition and food insecurity before the flooding began. Copyright: WFP/Marco Frattini

The monsoon floods in August hit a country already grappling with high levels of malnutrition, high food prices and a humanitarian crisis along its border with Afghanistan. Here are eight facts that show the full extent of hunger and poverty in Pakistan.

1. 20 million affected by the floods
The Pakistan floods this summer impacted the lives and livelihoods of some 20 million people, around 10 million of whom required emergency food assistance.

2. Nearly one in two Pakistanis at risk
Pakistan suffered from widespread hunger even before the monsoon floods, with an estimated 82.6 million people – a little less than half the population – estimated to be food insecure.

3. Widespread poverty
An estimated 36 percent of Pakistanis live below the poverty line and almost half are illiterate. Poorer households typically spend over 60 percent of their income on food.

4. Poor sanitation
50 percent of all Pakistanis have little or no access to clean toilets and drinking water, a condition that renders them vulnerable to infectious diseases.

5. Child mortality
The biggest killers of children under five in Pakistan are diarrhea and acute respiratory infections. Undernourishment is an underlying cause in 38 percent of those cases.

6. Violent conflict
Conflictalong Pakistan’s northwestern border with Afghanistan has forced millions of people to flee their homes. Since 2008, WFP has provided over 2.6 million of them with food assistance.

7. Rising hunger
Volatile food prices over the past seven years have pushed the number of people who depend on food assistance in Pakistan from 38 percent of the population in 2003 to 49 percent in 2009.

8. Wheat dependent
Wheatis Pakistan’s main staple crop and most important source of calories. As a result of the flooding, which submerged around 16 percent of all arable land in Pakistan, the upcoming wheat harvest is expected to be around 15 percent smaller than usual.
we are much better then you bhooki nangi qoom

Watch this youtube video (Can't add links). Imran claims the following:

11 Crore Pakistanis go hungry
4 lac children die every year due to lack of access to clean water
A mother dies every 40 minutes during delivery
2.5 crore children out of school (maximum in the world)
Minimum money spent on health and education across the world (among poor countries)

40 cror indians daily earning below 1.25 dollar
now guesss how many live under 3 dollar income
rapist nation
millions of children dies every year
every 21 minute one women raped in india
bhooki nangy qoom
we are much better then you bhooki nangi qoom

40 cror indians daily earning below 1.25 dollar
now guesss how many live under 3 dollar income
rapist nation
millions of children dies every year
every 21 minute one women raped in india
bhooki nangy qoom

You have been rated negative for bold part.... Since you are new, Kindly edit the post and quote to remove the rating.......
I was talking about India, and there sure was and continues to be hunger and destitute poverty here, and it's all thanks to socialism.


snapshot - india not socialist.jpeg

so let us not blame socialism for typical indian complicated-ness, inefficiency, lack of ambition, lack of long-term planning.

where are the pro Gaddafi people/rebels now ? that's right, there aren't any, except for one one online warrior in Bangalore, India on a Pakistani forum LOL

1. one russian revolutionary committee, at za-kaddafi.org ( За Каддафи и его народ | Меня невозможно убить, я в сердцах миллионов ).

2. i am in south india but not in bangalore.

3. what's wrong with saying all this on a pakistani forum??
so let us not blame socialism for typical indian complicated-ness, inefficiency, lack of ambition, lack of long-term planning.
ok, let's not blanket generalize socialism but I blame the "nehruvian" version and the hell that it has put this country through the decades.

1. one russian revolutionary committee, at za-kaddafi.org ( За Каддафи и его народ | Меня невозможно убить, я в сердцах миллионов ).

2. i am in south india but not in bangalore.

3. what's wrong with saying all this on a pakistani forum??
cant read russian, what do they plan on doing for Libya now ? bit late in the day to start another socialist revolution, spl considering that:
  1. their commie block is history and
  2. Libya has fallen to jihadi/terror groups, it is essentially beyond help
not like the soviets' afghan revolution was a great success either. :coffee:

I was opposed to the NATO bombing and jihadi/terrorist takeover of Libya but you make that place sound like heaven on earth lol, which it was clearly not.. they had fault-lines in their society which the foreign powers later exploited greatly.

You also seem to believe that the DPRK is a socialist paradise :cheesy:

and no, wherever you live in India, there is nothing wrong is expressing your views but if people find fault in your militant leftist views and undying love for gaddafi, they are also free to take the piss.

welcome to the interwebs :partay:
ok, let's not blanket generalize socialism but I blame the "nehruvian" version and the hell that it has put this country through the decades.

yes, the "nehruvian vision" was wrong in many ways which is why after he died there has not been much progress overall counting from 1947... but let us remember that nehru's institution-building and call for foreign help was mainly from the western bloc, whether it was in building the education system or in the "green revolution" or in the military.

cant read russian, what do they plan on doing for Libya now ? bit late in the day to start another socialist revolution, spl considering that:
  1. their commie block is history and
  2. Libya has fallen to jihadi/terror groups, it is essentially beyond help

the jamahiriya movement is not all about libya but about propagating the ideology as a universal ideology... idea is to use any means to achieve political influence in many socieities... we say that libya was just the first jamahiriya... what should be is a "world jamahiriya".

not like the soviets' afghan revolution was a great success either. :coffee:

regime-change happened there.

I was opposed to the NATO bombing and jihadi/terrorist takeover of Libya but you make that place sound like heaven on earth lol, which it was clearly not.. they had fault-lines in their society which the foreign powers later exploited greatly.

yes, the libyan jamahiriya failed in not removing the reactionary elements... but this was because they naively saw a chance of reform in the reactionaries... for example, abdul-hakim belhaj, a former lifg terrorist and then qaeda terrorist, was released from jail... in 2011, he was used by nato.

You also seem to believe that the DPRK is a socialist paradise :cheesy:

it may not be a true socialist paradise and it is certainly a one-party dictatorship but it is better than most societies.

and no, wherever you live in India, there is nothing wrong is expressing your views but if people find fault in your militant leftist views and undying love for gaddafi, they are also free to take the piss.

everyone has the right to criticize and question but it is sad that many don't look at the basis of a ideology but jump to take propaganda labeling as the means to decide.

this ( The Green Book - I ) is the simplest form for achieving true democracy... it would take just one or two readings to see the wisdom in it.
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yes, the "nehruvian vision" was wrong in many ways which is why after he died there has not been much progress overall counting from 1947... but let us remember that nehru's institution-building and call for foreign help was mainly from the western bloc, whether it was in building the education system or in the "green revolution" or in the military.
lol, I would say the education system, the military and some of the institutes he set up are the good part of his legacy

the jamahiriya movement is not all about libya but about propagating the ideology as a universal ideology... idea is to use any means to achieve political influence in many socieities... we say that libya was just the first jamahiriya... what should be is a "world jamahiriya".
what, like a global commie system ? no thanks :sick:

regime-change happened there.
there was corruption, unhappy people, unfair land distribution, brutal suppression of people.. all these things are the hallmarks of socialist systems, a totally failed ideology which looks good only on paper.

what all this commie bs fails to factor in, is that normal people don't like collectivism and slavery without reward.

it may not be a true socialist paradise and it is certainly a one-party dictatorship but it is better than most societies.
better how ? they are about a billion times worse off than any society on the planet currently.

their people have literally no freedoms, they have no idea what is going on in the outside world, they cant travel anywhere, travelers to their country are strictly watched every step and can not really interact with anyone, they have a pathetic joke of a dictator in charge, govt there literally controls every calorie they can consume (and it's not enough).. over the years they are on average 3 inches shorter than their evil capitalist kin to the south, every house has a state radio installed which puts out state propaganda 24/7.. and it cant be turned off or disconnected, only put at a slightly lower volume, they execute people publicly, they have concentration/re-education camps, religion is banned but they grow up learning tales of how the great leader was born and so many miracles happened, society is divided into intellectuals (college profs and educators), military, and then the rest of the peasants.. only a very few "lucky" ones get to live in pyonyang, and even there they dont have electricity most of the time, the rest of the country is a slum where people die of starvation as the govt takes away all the produce of the collective farms.

DPRK is hell on earth, communism is the worst system ever, even worse than saudi style sharia, at least those people have money, if not freedom.

to summarize: dictators, brutal suppression of people, gulags, no money, no freedom.. this is what we know of communism.

this ( The Green Book - I ) is the simplest form achieving true democracy... it would take just one or two readings to see the wisdom in it.
here's excerpts of a review:

the Green Book, his notorious three-part meditation on politics, economics and everything from the evils of mechanized poultry farming to the importance of owning one’s car. LOL ... Most analyses of the Green Book emphasize Qaddafi’s many digressions and penchant for stating the obvious, like his proclamation that “woman is a female and man is a male.” :cheesy: ..the slim 21,000-word treatise does not present a coherent worldview. (no shit?) ...the Green Book does have its own peculiar logic: a mixture of utopian socialism, Arab nationalism and the Third World revolutionary ideology :P ...

The second volume offers “The Solution of the Economic Problem,” a jumble of quasi-socialist ideals and capitalist notions. In some parts, Qaddafi appears to be a class-conscious self-help guru: “There are no wage-workers in the socialist society, only partners,” and “Man’s freedom is lacking if somebody else controls what he needs.” In other sections, he exalts property ownership: “There is no freedom for a man who lives in another’s house, whether he pays rent or not,” and “Your vehicle should not be owned by others.” :rofl:

scholars have compared the Green Book’s political and economic ideology to Rousseau, Mao and Marx; others have traced its threads back to Islamic philosophy. :sick:


lol, no wonder no one could make any sense of those few paras you posted some days ago.

so you can grow your beard and read das kapital 5 times a day all you want but there will be no Islamic communism in India, ever. :nana:
i wonder why do people start such threads to get humiliated later on when presented with facts . its a fact that subcontinent is a third world then pakistan is quite behind India in all parameters .

so telling Indian that 1/4th of you population is not getting enough food is humiliation? to whom? the ones who are pointing it out?
you were the one who gave false informations... to progress, india needs less "culture" and absolutely less nationalism.

didn't india take british financial aid all these years and later pranab mukherjee called it "peanuts".

didn't modi sarkaar sign loan deals with china and japan soon after coming to power in 2014??

to be respected, we must play fair, yes??

My information is correct, india have great culture and that's why we have strong family bond and morality.Lack of nationalism led to easy conquer of britain to our country and nationalism led us to independence.

The problem in india is none other than traitors who get all facilities to live in india and sympathetic to our opponents.
Is there a single thread on PDF on malnutrition in pakistan or sanitation or urban decay? And Pakistan does worse than India on all these indicators. Yet every day atleast 5 threads on such topics about India are posted.

You guys are not interested in any of these subjects, all you are interested is in poking india at very opportunity. Why don't you feed YOUR starving children and refugees and clean up your cities. We will have some respect for your opinions that way.

Not so long ago, as per Australian TV......

The World Today - Northern Sri Lanka now hell on Earth
Northern Sri Lanka is a hell on earth because there are not enough civilised people out there. Good that someone reported it.
My information is correct

no, lot of it was either irrelevant or incorrect... and i corrected you in one point.

india have great culture and that's why we have strong family bond and morality.Lack of nationalism led to easy conquer of britain to our country and nationalism led us to independence.

The problem in india is none other than traitors who get all facilities to live in india and sympathetic to our opponents.

a much older acquaintance of mine told me after his visit to usa - "they are a uncultured civilized people"... do think about the meaning of it.

does the western nation as a whole have crimes like "honor" killing, sati and dowry murders... there is capitalism in the western nation but in india capitalism, reactionary thought and regressive attitude leads mothers to force their children to suicide because of low bloody exam marks which if high will allow that mother to win in gossip competitions with other her neighbors or her relatives... and you call this "strong family bond". :o: it is not the western nation which has earned the tag "suicide capital of the world" in 2014.

a few days ago, a man and his 16-year-old lady love, in a bihar village, were tortured by the villagers, including the lady's family, and then burned alive... today, there was a thread where a dalit in madhya pradesh was set afire by a higher caste person because the latter was angered by the dalit's temerity to stand in queue before him at a water pump... yesterday was a thread about a lady teacher in uttar pradesh ( i think ) who had been inhumanly sent by a stupid magistrate to a "nari niketan" remand home just because she was in love with a muslim man... you don't know much of what happens in india.

so many indians accuse isis and taliban of doing such things, but these things have been there in india for 2900 years !!!

india needs reducing of "culture" and removal of "morality"... that is the only way india as a social entity will truly see humanism at at levels.

but "indian culture" - how do you define it... is it the syncretic culture deriving from mixing of ideologies from buddha to guru nanak to baba bulleh shah to bombay films to the socialists... or is it something else for you??

i want a unified communist humanity... to hell with artificial and obsolete ideas as nationalism... all nationalists can go to separate planets and establish their nations.
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no, lot of it was either irrelevant or incorrect... and i corrected you in one point.

a much older acquaintance of mine told me after his visit to usa - "they are a uncultured civilized people"... do think about the meaning of it.

does the western nation as a whole have crimes like "honor" killing, sati and dowry murders... there is capitalism in the western nation but in india capitalism, reactionary thought and regressive attitude leads mothers to force their children to suicide because of low bloody exam marks which if high will allow that mother to win in gossip competitions with other her neighbors or her relatives... and you call this "strong family bond". :o: it is not the western nation which has earned the tag "suicide capital of the world" in 2014.

a few days ago, a man and his 16-year-old lady love, in a bihar village, were tortured by the villagers, including the lady's family, and then burned alive... today, there was a thread where a dalit in madhya pradesh was set afire by a higher caste person because the latter was angered by the dalit's temerity to stand in queue before him at a water pump... yesterday was a thread about a lady teacher in uttar pradesh ( i think ) who had been inhumanly sent by a stupid magistrate to a "nari niketan" remand home just because she was in love with a muslim man... you don't know much of what happens in india.

so many indians accuse isis and taliban of doing such things, but these things have been there in india for 2900 years !!!

india needs reducing of "culture" and removal of "morality"... that is the only way india as a social entity will truly see humanism at at levels.

but "indian culture" - how do you define it... is it the syncretic culture deriving from mixing of ideologies from buddha to guru nanak to baba bulleh shah to bombay films to the socialists... or is it something else for you??

i want a unified communist humanity... to hell with artificial and obsolete ideas as nationalism... all nationalists can go to separate planets and establish their nations.

You are just mentioning a certain incident and put as wild fire, do you know what happening in middle east every day.
Communism forget it, in kerala it destroyed our youths and if they want job, you have to go out of state.Communism can applied in books but not in reality, even the chinese communism is not real as they are really capitalist.
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