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India leads world hunger list - The Times of India

But what to do man, wherever our PM go they welcome with both hands.

1. Every foreign company eyeing indian market and investing heavily.Even all hue and cry, our tourism sector growing very fast and medical tourism is booming with 30 % growth rate.

2. Our economy become now 7th largest in the world and 3rd largest as per PPP.

3. We are the only country send mars probe in first attempt and going to introduce our own GPS system with in 2 years.Even though we have inequality, we are one among the countries with large number of billionaires.

4. Even though we have power shortage, we are the 3rd largest producer of electricity

5. We are the 3rd largest producer of steel and going to overtake japan to become 2nd largest by 2016.

6. Even though all people not watch movies, but we are one of the biggest film industry in the world.

7. Even though gold production is less in india but we are the biggest consumer of gold.

8. Even though oil production is less, but world's biggest oil refinery is in india.

9. We are 3rd largest coal producing country and 2nd largest producer of cement.

10. Even though internet not developed in india, but we are one of the biggest IT industry in the world.

11. As for Nuclear fuel we have biggest deposits of Thorium and developing power plant based on that.

12. Our road and rail network is one of the biggest in the world.

13. We are the biggest producer of many agricultural products & Milk in the world.

What about pakistan ?

1st page par hi itni bezati kardi

Hunt in Packs,
Talk about any Indian issue and drag in Pakistan,
Regardless of subject at hand, they will drag in 1971.

This is typical Indian ploy to escape from an argument and try to salvage some pride.
Something to the effect where a Cow grazing in jungle, upon seeing a Tiger, shuts it's eyes, hoping the Tiger will not see it.
It's a race of blind leading blind. Leave them to it.

At least we are not bringing hungry,poverty,kashmir topics every now and then

There is a proverb saying ' give stick and then get beaten'
The pictures of destitute indian population are very stark , when showed to indians , their reaction is to run to the mods , hide the truth and get defensive
The pictures of destitute indian population are very stark , when showed to indians , their reaction is to run to the mods , hide the truth and get defensive

Don't take the moral high ground. Pakistan has 22% of population malnourished that 42 million in comparison to India's 15% . In fact Pakistan is one of few countries where the number of malnourished increased.

Food security in Pakistan

Pakistan is currently home to approximately 41.4m under-nourished people, according to the UN FAO Hunger Map 2015 — about 22pc of the country's population.

While the number of hungry in India has shown a decline over the last 25 years, the number of under-nourished in Pakistan displays an upward trend.

There were 28.7m hungry in Pakistan in the 90's — a number that has steadily increased between 1990 and 2015, with the seven years between 2005 and 2012 displaying relatively slower growth in the number of hungry people.

Number of under-nourished in Pakistan

1990-1992: 28.7m

2000-2002: 34.4m

2005-2007: 38.1m

2010-2012: 38.8m

2014-2016: 41.4m

The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2015 | FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
At least we are not bringing hungry,poverty,kashmir topics every now and then

There is a proverb saying ' give stick and then get beaten'
Really, i could easily draw a list of Pakistan bashing threads opened by Indians and how you troll in some threads will be enough to get you down from your high horse ..... then you will understand the proverb..... getting beaten by your own stick,
Don't take the moral high ground. Pakistan has 22% of population malnourished that 42 million in comparison to India's 15% . In fact Pakistan is one of few countries where the number of malnourished increased.

Food security in Pakistan

Pakistan is currently home to approximately 41.4m under-nourished people, according to the UN FAO — about 22pc of the country's population.

While the number of hungry in India has shown a decline over the last 25 years, the number of under-nourished in Pakistan displays an upward trend.

There were 28.7m hungry in Pakistan in the 90's — a number that has steadily increased between 1990 and 2015, with the seven years between 2005 and 2012 displaying relatively slower growth in the number of hungry people.

Number of under-nourished in Pakistan

1990-1992: 28.7m

2000-2002: 34.4m

2005-2007: 38.1m

2010-2012: 38.8m

2014-2016: 41.4m

Watch this youtube video (Can't add links). Imran claims the following:

11 Crore Pakistanis go hungry
4 lac children die every year due to lack of access to clean water
A mother dies every 40 minutes during delivery
2.5 crore children out of school (maximum in the world)
Minimum money spent on health and education across the world (among poor countries)

Really, i could easily draw a list of Pakistan bashing threads opened by Indians and how you troll in some threads will be enough to get you down from your high horse ..... then you will understand the proverb..... getting beaten by your own stick,

Any body can bash, but what matters most is that they have to come with evidence to prove point.Lack of evidence and frustration bring poverty,kashmir topics
Watch this youtube video (Can't add links). Imran claims the following:

11 Crore Pakistanis go hungry
4 lac children die every year due to lack of access to clean water
A mother dies every 40 minutes during delivery
2.5 crore children out of school (maximum in the world)
Minimum money spent on health and education across the world (among poor countries)


Now of course, we would like Pakistan to overcome it's problems and we hope to overcome ours.

Interesting thing is their obsession with us when we have nothing to do with Pakistan.

While they don't worry about their own country or the 138 million hungry people in their master China! After all where did the higher than, deeper than and sweeter than thingy go? Pakistanis share the history, language, culture with the Chinese while we just have nothing to do with them. So go and obsess with them, not us.
KKR global perspectives

Is there a single thread on PDF on malnutrition in pakistan or sanitation or urban decay? And Pakistan does worse than India on all these indicators. Yet every day atleast 5 threads on such topics about India are posted.

You guys are not interested in any of these subjects, all you are interested is in poking india at very opportunity. Why don't you feed YOUR starving children and refugees and clean up your cities. We will have some respect for your opinions that way.

India truly is hell on earth.
Not so long ago, as per Australian TV......

The World Today - Northern Sri Lanka now hell on Earth
They also lead in dowry killings,rape, female foeticide, sponsoring terrorism in all neigbouring nations.
They also lead in dowry killings,rape, female foeticide, sponsoring terrorism in all neigbouring nations.

Actually, if we look at the statistics, Pakistan leads in all these fronts and that too by far margin. Did you check for some data or it's just your wishful thinking ?
What ever India is better than Pakistan in all these points and improving unlike Pakistan which is getting worse. So pleae think about your country. We are solving our countries problem.

By the way rape per capita is higher in Pak than in India eventhough you need 4 witness and DNA evidense is not allowed. And rising gay rape and child rape problem in Pakistan. Hunger, illiteracy and poverty is RISING not decreasing like elsewhere in the world.

Once again solve your growing problems. We are improving our situation everyday.

(All links are in this thread)
All statistics show you leading in these areas. Comparison with pak shows ur insecurity

And as of witnesses , u are an ignorant idiot who doesnt know that forensic evidence is accepted in pakistan.
But yeah we are pretty sh1tty when it comes to trying ppl on rape.

Actually, if we look at the statistics, Pakistan leads in all these fronts and that too by far margin. Did you check for some data or it's just your wishful thinking ?
Oh here comes that troll whom i had shown the news from his own INDIAN NEWSPAPER HINDUSTAN TIMES CLEARLY STATING INDIA IS POORER THAN PAKISTAN and the guy was so shocked that he lost his logic and reason and came back with some lame excuse.
Oh and yeah told ya didnt i, not quote me.
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