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India is rape capital of the world, Pakistan tells UNHRC

Bloody india , a stinky place where animals woulsnt even like to live.
It should be nuked .. !!
Alot more comming for india they thought we gonna sit around let people like Nawaz keep their mouth shut. Now world will hear that india is RAPE CAPITAL of world they are MOTHER OF STATE TERRORISM. Now india can cry as much as she can we gonna enjoy it.
That is why idiot, I was saying there is no use raising rapes in India by Pakistan. Now tell me how does rapes in India concerns Pakistan? It is not like Indians are going to Pakistan for raping.

It does concern Pakistan as what your 700k rap!$t Army have been doing with Innocent Women and children in 'Indian Occopied Kashmir'
Gotta feel bad to Pakistani women. Indian women can atleast report rape and seek justice. Pakistani women need 5 male witnesses. Some years ago some poor lady was raped and then President Musharraf claimed she wanted refuge in a Western country or something.
You don't need witnesses for rape. 4 witnesses are needed for zina. Learn your facts before you speak or you sound thick as two planks.
Go ahead and raise Balochistan at the UN.

No one will listen to your bullshit, because Balochistan is a legal province of Pakistan according to the United Nations.

Your arguments fall flat on the ground.

And so do we.... Remember how many freedom movements happening in India "Dalit, Nagaland etc etc.

Main article: Separatist movements of India
Further information: South Asian ethnic groups, List of languages by number of native speakers in India, and Insurgency in Northeast India

Main article: Kashmiri separatist movement






Strange thing is :o:

Pakistan's PM has been convicted and ran away from the country leaving a puppet PM behind.

Pakistan's FM has been convicted and ran away from the country leaving the economy in a mess.

Chinese CPEC is being slowed down till political picture becomes clearer

Next month Pakistan will have to go back to IMF for another bail out

And Pakistanis are celebrating their calling India a Rapistan at U.N. :chilli:

Problem se bharpoor mulk ki chhoti chhoti kushiyaan :enjoy:

Pakistan's PM has been convicted and ran away from the country leaving a puppet PM behind.
He has already returned in Pakistan yesterday.

Pakistan's FM has been convicted and ran away from the country leaving the economy in a mess.
He has already returned in Paksitan Yesterday

Chinese CPEC is being slowed down till political picture becomes clearer
Nothing slowdown, just you wet dream.. just your imagination or do you need burnol...

Next month Pakistan will have to go back to IMF for another bail out
We do have other options... Even if we go to IMF ... SO WHAT???

And Pakistanis are celebrating their calling India a Rapistan at U.N. :chilli:
so do you :)

Problem se bharpoor mulk ki chhoti chhoti kushiyaan
You don't need witnesses for rape. 4 witnesses are needed for zina. Learn your facts before you speak or you sound thick as two planks.
Didn't Mushy accuse some lady of seeking foreign residency because of rape. And weren't the accused in that gang-rape set free by the Pak courts?
Oh man the name Rapistan rhymes better with Pakistan. People will think it is another name of Pakistan. LOL!!!

Does Pakistan have any stats about crimes against women? Opps!!! If we ask such tough questions they will migrate to Denialistan.

LOL!!! Funny people. Living in glass house but doesn't mind throwing stone at others.
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He has already returned in Pakistan yesterday

Mubarak Ho :pakistan:

Nobody in Pakistan was expecting this

That means suave Nawaz's PML-N will rule and develop Pakistan for another few months and may be for next five years, while we Indians have be contended with our poor Tea Seller Mr. Modi for at least two or may be seven more years. :P

once again Congratulations :enjoy:
Of course not. Rape is a domestic abuse issue which counters all over the world and if India has an increase then maybe one needs to focus on:

- increase of item songs
- exposure to vulgarity
- Karma sutra
- their idols are also dressed in exposing attires
- Sunny Leons

The increase of immorality infested is the result of this. No need to pin it on a different country.

Ok detergent, what is so offensive in those you have mentioned?

Privately every Pakistani crave for the list except idols. you people are hypocrites.

There are many videos of Mujras dancing half naked/naked in Pakistan on you tube.
The whole world knows how Rapistan treats women. Children are raped. Elderly are raped. Babies are raped. Anything that crawls and has life is raped in India.
These junglees lol

Yes it's the rapeublic of India in every western paper daily for rape
Ok detergent, what is so offensive in those you have mentioned?

Privately every Pakistani crave for the list except idols. you people are hypocrites.

There are many videos of Mujras dancing half naked/naked in Pakistan on you tube.

One is dismayed and the other owned you bell end.
Wow, what an exceptional path to the "Stardom of Rape"
1st=New Delhi crowned as rape capital of India
2nd=Now, India being "Rape Capital on the planet earth" priceless:dirol:
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