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India is no longer seen as enemy: Ayaz Amir

You scratched my back and I am scratching yours!

So if there is a point that if Afghan Taliban cannot survive without for long, If their only chance is taking over Pakistan, then do you think the Afghani Taliban will be friendly and will do no harm to Pakistan?

I never scratched anything of yours. :)

This is even more hilarious. You now think the Afghan Taliban will walk into Pakistan and take over Islamabad? It doesn't add up considering Pakistan helped bring them into existence and power.
Well of course we Sindhi's have no hate against India it's just the Pakistani Punjabi's who are obsessed

Bro I salute you for speaking the truth. I've realized this as well. Most of the animosity from pakistan comes from the pak Punjabis. It's also apparent on this forum.
You are a liar. Of course I respect Punjabi's for what they have done to make this country grow and prosper but we can't say that they control Pakistan...

Punjab by virtue of its high population controls Pakistan and its military.
That Hindutva party PM came to Lahore in search of peace, but your govt responded by doing Kargil.

Tell him to come again, this time he will get barfi. :D

Why do Indian posters miss the point? Their whole ideology is anti-Pakistan. A leopard doesn't change it's spots because of what it's neighbor does.
I never scratched anything of yours. :)

This is even more hilarious. You now think the Afghan Taliban will walk into Pakistan and take over Islamabad? It doesn't add up considering Pakistan helped bring them into existence and power.

Most of the people you are now fighting against was once nurtured by your Govt
Punjab by virtue of its high population controls Pakistan and its military.

....and that implies Punjabis are ruling? The PM is Seraiki or Iranian anciestry, President is Baloch/Sindhi; last president was Mohajir, the one before him a Kashmiri, the one before him Sindhi...lol. Keep your BS to yourself.
Tell him to come again, this time he will get barfi. :D

Why do Indian posters miss the point? Their whole ideology is anti-Pakistan. A leopard doesn't change it's spots because of what it's neighbor does.

No need. He along with Mushraff pulled off the relative peace along Indo-Pak borders.

BJP is many thing but not anti-Pakistan or anti-any nation. We are happy in the way we are.
Comments made by Indians on their toilet news site regarding plane crash in Pakistan:

nirvana (india)
20 Apr, 2012 10:06 PM
dawood, hafiz and many other islamic terroist who killed Hindus are still hapily living in pakistan, with full support from pakistani people no sympathy for thses swines

rk (us)
20 Apr, 2012 10:06 PM
now these pakis know how the passengers of plane that flew into buildings on 9/11 felt..

20 Apr, 2012 11:21 PM
So u are holding your less than black, dirty, stinking, sinking, ******, diseased, unwashed, smelly and above all worthless..less than .00001 inch kukki..which is worth only a torn Porki rupee used as a toilet paper by one and all the world over....he he...later demolished with explosive by your RundiAmmi.....inflicting injuries galore

Roger (Toronto)
20 Apr, 2012 09:35 PM
Great news. Pakistan is very poor country and only rich and influential can afford to travel by Air from Karachi to Islamabad. These are same people (rich and powerful)of who stood by silent while 3 Hindu girls were kidnapped, raped and converted to Islam. While four Hindu doctors were shot dead by Muslims and police did nothing. These are people who's taxes fuel Pakis army to take misadventure against India. These are the people who's donations keep Madrassas and terror camps going and thus sending terrorists to India. Good riddens. May more of this happen in Pakistan.

World Peace 2020 (Earth)
20 Apr, 2012 09:15 PM
Evil Allah needs innocent blood to quench its Thirst

Mathew (Delhi)
20 Apr, 2012 09:13 PM
Im Happy. These Muslim Jihaadis were responsible for the death of thousands of innocent people in WTC(people were burnt alive before they even realised what happened) and they are killing more and more people daily. I just wish these Muslims all over the World are burnt to death at once,then the world can live in peace.

Indian (USA)
20 Apr, 2012 09:03 PM
All the Indian morons expressing their condolences should jump off a cliff and die, we don't want you cowards. Enemy is enemy dead or alive. We Indians, especially Hindus should be happy at this. India especially hindus have submissive/coward mentality but they call it humanity. I hope all of you expressing condolences also die some kind of accident. The only good **** is a dead ****.

Oh and there's hundreds more.

Any Pakistani that wants to make peace with these savages should shoot himself.
Punjab by virtue of its high population controls Pakistan and its military.

Mr.Zardari is Balochi born Sindhi

and Kayani is a tribe found in Punjab, Balochistan, FATA, and Iran.....
Nah, we're okay. We don't want peace, but your country in pieces.

:lol: good luck with that. After partition we've only gained more territory, Hyderabad, Goa, Sikkim, Siachen Glacier.

pakistan has only lost territory in one of the most humiliating defeats. ;)
....and that implies Punjabis are ruling? The PM is Seraiki or Iranian anciestry, President is Baloch/Sindhi; last president was Mohajir, the one before him a Kashmiri, the one before him Sindhi...lol. Keep your BS to yourself.

Well when we say that our PM is a Sikh, ex-president is a Muslim, you people respond by saying that the real power rests with Hindus. The same can be applied here too. Your president may be Sindhi, but the real powerhouse in Pakistan, the military is controlled and dominated by Punjabis.
India is no longer seen as enemy: Ayaz Amir

Is not Kashmir any matter to PK now?
Comments made by Indians on their toilet news site regarding plane crash in Pakistan:

Oh and there's hundreds more.

Any Pakistani that wants to make peace with these savages should shoot himself.

So you are basing your comments on some random comments in a newspaper site. Let some disaster strike India and you will find Pakistanis also making the same comments.
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