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India is rape capital of the world, Pakistan tells UNHRC

I want to ask that we have a cultural problem when it comes to oppression of women.

The question is.

How do you as a Pakistani women feel more hopeful than those in India?

Im in a better state in pakistan . Im so happy to be here .
India is a rape capital where an alone womans honour isnt safe , so risky to walk alone at night in india . Educated indian areas r better but mostly india is poorly moral.
While there r many problems in pakistan too , like honour killings ,but india has a more record in such opressions . Its a problem of whole subcontinent .. im satisfied cause im financially stabled , same cant be said for some of my female companions where some of them were sold for marriage by the family , some were harrased at the work place , some orphans were sexually assaulted . All subcontinent needs to treat their women better .
That was an honest opinion of mine .
Im in a better state in pakistan . Im so happy to be here .
India is a rape capital where an alone womans honour isnt safe , so risky to walk alone at night in india . Educated indian areas r better but mostly india is poorly moral.
While there r many problems in pakistan too , like honour killings ,but india has a more record in such opressions . Its a problem of whole subcontinent .. im satisfied cause im financially stabled , same cant be said for some of my female companions where some of them were sold for marriage by the family , some were harrased at the work place , some orphans were sexually assaulted . All subcontinent needs to treat their women better .
That was an honest opinion of mine .

I hope you are willing to be the voice for this good cause.
This all started with Donald Trump start name calling, then India and then Pakistan getting into it.

Pakistan is just responding to Indian accusations.
This all started with Donald Trump start name calling, then India and then Pakistan getting into it.

Pakistan is just responding to Indian accusations.

So if Pakistan goes for a surgical strike against India will it be that Trump says Pakistan grabbed India by its pussy`?

tell him we prefer jugular vein and old fashioned rhetoric over misogynistic paranoia
So if Pakistan goes for a surgical strike against India will it be that Trump says Pakistan grabbed India by its pussy`?

tell him we prefer jugular vein and old fashioned rhetoric over misogynistic paranoia

Trump could say anything. He would make a perfect Indian PM. Or N Korean dictator.
So if Pakistan goes for a surgical strike against India will it be that Trump

Have this thought that GOP should not have raised the Rape issue and instead of calling India rape capital of the world, they should have raised the apartheid issue, the conditions of Muslims and Dalits/minorities in India, the untouchability and high and low caste, subhuman conditions of minorities and issues like that.

Apartheid in India is huge if one look at the caste based divide, and this issue could have more captive audience worldwide in the western world.

Also Democracy is all about equality of human beings, in India higher caste Brahmins, just 6% of the population are not equal to the lower caste Dalits, SC/ST/OBC caste people, democracy in India means the election and selection, more farce and sham than the real democracy in UK and some other countries. This issue should have been raised.
Have this thought that GOP should not have raised the Rape issue and instead of calling India rape capital of the world, they should have raised the apartheid issue, the conditions of Muslims and Dalits/minorities in India, the untouchability and high and low caste, subhuman conditions of minorities and issues like that.

Apartheid in India is huge if one look at the caste based divide, and this issue could have more captive audience worldwide in the western world.

Also Democracy is all about equality of human beings, in India higher caste Brahmins, just 6% of the population are not equal to the lower caste Dalits, SC/ST/OBC caste people, democracy in India means the election and selection, more farce and sham than the real democracy in UK and some other countries. This issue should have been raised.

that is their internal politics. we have no say neither should we have any say in that.
everybody knows how India works and what are its fault lines.
that would have been stating the obvious but the rape bit is more urgent.

with genocide looming an eventual apartheid in India can be discussed at the UN
hat is their internal politics. we have no say neither should we have any say in that.
everybody knows how India works and what are its fault lines.
that would have been stating the obvious but the rape bit is more urgent.

Right, caste system is an internal issue, but intolerance and ensuing apartheid has that intl' appeal. Also with the thin veneer of secularism in India going haywire and the real actual Hindu India or the Hindutva rearing its head, western world will lend ear to this issue and thought. Would have hit the raw nerve in India, have observed India hide their caste based fault lines to the western and Muslim world alike...

Like the cow vigilantes and the Dadri beef lynching incidence, the Gauri Lankesh, the leftist writer lynching, many more leftist writers murder like M.M kalburgi, will certainly get international audience, yes rape issue is also huge, could have been coupled with the 'intolerance' encompassing a whole gamut of other things, a bigger canvas.
Right, caste system is an internal issue, but intolerance and ensuing apartheid has that intl' appeal. Also with the thin veneer of secularism in India going haywire and the real actual Hindu India or the Hindutva rearing its head, western world will lend ear to this issue and thought. Would have hit the raw nerve in India, have observed India hide their caste based fault lines to the western and Muslim world alike...

Like the cow vigilantes and the Dadri beef lynching incidence, the Gauri Lankesh, the leftist writer lynching, many more leftist writers murder like M.M kalburgi, will certainly get international audience, yes rape issue is also huge, could have been coupled with the 'intolerance' encompassing a whole gamut of other things, a bigger canvas.

all that remain an internal issue till the Rohingya genocide gets blown off proportion.

We named them mother of all terrorism. Terrorism breeds due to intolerance and that is nothing new in India.

Diplomatic lingua franca of the world is Terrorism and Feminism.

I think we are doing just fine right now with our foreign statements.

Not our fault if the world does not care for India or its people.
Why are you so obsessed to discuss with Pakistanis?

I guess its a brownie thing or just the Indian.

More like an embarrassing father son talk.

They crave for someone to help save them every time there is a new mole.

Stop begging for attention.

Now you have a name. Like a pet name. Mean one. Yes. But go change the situation.

Now they will just report every woman who escaped rape in India.
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