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India is rape capital of the world, Pakistan tells UNHRC

^ there is a huge difference between us calling delhi "rape capital" and some western media coining the term for us . you are either actually that stupid to not understand this or are just running away because you were caught lying lol
Its you people calling yourself that.



Man this is disturbing. At the 3rd page and I am seriously embarrassed by my own Google search history now.

Wtf is happening in India?

People have been at it since time began calling you that. By time i mean Google setting otherwise we might have to go back to even that qasim dude.


Like we have no saints running around here as well but oh dear lord for a white guy we may pretty well be.

Identifying a problem is never an issue. Even if one has to use outrageous terms to bring attention to the issue. to me that is small potatoes.
I would rather that than have any woman, man, or child be subject to rape ever! Its a heinous crime that needs to be dealt with harshly.

Anyways, I was hoping you would identify the western publication that termed India the "Rape Capital of the World" which is how this entire discussion started. I'm yet to find the publication you mentioned in the post I quoted initially.

Or were you mistakenly referring to the Indian publications calling Delhi the "Rape Capital of India" as the same?
Its you people calling yourself that.



Man this is disturbing. At the 3rd page and I am seriously embarrassed by my own Google search history now.

Wtf is happening in India?

People have been at it since time began calling you that. By time i mean Google setting otherwise we might have to go back to even that qasim dude.


Like we have no saints running around here as well but oh dear lord for a white guy we may pretty well be.

Just when you think you guys have hit rock bottom you say this?

Like who in their right mind would consider the words atleast and rape? In the same sentence in any sentence in any situation.

That is deeply profoundly a sick thought.

As a just penalty i am going to tag them here

@Divergent @Well.wisher @Spring Onion @Śakra @Mugwop @Kuwaiti Girl @ all girls here.

And we don't like to be delusional like pakistanis , if we have a problem we don't hide it . Because identifying the problem is the first step towards solving it
Identifying a problem is never an issue. Even if one has to use outrageous terms to bring attention to the issue. to me that is small potatoes.
I would rather that than have any woman, man, or child be subject to rape ever! Its a heinous crime that needs to be dealt with harshly.

Anyways, I was hoping you would identify the western publication that termed India the "Rape Capital of the World" which is how this entire discussion started. I'm yet to find the publication you mentioned in the post I quoted initially.

Or were you mistakenly referring to the Indian publications calling Delhi the "Rape Capital of India" as the same?

No i still stands by.

It was but again maybe an old news. 2014 or 2015.

Its like the internet even voted with blogs of the globalisation younglings.

But it really doesn't matter as you say.

Someone had to care enough to go UN with that. Guess a blessing in disguise.

But for all the engineers and doctors you export how is this an issue given India or Indians are freakishly competitive in education.

Something's fishy in India man
No i still stands by.

It was but again maybe an old news. 2014 or 2015.

Its like the internet even voted with blogs of the globalisation younglings.

But it really doesn't matter as you say.

Someone had to care enough to go UN with that. Guess a blessing in disguise.

But for all the engineers and doctors you export how is this an issue given India or Indians are freakishly competitive in education.

Something's fishy in India man

If it makes India a better place for women and people in general. I'm all for it.
Singapore was once the sick man of Asia. Look at them now!
Titles are temporary, until someone unseats you.
The point is, I would prefer India unseat itself through organic improvement than have a country be in a nastier situation than us to unseat us of the title.

Like I said, I feel no shame in such constructive criticism if it improves society.
Problem is, Pakistan at the UN has now put a target on its back. It now needs to show the world that it is a beacon of womens rights and empowerment, human rights etc to be able to point finger at others and not just be a tit for tat reaction on their part.
If it makes India a better place for women and people in general. I'm all for it.
Singapore was once the sick man of Asia. Look at them now!
Titles are temporary, until someone unseats you.
The point is, I would prefer India unseat itself through organic improvement than have a country be in a nastier situation than us to unseat us of the title.

We would too but are just closer to you so we been listening to all the horrible noises coming from across the border.

At some level it is even a polite gesture

GENEVA: A Pakistani diplomat told the United Rights Commission (UNHRC) that India has become the ‘rape capital of the world’ as 327,000 crimes against women were registered in a single year in India, most of these involving rape or rape attempts.

Availing right of reply at the current 36th Session of the Human Rights Council, diplomat Murk Aijaz told quoting India’s National Crime Records Bureau statistics that more than 35,000 incidents of rape had occurred just in three years in India and almost 93 rapes were committed in the country each day.

“India has surely become the rape capital of the world where no woman is safe due to their own disgraceful policies against women,” she said.

She quoted reports by Asian Watch and Physicians for Humans stating that rape is used as a means of targeting women by the Indian security forces in an attempt to punish and humiliate the entire community.

She told the UN forum that horrific and barbaric atrocities in Kashmir are not isolated incidents “but they represent Indian mindset of systematic disregard for human life, human values, human rights and most importantly human dignity”.

The diplomat said quoting Amnesty International that a former Manipur state policeman was involved in more than 100 extrajudicial executions between 2002 and 2009.

“Journalists like Karun Mishra in Uttar Pradesh and Rajdeo Ranjan in Bihar were shot dead for writing reports that didn’t go good with the Indian government. 282,000 prisoners – 68% of the total prison population – were pre-trial detainees.”

She highlighted the widespread human rights abuses of religious and ethnic minorities as well as lower Hindu castes. “According to India’s official statistics, more than 45,000 crimes against members of Scheduled Castes and almost 11,000 crimes against Scheduled Tribes were reported in one year. India topped the global blast list with around 406 bombings taking place last year. We can well imagine the causes. Their policy of state perpetuated terrorism is now biting them back.”

Murk Aijaz said that he current BJP Government in India is the product of the militant, hate driven ideological parent known as Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and religious hatred is common in Indian that Subramanian Swamy, a senior BJP official recently declared in a speech that mosques are not holy places and thus can be demolished. “A number of churches were vandalized. A 71-year-old nun in the eastern state of West Bengal was gang-raped. And the beef-ban movement was spreading to new states. How can we forget the Gujrat killing of more than 2000 Muslims in which ruling party was found as the main culprit. With such leadership at the top which has no regard for life, recent barbarism in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir was always on the cards.”

The Pakistani diplomat told the UNHRC session that Kashmiris are not scared of demanding their right to self-determination nor would Pakistan be intimidated by India. “We would stand with the people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan remains committed to resolve the Kashmir dispute according to the UN Security Council resolutions for a lasting peace in the region and beyond.”


is there any Video for this UNHRC,

I think Pakistan Lost their Mind because they can't prove anything against India in UN,

It's an Internal Problem and if you are so concerned about Women ask terror organization to stop selling women for buying weapons, Selling women for buying weapon is high then what mentioned in this thread,

do the country have guts to raise this case in UNHRC,
our women are atleast better off than the pakistani women
yeh man infact am typing from a cave . so which part of your women is better off than us please enlighten us so we also try to catch up. But plz mind that I seriously am not a fan of silicon and hair extensions yukkkk.
is there any Video for this UNHRC,

I think Pakistan Lost their Mind because they can't prove anything against India in UN,

It's an Internal Problem and if you are so concerned about Women ask terror organization to stop selling women for buying weapons, Selling women for buying weapon is high then what mentioned in this thread,

do the country have guts to raise this case in UNHRC,


Pakistan talked of atrocities in Kashmir (a UN recognised DISPUTED TERRITORY), India responded with talk of Balochistan, MQM etc ... and that's when we brought up the Rape Capital of The World.

We talked of HR violations in a disputed region, whereas you lot took the initiative to bring in our sovereign regions and political parties, and we replied in kind.

So shove that 'it's an internal problem' BS up your FM and yourself.

Video is there ... search for it.

Pakistan talked of atrocities in Kashmir (a UN recognised DISPUTED TERRITORY), India responded with talk of Balochistan, MQM etc ... and that's when we brought up the Rape Capital of The World.

We talked of HR violations in a disputed region, whereas you lot took the initiative to bring in our sovereign regions and political parties, and we replied in kind.

So shove that 'it's an internal problem' BS up your FM and yourself.

Video is there ... search for it.

so sad of you,

Read the Thread first and Comment

don't comment if you don't read the thread,
Its you people calling yourself that.



Man this is disturbing. At the 3rd page and I am seriously embarrassed by my own Google search history now.

Wtf is happening in India?

People have been at it since time began calling you that. By time i mean Google setting otherwise we might have to go back to even that qasim dude.


Like we have no saints running around here as well but oh dear lord for a white guy we may pretty well be.

Just when you think you guys have hit rock bottom you say this?

Like who in their right mind would consider the words atleast and rape? In the same sentence in any sentence in any situation.

That is deeply profoundly a sick thought.

As a just penalty i am going to tag them here

@Divergent @Well.wisher @Spring Onion @Śakra @Mugwop @Kuwaiti Girl @ all girls here.

india is not a safe place for women and Pakistan is full of white knights.
india is not a safe place for women and Pakistan is full of white knights.

That's romantic and flattering

But we are no saints or knights.

But thanks i guess

yeh man infact am typing from a cave . so which part of your women is better off than us please enlighten us so we also try to catch up. But plz mind that I seriously am not a fan of silicon and hair extensions yukkkk.

Tora bora football tournament is planned too.
Its you people calling yourself that.



Man this is disturbing. At the 3rd page and I am seriously embarrassed by my own Google search history now.

Wtf is happening in India?

People have been at it since time began calling you that. By time i mean Google setting otherwise we might have to go back to even that qasim dude.


Like we have no saints running around here as well but oh dear lord for a white guy we may pretty well be.

Just when you think you guys have hit rock bottom you say this?

Like who in their right mind would consider the words atleast and rape? In the same sentence in any sentence in any situation.

That is deeply profoundly a sick thought.

As a just penalty i am going to tag them here

@Divergent @Well.wisher @Spring Onion @Śakra @Mugwop @Kuwaiti Girl @ all girls here.

What u want to ask . Plz clarify
What u want to ask . Plz clarify

I want to ask that we have a cultural problem when it comes to oppression of women.

The question is.

How do you as a Pakistani women feel more hopeful than those in India?
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