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India lags behind Pakistan in nuclear armoury: US expert

Can anyone out of us afford one single warhead in our area. I think both nations have a lot to lose in such like situation. Who will win in this situation, I leave up to your imagination.

I know it was lame, when even a single nuke is one too many.
i think india should have no more than 10-15 nukes about 10. Anyways, i doubt even if they will be used.

Ca'mon ppl let's be little realistic.
i think india should have no more than 10-15 nukes about 10. Anyways, i doubt even if they will be used.

Ca'mon ppl let's be little realistic.

Just 10!!
We have China to consider as well.

We have 4 delivery mechanisms, which are necessary. 2 countries, 4 mechanisms, 2 types of bombs. Than consider missiles/planes can be shot down. So have to have more as backup.

The greed (read need) for more never ends!!
And why is it rubbish? don't let your hate come over reality if this is true which to my belive it is and from i have heard from others in the Pak armed forces again overall this is nothing good for both nations while pushing a button both nations will be finished so just hope it never happens.

I can also quote many references that India has more fissile material and more nuke war-heads. But these are all estimates and they can go wrong by 2-20 times as neither country declared the numbers and will not do it either. Unless these numbers comes from inside sources of either of these countries, I would say this is all rubbish.

If you want to take comfort in these estimates and gives you an imaginary upperhand :lol:, then be my guest.
I don't see why Pakistan has a problem signing the fissile cut off treaty then if they have more material than the Indians. India seems happy to sign!!
Just 10!!
We have China to consider as well.

We have 4 delivery mechanisms, which are necessary. 2 countries, 4 mechanisms, 2 types of bombs. Than consider missiles/planes can be shot down. So have to have more as backup.

The greed (read need) for more never ends!!

throwing one nuclear will not just affect one nation, but the whole world. And remember, those bombs are much more powerful than the ones that were drooped on japan. ( not sure about Indian nuclear bombs capacity). India should have best of best Air force and Navy to handle any aggression by it's enemy.
throwing one nuclear will not just affect one nation, but the whole world. And remember, those bombs are much more powerful than the ones that were drooped on japan. ( not sure about Indian nuclear bombs capacity). India should have best of best Air force and Navy to handle any aggression by it's enemy.

Nukes are just for show. Be it Pakistan or India or any other country. Thats why we need to have many, so the enemy is sure that atleast one will hit it if used.
I don't see why Pakistan has a problem signing the fissile cut off treaty then if they have more material than the Indians. India seems happy to sign!!

Please refer to post 1, the article is not written by a Pakistani.
Nukes are just for show. Be it Pakistan or India or any other country. Thats why we need to have many, so the enemy is sure that atleast one will hit it if used.


Than why not have good missiles to delivers them?? So next time you say "At least one will miss if it used". :D

Since you already said that nuclear are for show, i guess no benefit for making them even 50.
Does it really matter. We are both neighbours and can hit one another easily. Fair enoguh better Nukes is like a one up on India but nothing else, all u really need is 10 good nukes maybe even less.
Nukes are just for show. Be it Pakistan or India or any other country. Thats why we need to have many, so the enemy is sure that atleast one will hit it if used.

Let us pray that we use them to maintain peace only and non of us actually need them to fire.
Originally Posted by prototype
complete bull$hit

since neither nation have never disclosed the number of warheads how can anyone determine
Here is an another piece of article which Pakistanis will like to see

A report by David Albright, published by the Institute for Science and International Security in 2000, estimated that India at end of 1999 had 310 kilograms of weapon grade plutonium, enough for 65 nuclear weapons. He also estimated that India had 4,200 kg of reactor grade plutonium which is enough to build 1,000 nuclear weapons. By the end of 2004, he estimates India had 445 kilograms of weapon grade plutonium which is enough for around 85 nuclear weapons considering 5 kg of plutonium required for each weapon
India's and Pakistan's Fissile Material and Nuclear Weapons Inventories, end of 1999

so u can still keep bragging about ur better delivery system's and warheads,what i feel is we should not more than 5 nuclear warheads,that will b enough for finishing every inch of pakistan

As far as delivery system is concerned we dont need to develop a new variant of agni-2 for Pakistan,agni is too costly missile to b wasted on Pakistan,just our old Prithvi's r enough,since they dont even have any ABM tech in development,we dont need to waste too much money on them

It shows how much pain in the *** you and your fellow countrymen have just after reading a news!!!!
Hatred on its peak!!

You guys can't digest a news which you people yourself don't consider much reliable!!

Anyways, stop bragging like kids be happy you can take us with 5 nukes and we will take you down with 10 (to make you happy) arite, happy now!!!

But don't forget kiddos there will be none left to celebrate the victory on either side!!!!:hitwall:
Let us pray that we use them to maintain peace only and non of us actually need them to fire.

Every war is fought with the intention of maintaining peace. (bitter, but true). :)

Than why not have good missiles to delivers them?? So next time you say "At least one will miss if it used". :D

Since you already said that nuclear are for show, i guess no benefit for making them even 50.

Many, many factors. There is no perfect missile, which will hit the target for sure.
We have surface to surface missile, ship to surface, sub to surface, and aircrafts. All are necessary, as in war we can never be sure which system will fail for what reason. Aircrafts/missiles can be shot down. Subs/ships can be sunk. Than we cannot have nukes at one place, as it may be destroyed by the enemy. So many factors. Hence more the nukes, better.
Its not that they would be used, but they have to be kept so that they may be used. Under the worst possible situation.

This is the reason why US and Russia have so many nukes. They couldn't take chances. They needed to have more than what enemy could stop.
I think Pakistan can sleep soundly now that they know Pakistan has more nukes and better delivery systems. :lol:

By the way what is the source for this absolute rubbish.

No Pak cant sleep good now....Pak can only sleep good when India sleeps good:woot: see Pak cares so much about its dear neighbors...:cheesy:
And this can only happens If India gives all the nukes to Pak and then we both can sleep in peace and happiness:bounce::lol:
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