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India leads world hunger list - The Times of India

Such as? major problem terrorism has fallen. 45% after operation Zarb-e-Azb started. Economy is much stable and growing.

I just point out, Pak is the only country with:

Increasing hunger index

Increasing iliteracy

Increasing poverty.

They are rising not decreasing like everywhere in the world.
I just point out, Pak is the only country with:

Increasing hunger index

Increasing iliteracy

Increasing poverty.

They are rising not decreasing like everywhere in the world.
So that's how you justify hungry people in India. Why not focus on your problems and we focus on our's. Enough with this obsession, please.
Yes it's not appealing. you are simply justifying this(topic) by comparing yourselves to us.

Of course the hunger topic started by comparing to other countries, you know.India is a big country with more than 1.2 billion people and naturally we have more poor people.By the way you can also start a thread telling

1. India is one of the biggest middle class society in the world
2. India is one of the biggest english speaking country in the world
3. India produce largest pool of doctors and engineers in the world etc...
So that's how you justify hungry people in India. Why not focus on your problems and we focus on our's. Enough with this obsession, please.

Again I repeat. Pakistanis should think about their RISING problem and not open troll threads. We dont need justifying, we are already solving our problems with success.

All our social indicators are moving in the positive direction, unlike Paks. If Paks can take care of their own problem rather than obsessing about us, it may infact help Pakistan. We got our backs.
Ignore the intention op
Again I repeat. Pakistanis should think about their RISING problem and not open troll threads. We dont need justifying, we are already solving our problems with success.

All our social indicators are moving in the positive direction, unlike Paks. If Paks can take care of their own problem rather than obsessing about us, it may infact help Pakistan. We got our backs.

Ignore the OP's intention, and move on mate....It is ok if some find happiness in looking at these numbers....... That wont change the ground reality....... If you are going to do the same, then there is no difference between them and you......
Ignore the intention op

Ignore the OP's intention, and move on mate....It is ok if some find happiness in looking at these numbers....... That wont change the ground reality....... If you are going to do the same, then there is no difference between them and you......

Its like the jelous neighbour syndrom.

Lets say I am this poor poor person with many problems in my family. I have a rich neigbour, much better off than me. Now lets say his car crashes, he has to spend money etc. I will be very happy eventhough I dont even own a car. Sure he will repair that car or even make it much better, but I can still troll him about the car right.

Actually, Pakistan's GDP is in increasing trend, almost tripled in past 10 years.
World Development Indicators-Google Public Data Explorer

But still they manage to increase their no. of poor, hungry and illiterate. I just dont understand how. It just does not make sence.
But still they manage to increase their no. of poor, hungry and illiterate. I just dont understand how. It just does not make sence.

Because distribution of wealth is disproportionate. These factors are major giveaway. Only a few are making loads of money there and taking that money outside the country. The second part is evident from Pakistan's low tax to GDP ratio. These pointers indicate towards a high build up of black money.
Its like the jelous neighbour syndrom.

Lets say I am this poor poor person with many problems in my family. I have a rich neigbour, much better off than me. Now lets say his car crashes, he has to spend money etc. I will be very happy eventhough I dont even own a car. Sure he will repair that car or even make it much better, but I can still troll him about the car right.

I would rather worry about my car crashed, than what my neighbor thinks of my crash......He has a car or not, is not my problem.........

Let us accept that we have a problem...... and we are going to top the list for a decade at least....But the direction we have taken is right, and if our politicians can reduce their corruption by 25%, half of this problem will be resolved....

The problem is some of our think tanks and politicians, to be in headlines these guys start talking about India to become a "Super Power".....It is good to have a dream, it is good to chase the dream, while trying to become a super power (become or not is all together a different story) we will improve our social indicators, and become a better nation....

Hunt in Packs,
Talk about any Indian issue and drag in Pakistan,
Regardless of subject at hand, they will drag in 1971.

This is typical Indian ploy to escape from an argument and try to salvage some pride.
Something to the effect where a Cow grazing in jungle, upon seeing a Tiger, shuts it's eyes, hoping the Tiger will not see it.
It's a race of blind leading blind. Leave them to it.
I would rather worry about my car crashed, than what my neighbor thinks of my crash......He has a car or not, is not my problem.........

Let us accept that we have a problem...... and we are going to top the list for a decade at least....But the direction we have taken is right, and if our politicians can reduce their corruption by 25%, half of this problem will be resolved....

The problem is some of our think tanks and politicians, to be in headlines these guys start talking about India to become a "Super Power".....It is good to have a dream, it is good to chase the dream, while trying to become a super power (become or not is all together a different story) we will improve our social indicators, and become a better nation....

What is it with you Keralites mate? What makes you the most sensible, mature and logical Indians by far.. :-)
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